Hi I am newly diagnosed and i have about 5 or so bald spots the size of quarters but head is itching so bad its driving me nuts any one have any advice

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That was the sign that my hair was falling out. In my mind, the hair was "detached" from my scalp but still sitting in there, and when a loose hair rests on your face, arm, chest, it also itches/tickles until you swipe it off. After showering and combing out all the hairs, the itching stopped. My eyebrows itched like crazy before they fell out, too.

My advise is to give your head a nice comforting massage the next time you shampoo, even use a menthol product like Nioxin, and tip your head back as if under a waterfall to rinse. Don't look at what has come out because that part is out of your control, but you can make your scalp feel nice.

Welcome to AW. :) Stephanie
My head is itching like crazy too. I have about 10 nice size bald spots in the back and on the sides of my head. I bought T-Gel by Neutrogena and it makes my head feel like its freezing from how mentholated it is. Even though its only a temporarly relieve that lasts till the next day (I shower in the evenings) its definitely worth it. They have that at drug stores and Wal-Mart.
My head used to itch too where the new spots were forming. Also, my scalp would turn pink in those areas...I think it is the inflammation where the roots are being "attacked". I used to take ibuprofren and it seemed to help.
My derm prescribed Olux-E foam for this. It's the topical steroid clobetasol propionate. It worked for me within 2-3 days when I was ready to just chop my head off from the itching and pain.

It is fairly expensive though. I have a high deductible plan so I had to pay out of pocket, about $383. Most docs will have samples though. When I told her what it cost (she says she had no idea it was that much), she instructed her nurse to give me a bag of samples. And it was literally a bag! I walked out of there with a full bottle of Clobex (another version of clobetasol) and about 8 samples of Olux, so I'm set for a while.

If you have an HMO, check your formulary. It's at least be worth asking your doctor about.

I swear, that itching can easily take over your life. :(
I am so glad you asked this I was ready to post the same thing. I feel at times that I am going to go crazy when my head starts itching. Does anyone else get bumps? Last night over half my scalp was red and it felt like it was burning.



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