I was diagnosed with FFA 2 years ago. I think this is the year that I will finally get a wig. But what kind?

I love to exercise and garden and am not a particularly feminine woman. I have worn my hair quite short for many, many years, primarily because I just want to wash it, give it a quick blow dry and be on my way.

I may not be a fem but I am easily embarrassed when people seem to be staring at my hair...or lack of it.

My main problem with wearing a wig is whether it will be comfortable or not. I sweat easily and live in an area that in the summer has high humidity and heat.

Any suggestions for what kind of wig to consider?

Thanks for any advice you can give. 

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I use a wig topper. It has 5 clips and sits on top of my head. It is not hot or itchy, and blends perfectly with my hair. It is so much easier to fix my hair in the morning, and it has given me my self confidence back. I feel the topper has more volume then my baby fine hair ever had. The hardest step was to go into the wig gallery. I have had the topper for 8 months and it still looks fantastic. I wash and condition it once a month. The cost was $188. I went with the synthetic and I cannot believe how natural it looks. I too am an outdoors girl, turning 62 this year who likes to garden and hike and have always worn my hair fairly short. I have had FFA for about 3 years, and am on fenasteride and doxycline. These both have helped and I do have a small amount of growth coming back. My issue was mostly my bangs being thin lack of volume. I no longer feel like I have to check the mirror all the time to see if my bangs are hanging correctly.



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