I have FFA. I have taken protonix (acid inhibitor) for years and just wondering if this could be a contributor to this problem. Do any of you take this Med?

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I've taken omeprazole for two years four months. Two months after starting it i noticed increased hair loss. My G.P. said it doesn't cause hair loss. I've asked my rheumatologist and dermatologist if the drug could be causing the loss and they don't think so. I'm going to try to get off of it.

Brenda, I have tried so many times to come off this med. Let me know if you are able to and what you do to help with the heartburn. thanks

I haven't been able to yet. I cant seem to give up all the foods that cause the reflux. DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) works for some people but i hate the taste. The news this morning said putting lemon or lime juice on your food or in a beverage before you eat works.

I've been taking Omeprazole for several years ie more than 5 but less than 10 years. I would need to check with my GP for the exact length of time. My eyebrows disappeared 2-3 years ago and I was finally diagnosed with FFA a month ago following comments from a hairdresser that I didn't have any facial hair on my forehead or side of head. I went to my GP and he referred me to a Dermatologist.
The derm requested lots of blood tests and the only one which wasn't normal showed I was low in iron and I'm now taking Ferrous Fumurite for 3 months.
I have been doing some online research about my medication(I take several for BP/Cardiac problems) and this alerted me to Omeprazole which by changing the amount of acid in the stomach can affect the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. Iron, calcium and magnesium are the 3 main ones mentioned! It would be good to find out how many others on here are taking PPIs?
I was taking 10mg in the morning and again at night because of reflux. Since Saturday I have just been taking the night tablet and I'm ok. Hopefully this should help with the iron absorption and some of the other supplements I'm now taking.

I have taken various types of acid inhibitors for GERD, most recently Nexium, since the 1990's. I would love to be able to stop, but have suffered severe rebound acid if I miss a day.



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