I started noticing hair falling out in October 2011. I had one spot the size of a nickel near my forehead and and now its at least 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. I can get by with covering it over with a side part bang. Around christmas I noticed another spot the size of half dollar coin. Since then I have seen a dermotolgist once who injected me with cortisone. I can't tell yet if hair is growing back or not. But I have major thinning out on the other side of my head. I can't tell if its all going to fall out or not. Not knowing is driving me nuts. looking in the mirror has become painful.

I don't know why this is happening. I was super happy when it started, no major stressors or anything like that. In fact I was falling in love with my boyfriend, who moved in around the time I first noticed a spot. Now that it seems to be getting worse, I am falling into a deep depression and pushing him away. He trys to be supportive but also is kind of freaked out by having a bald girlfriend.

I am trying to stay positive but I just end up crying every day.

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Replies to This Discussion

hey lunablue I konw exactly what you are going through. In Nov 2009 i noticed a small bald spot and thats when my hair started falling out. Everytime I took a shower or brushed my hair it would come out in clumps until about 4mos later it was all gone. Over the next year I lost all body hair, and last year I lost my eyelashes and eyebrows. I thank God that my boyfriend now Fiance has been completely supportive througout this whole process. I have also seen a dermatologist and gotten cortisone shots a few times but stopped that, and many other doctors none of which can give me an answer on why this has happened to me and what treatments there are. They have experimental therapys but due to the shots not working I have stopped all. At this point I now have hair growing back slowly on my arms, legs, and now eyelashes, with small hairs on my head. What is weird tho is its all coming back blond, no pigment. This is great progress for me tho even thought I doubt I will have any hair for my upcoming wedding this year. It is really hard to deal with I know but if you read some of my stories from the beginning until now it does get better with time. You will soon gain confidence like I did and realize its not ur fault that you are bald and that you are still beautiful!! If you need anyone to talk to message me anytime! :)



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