I am just back from my appointment with my derm.  I wasn't expecting much, have been on Cellcept for 6 months with no change...no luck with Planquinil before that.

She was just back from a conference (in Aus) and was talking to her colleagues specialising in hair and they have been using steroid injection for FFA cases, cases where there hasn't already been a lot of recession in the hope of putting it into hibernation.

Well so I was a bit shocked at this point so forgive me if I am vague on details!  I had heard of scalp injection for LPP but not FFA. So we did them there and then, about 5 injections where my activity was.

She said they discussed a technique where they inject as they are pulling the needle out so the steroid is more where it needs to be and not deeper in the scalp so less chance of skin thinning.  The injections had a local in them as well.  It wasn't a walk in the park but it wasn't that bad either.

I see her in 6 weeks to access the results and she said I may need one more, or maybe not,  so I am feeling kind of hopeful.  Something I haven't felt in a while.

She said FFA makes her feel a little helpless as all she could do in the past is throw drugs at it and see and was pleased to have an option that may mean an end to that.

We talked about sunscreen whilst she was injecting and she didn't believe there was any correlation to FFA at all.

So I am allowing myself to be a little hopeful on this one, just a little and wanted to share it here with you all. Of course I will let you know if I have any success. Fingers crossed.


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I did the hydro cortisone injections about 6 times.  Sadly for me I now have what appears to be dents in my scalp, yep it reminds me of a worry stone, that same smooth dent that I seem to fit my finger tips in quite nicely.  Bummer as of course I have envisioned myself of one of those bald sexy women but now even that option is gone.  The spots are tender, as is my scalp, has that nerve ending feeling when I touch it.  Quite frankly I as so sick of fighting this and figuring out options and spending money.  Not sure what I will do next, wish I could be courageous and just get rid of the damn hair and love myself just like that.  I may, dents and all.  Still grateful for my gorgeous microbladed brows and nice ears.  ;o)

Oh Jo I am so sorry to read this. Yes you are gorgeous dents or not.

My derm only thought I would need one or 2 sets on injections so will interested to see in 6 weeks what we chat about. I must say I had had no discomfort at all, nothing, I small spot where she injected and that's it. I had read lots of stories via a Facebook group for FFA and LPP (especially injections for LPP) so was surprised it was on options.

In my heart of hearts I am not pinning all my hopes on it, I pin my hopes on toppers and hair pieces and that is OK as well.

As you say, we will get to a point I am sure were we just love ourselves hair or no hair (I hope anyway) x

Hi Jacqui, Iv had FFA for 16 months and have tried numerous treatments which havnt really worked. I am taking Hydroxychloroquine 2x daily and steroid foam every other day. I'm going to see my dermatologist today and was going to ask about a hair transplant, not sure if this would be an option but I will let you know what he thinks. Also I had my eyebrows microbladed and the lady who did this said she was going to train in tattooing for hair loss, sideburns and scalp! So we may get our bangs back!

Hey Susiewoo good luck at your appointment today. I wonder if your immune system would attack the transplanted hair like it does the natural hair?  Let us know how you get on. :)



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