My Mom just gave me an ad by HairMax. They sell medical-grade lasers to restore hair growth. About a year ago I was at a CARF support group and I recall two women decided to buy a laser treatment device; they split the cost (it was in the thousands I believe) and share the device. They seemed to think it was helping.

From what I can tell, the research for low level laser light therapy has been for androgenic alopecia. I'm wondering if it would be effective for our scarring alopecia. Does anyone have experience with this? Or can you ask you doctor his/her thoughts? My derm is supportive but I don't see him much anymore as we have exhausted all treatments. I think if I contacted him his reply would be it might be worth a try but there is no evidence based research for cicatricial alopecias. However, my current regimen of clobetasol and Rogaine is used for AA, which is where I think they get a lot of their ideas in this trial and error process we all are enduring.

For $800 I would consider this device if there is even some success. I am reaching a desperate stage right now!  I wax and wane between acceptance and frustration, but I have seen some more loss recently and am afraid it won't be long before I need to start looking into hair pieces.

I would love to hear your thoughts! Here's a link to the site:

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Hi Ann Louise

What makes me question this as a treatment for FFA is that, as far as I am aware, one of the defining features of FFA is that the hair follicles are killed off, so it wouldn't work. I don't know much about the treatment, but it does emphasise about helping hair growth. If the follicles are defunct, they won't produce the hair to grow.

Anyone actually tried it for FFA? Would be amazing if it worked.


Hi there,

I've been using the professional (prescription needed) Davlin blue laser this past year.  I bought a HairMax red laser comb for travel.  The blue light Davlin (used weekly to every other week) does settle that irritated look at the follicles.  I have never had severe inflammation, eg severe itching, burning, or pain.  I am not sure using laser on severe inflammation would be a good idea.  The blue laser has not stopped hair loss, however, it is unknown if the loss has been slower than if I was not doing laser.  I chose to use laser as when I tried a couple of medications initially, I had side effects, so I choose not to use medication.  However, with this frustrating condition, you feel like you need to do "something".  Since I don't use the Hair Max comb on a regular basis, I don't know if it does anything.  However, I expect, the HairMax band would be easier to use than the comb.  It would be good to hear from others that have tried, or are using laser.

I see the Carf conference in New Orleans has a short session on Saturday afternoon, 6/4, "Lasers for hair - Do we care?"



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