I hesitate washing my hair just to avoid seeing clumps of my hair fall out, but I do wash it every other day. Lately I've noticed my scalp becomes itchy, after I wash my hair, and would like to know what shampoo and how frequently should I wash my hair..

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When I first starting losing my hair 3 years ago, I was hesitant to even touch my head. In my mind at the time, I believed the fall-out would cease. One day I couldn't take watching it fall out in the shower anymore so I cut it all off. Ever since then I use Nioxin shampoo. In my hometown there is a hair salon that also specializes in hair loss clients. They recommended Nioxin. When I used to use grocery store shampoo, my head would itch uncontrollably. Ever since I started using Nioxin my scalp has become much healthier and cleaner. I don't use the shampoo in hopes that it will help re-growth, I use the shampoo to make my head look and feel healthy.
Shampoos these days have so much junk in them that it just all cakes to your head or hair. Look up Nioxin. Maybe it will work for you.
Thank you Sarah, I admire my boldness and strenght. Last night during my shower, I noticed more hair clumps than usual and became curious as to how much actually showed on my head, big regret!! I have not stopped crying since 10pm and been up ever since. I saw how much, well how little hair I have. It's a bald spot connected to a bald spot,that leads to another,and it just goes on like this through my whole head!! I had noticed the spots in the front of head but never had I seen the back!! I still feel tears in my eyes as I relay this. I'm sorry to be the dark cloud in your sunny day..All this is still new to me, I'm still embarrassed to tell my friends or co-workers, but after what I discovered last night, I wonder how much of a secret is it?
I'm in the same place as you right now. I don't know how I'll live with this. I started using conditioner in the shower INSTEAD of shampoo unless my hair is very very dirty. I haven't tried Nixon, will look it up. It seems those I've seen pictures on this and the NAAF website are much younger than I, don't know if this makes it harder or easier.
I know this thread is very old, but I wanted to add a comment. I use the whole Nioxin system and have since my hair started to fall out in August. It seems to help with the itching and the hair that is coming back seems to be full and strong. My feeling is that it certainly can't hurt and the menthol feels really good on my scalp. For those of us with Alopecia, it will not stop hair from falling out or make start to grow again but the quality of hair that comes back may be affected. My son has thin and receding hair and it has made an incredible difference for him.



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