I so much admire all of you, My hair fell out in the diffuse form and having paid fortunes running to top derms in London had to had biopsy because everybody convinced it was telegon another form of hair loss which grows back. Still the shock of being told it was alopecha areata and possible might lose all of it was the most terrifing thing in the world and i was prepared to do anything. Flew to America to stay with my mother armed with prednisone steriods as hair falling rapidly after 70% hair loss my hair started growing back eventually came of the steriods and have full head of hair but keep getting little spots which grow in one place and fall out another when does this stop

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Hi Denise,

I remember looking in the mirror as I was quickly balding and wondering the same thing. Is this EVER going to stop, I can't believe this!

But somewhere along the line it stopped. It stopped on the inside, regardless of what was happening on the outside. So, I guess I want to say, it that it takes times. To stop fighting ans surrender is a hard thing to do. But something wonderful can sprout out of that. Every woman that you "admire" on Alopecia World laid in heaps of tears, each one of us fought like crazy to try to avoid the possibility of baldness. I don't think there is a woman on earth who has lost her hair to Alopecia and woke and went on with life as usual.

But I can tell you that your fight to maintain your hair won't do it. It is finding a way to be OK and live a full happy life, whether you grow your hair back or not.

I know and feel your pain Denise and it is real. But I also what you can do in the meantime while you wait and see if your hair will grow back or not, is to start addressing your self-acceptance.
Hi Cheryl, i think those are very wise words I just which I could start accepting this.
Hi I am newly diagonsed and it really taken me, my hair fell out like teloogen, they told my it is Chemical but may be alopecia areata, and they will but my on steroids if it is. It is just so difficult to accept, how is your hair now. My hair growth all over my body has slowed down but they are telling me this is down to stress.
Jenny Kyle,

I am curious about the chemical diagnosis. Is your doctor saying your hair loss is entirely due to stress? I have heard of that happening. One person went on anti-anxiety meds and all her hair grew back and years later when she was under stress (and off the meds) it started to fall out again. So, it CAN happen but probably is very rare.

The think my initail hair loss was chemical and there has been a knock on effect which is causing my body hair and ridges in my nails. Bizarre I know. I am waiting on results of my biopsy and I will either be put on steriods or an anti-inflamtory drug.

How are you
How long where you on steroids for, what was the side effect. They are taling about putting me on them for 6 weeks, just need to wait on my skin biopsy results. I have lost neraly all my hair it is awful went and bought two great wigs but am now freaking about me eyelashes



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