Hello guys, thanks for accepting me in your group.
I am so frustrated lately. Shedding lots of hair, but GPs treat it as a cosmetic condition. I am almost sure I have scarring alopecia. Otherwise, how would you explain progressive hair loss over the years and also bumps in my scalp and receding hairline? I think I also have androgenetic alopecia, as the loss is located at my crown. My mum doesn't have much hair, my older sister was diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia, so I guess I have it as well.
To add to this, I look at my mum's scalp pictures and I know she has FFA. She has little hair, very little, all very weak and white, lots of red dots in the scalp and she also doesn't have eyebrows...
Seriously, what can I do about that? It is useless to ask GP to refer me to a dermatologist, they already refused. Instead, they blame it on my iron deficiency, that is something I had before and I know it is not the only reason why I lose so much hair.
Does anyone know about a good hair clinic in North Yorkshire?

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi, Lola. Welcome to the group nobody wants to join. One of our UK members, "Debs", has put together an FFA Fact Sheet. If you browse her posts, you may be able to find a link. If not, try sending her a message. Sorry I can't help with a referral as I am in the US. Hope you find a good doc soon.



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