Hashimoto and Alopecia


Hashimoto and Alopecia

This group is for people who have the autoimmune disease Hashimoto and alopecia.

Members: 87
Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2018

Discussion Forum

How do you take your thyroid medicine?

Started by Shawna. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 14 Replies

Autoimmune clusters

Started by Ms. Aries. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 11 Replies

Has your doctor advised you about not drinking alchool?

Started by Moisuc Alexandru. Last reply by TTs_mommy Apr 28, 2015. 4 Replies

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Comment by Doug on February 2, 2010 at 3:31am
I've had underactive thyroid for 15 years. Caffiene sensitivity began in 2000. Not formally diagnosed as Hashimoto's until recently by an endocrinologist. Full onset Alopecia Universalis in early 2009. Visits to primary care physicians, endocrinologist, dermatologist, all resulted in shoulder shrugs regarding linkage between Hashimoto's and Alopecia. Self referred to the Mayo Clinic in December 2009. 4 days later.... The same shoulder shrugs. A naturopath suggests a complete gluten free, alcohol free, animal free diet. I've been gluten free for 5 months. Not much $$$ to motivate the medical community to research cures for Alopecia it seems.
Comment by Sam Sam on August 27, 2009 at 4:49pm
wow! It’s great to have found this group. I had alopecia for f 8 years. And I was told I had hashimotos in May 2009. My thyroid was removed because it was cancerous. I was told that even though it was removed my body is still producing the auto immune antibodies - just like the synthroid helps to produce hormones.

I say all that to say, my doctor told me that alopecia is one sign that the body is producing auto immune antibodies. He said if there is one there is more. I thank God that when I went to my endocrinologist he thought this way. As soon as I told him I had alopecia, he said Autoimmune thyroid. And he was right.
Comment by Nancy Schmelzer on July 9, 2009 at 10:52pm
Hi everyone, My daughter who is the one who has alopecia(AT) was just diagnosed with Hashimotos.She is 9. After being on medication for it, will her hair grown back? Thanks-Nancy
Comment by Eileen Simpson on May 19, 2009 at 11:14pm
Hi, new here.
I am a celiac, and AA right now I do have (hypothyroidism) also. is it the same thing as hoshoimoto? thanks.

Comment by italiangirl on May 10, 2009 at 3:59pm
i had Hoshoimoto since 2000 and my AA came out in 2006, at the beginning of pregnancy.
do you think they are linked?
is there a remedy?
i hate me, losing hair.
Comment by Donna on March 8, 2009 at 2:19pm
Hi Jessica,
Auto immune neutropenia is where white blood cells called neutrophils are attacked and killed by the immune system. Neutrophils are the white blood cells that make the body better when we are ill, fortunately we also have another type of white blood cell called lymphocytes that patrol our bodies keeping us healthly, I'm pleased to say I have plenty of those cells. If my neutrophil count is very low though and i do get ill my body is unable to fight the infection on it's own and requires introvenous antibiotics.

I discover my son had thyroid disease because he developed a goiter, when i first took him to my gp he said it was just puberty and i shouldn't be worried, as time went by his goiter remained and he started to develop other symptoms so i then spoke to my specialist who said he should have his blood checked out. The results came back that he had hashimoto's and his thyroid function was extremely low which apparently for a young male is not very common at all. So far he has no other auto immune disorders and i very much hope it stays that way. As a result of my son's delayed diagnosis his bone age is 2 years behind and he is very small for his age, the doctors have assured him he will catch up with his growth and all will be ok.

Comment by Jessica on March 5, 2009 at 12:02am

WHAT IS nEUTROPENIA? How did you find out about your son? I Have 3 kids and am always worried that it would not be diagnoised if they have it. Lots of docs just say oh don't worry about that their fine.

Comment by Donna on February 22, 2009 at 6:51am
I have been AU/AA/AT since the age of 8yrs. I am currently AU, I was diagnoised with Hashimoto's about 3-4 years ago at age 33yrs. I have also been disgnoised with auto immune neutropenia at the same time. 6 months after my thyroid diagnoisis my son was diagnoised also with Hahimoto's he was only 11 at the time, he does not suffer from alopecia.
Comment by sgomez on December 20, 2008 at 10:48pm
Hi Everyone!
I have had alopecia all my life, but was just diagnose w/ Hashimoto's about 2 years ago. It was at an emergency room visit when I had a really BAD flu. The doc who examined me noticed my thyroid gland was enlarged and ordered a blood test. It came back positive for hypothyroid. You know, before I was diagnosed I was always tired and cloudy headed. It was hard for me to get motivated. I thought it was just me. That I was not taking care of myself, but as soon as the medication started taking effect I felt so much better. It really changed my life. I am currently on 50mcg from M-F. I am due for new labs though. I have noticed that I have been feeling really cold lately. Has anyone experienced this?
Comment by Tommy on November 2, 2008 at 5:24am
We searched 6 months for the perfect dose, I now take 150µg L-thyroxin every day since a year and just feel great. Basically my thyroid does not have to work anymore and antibodies have thus decreased. Tip of the day ;-)

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