Hey everyone,

I haven't been here for awhile and even stopped getting notifications when anyone posted. I guess I just needed a break from the daily reminder that I have FFA. Certainly no reflection on all you great folks - I love your energy and the support given to everyone here. 

But I did want to check in again and ask about Protopic. When I was first diagnosed, my derm md mentioned it but said it was really expensive and she didn't have any samples for me to try. I see that it is now available in a generic version and I'm wondering about giving it a try.  Does anyone here have experience with it?

My hairline loss is still gradual and I've become quite adept at making my eyebrows look pretty good. In fact, what little hair I have left on them is usually the ones in the wrong place and I have to force myself not to tweeze any. ;)

But the issue I'm currently dealing with the most is the dry, flaky, dandruffy front hairline. I switched to a natural shampoo with Tea Tree oil and it has helped somewhat but that area gets so scaly and dry and I just don't know what to do about it.

I also thought of getting Clobetasol but I just don't know which is better for the issue at hand. I'm not trying to cure the FFA but it sure would be nice to not deal with the flaky hairline.

Anyone out there have any luck with Protopic? Or can suggest anything else?


Views: 330

Replies to This Discussion

I have had white flaky build up at my hairline and a little further back. Mine was so thick my deem said hair would never grow through it. I used a peanut oil treatment
For five nights and it completely resolved it. fluocinolone Acetonide .01% topical. I didn't use rogaine or clobetasol during that treatment. I recently noticed some more white flaking when I was in a hotel bathroom that had a mega zoom mirror. I came home and did another 4 day treatment and it cleared. I believe the buildup is from rogaine. It was worse when I used the drops and not as bad with the foam. I tend to try to wash my hair every other day or two and I think adding topical without cleaning in between causes it. I have found good ok head and shoulders works good for me.



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