Hi all, wanted to start a Medications Discussion in response to the query by Mairi and Debs earlier today about some of the meds that I am on.

I am currently on Propecia 1.25mg (actually Finestride which is the generic version) and Minoxodil foam as well as a steroid solution which is very easy to use (Clobetesol .05%).

I would say that the Minoxodil 5% did slow down my overall shedding. I used to brush my hair and there would be a layer of lost hairs on the floor. That has more or less stopped. I might lose 2-3 in the morning as I get ready for work. And the foam does add some body. I part my hair and apply in stripes from front to back on top and at the sides. I was doing 2X per day but now am doing it once in the morning.

I'm not sure what the Finestride does except that my eyelashes are really long and I'm back to shaving my legs again. . . that had stopped. It is also supposed to keep the hair in a growing stage.

I have had injections of steroid in the past year and it does make the inflammation subside. . . but the skin gets thin and dimples at the injection site so I have had to stick with the solution nightly. I just wash my hair in the morning and apply Minoxidil while my hair is damp.

I am going to a new doctor next week, Dr. Barbosa who participated in the CARF conference. I am interested in whether any of these treatments are saving hair in the long run or if FFA is going to claim the hair anyway. I'm also looking at the Whole30 diet which is kind of like the Paleo diets to see if I could adhere to it for a month. I'm willing to try anything!!

I was diagnosed through biopsy last November with FFA and lichen planopilaris. . . and my loss sounds like it is at the same stage as Mairi. . .temples and eyebrows are thin and receded and I'm noticing maybe an inch gone at the top.

I suppose there could be worse things, right?? But this seems like alot to swallow sometimes.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hard to think of worse things :-) - would rather lose a leg than my hair! Where are you? I have read that Propecia is not licensed for use by women in the UK. Minoxodil is available over the counter here. The regular strength says 1ml contains 20mg. Anyone know if that is the same as 5%? The hair I have is very fine and loses condition easily so I have never washed it every day - but I may have no alternative now. I also read that when Minoxodil is applied the hair should not be dried with a hairdryer. Is this true? Do you apply the Clobetesol together with the Minoxodil? Thanks for starting the discussion on this topic.

Hi MairiM,
I'm in Chicago, IL, USA. I have applied the Clobetesol with the Minoxidil but I've scaled back to only the Clobetesol at night and then a single application of Minoxidil in the AM. The dermatologist said to put the Minoxidil on first and then the Clobetesol when I had asked that question about using both at the same time. Not sure about the hairdryer/Minoxidil combo. I typically almost dry my hair and then apply. When my hair is a bit wet it doesn't seem to be as sticky after the Minoxidil. This is the product that I am using:

Thank you. I can get the Rogaine/Regaine - was just looking at it online today. Will have to ask GP about Clobetesol - is that a cream or a liquid? Sorry to ask more questions! Perhaps Celia can also tell us what is in the 3M drops.

It comes in foam or a solution drops which seem to be alcohol based. The foam made my scalp itch so I switched to the drops. The solution dries very quickly and soaks into the scalp and does not affect the hair. . . no stiffness or stickiness.

Hi Chris, thanks a million for providing so much info on your meds. I am seeing a dermatologist on Sunday for my biopsy to get confirmation of FFA and he only mentioned a steroid cream when I saw him before. I can buy minoxidil in the UK over the counter but the propecia I think I would need a doctor to prescribe to me... I too have lost my hair on legs and arms but I still have underarm hair. I have very sparse hair on eyebrows - I got them tattooed last November and I have a really sick feeling that my eyelashes are getting thinner as well. I have just experiemented this morning and washed a wig! I only wore it for the first time on Sunday, it was not dirty but I wanted to see how easy/hard it is to wash and what it looks like after!!! It is now drying, fingers crossed it will be ok. Then at least I have a plan B. Thanks again for the info, it is a tremendous relief to me that I have other ladies with the same condition to share with on this forum. Have a good day.. Debs x

I'll tell her about it for sure. It is a great support for me to know there is a place to share experiences and ask questions.

Hi, everyone. I was diagnosed in July. I lost at least an inch at my temples and probably 1/2 inch at the front hair line. I think my center part is thinning, and I watch it all day and every day. I am taking Plaquenil 200 mg 2x a day, Doxycycline 100 mg 2x a day, and use Clobestasol one time a day. I am only on the meds for 6 weeks and have no idea if it is working. I have had two rounds of steroid injections, too.

Based on what Chris told me, I asked my derm for Propecia and she agreed to prescribe, but my insurance will not cover it, and the cost is out of the question. I am going to ask her about the Finestride next time I see her. Maybe the generic is more affordable.

I read a lot about the Paleo diet, but I get nervous about diets that eliminate entire food groups like dairy. Wonder if it is just another fad?

I am still sad and scared.

We are all sad and scared. You should start another discussion for feelings. I have just posted on the wigs discussion that my friends must think I have Alzheimers - I am so forgetful and lacking in concentration, which is not like me at all. I also am constantly thinking about and watching my hair

My insurance would cover the Propecia but it was so expensive. The Finestride is cheap and the dermatologist prescribed 5 mg which I cut into 4 pieces with a pill cutter for the 1.25 mg amount per day. I think it is less than $10 for 7 pills with insurance. I know it is making hair grow because of my eyelashes and legs—just not sure if it is affecting my scalp. I have Cigna insurance.

Found this, but it might be a dodgy website.
I haven't registered on the site so I don't know what they are charging.
As I said before, I think Propecia/Finasteride isn't licensed for use by women in the UK - a doctor wouldn't be allowed to prescribe it.

Hello Ladies, Weill I had my biopsy performed a couple of hours ago, painless thank goodness, I get the result in a few weeks. The dermatologist asked how often I use chemicals on my hair, I said about 50% of the time. I have been dyeing my hair dark brown for about 25 years (I am almost 50) and I have also had professional salons use chemicals to relax my hair at various times. The dermatologist asked me not to use any more chemicals on my hair as there is an opinion amongst some derms that the use of chemicals could be a possible cause of FFA. He will talk to me in a few weeks time about treatment (he has already mentioned a steriod cream - I don't honestly expect that to work). I live in Surrey in the UK, I have asked my derm if the NHS will contribute to the cost of wigs, he has said yes. I can afford to buy wigs but I wanted to know what financial help there is out there for people with FFA. I know that it varies from region to region. I will advise you all of what treatment I am prescribed and the outcome.



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