My daughter wants to play soccer for summer, i just don't know how thats going to work being that is a very active sport, not only that but she is going to be around lots of kids. is she going to be a distraction for the other kids? she is going to have a wig soon so i don't know if she is going to be able to wear it for soccer. I don't want to stop her from doing anything she wants but i also want to make it confortable. Do any of your kids play soccer? How is it for him or her?

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My 9 yr old swims and does gymnastics. When she swims she wears a swim cap, but at gymnastics she goes bald headed. It'd be impossible to wear a hat or wig while doing flips and things. The other kids on her swim team and gymnastics class are totally used to her and don't pay any attention. Maybe your daughter could wear a bandana for soccer? It'll keep the sweat out of her eyes and the sun off her head and if you tie it tight it should stay on. She could find one in the team's color. No matter what she chooses to do, the kids on her team will get used to it. If she distracts the other team, so much the better! She can be her team's "secret weapon."
LOL....thats a good idea
Hi! I have a little boy, so much different situation -- he goes bald for all his sports activities, but I did meet someone whose daughter is 14 years old and has had alopecia universalis since about 7 years old. She plays basketball. She wears a bandana while playing ball. At school she wears a wig, but switches to the bandana to allow for more activity and to be more comfortable.
My 8 year old son plays soccer and he loves it.At beginning kids looked at him but the second time he went to play everything was normal.The coach is very important ı think u should first talk to the coach about alopecia so that he can stop the unwanted looks and talks ! Good luck ...
I think it is great that your daughter as a sport she wants to play and loves. Don't let having no hair stop her because it would send the wrong message. Headbands are a great alternative. I think she may find a wig too hot to play soccer in this time of year. I also suggest the headbands with the hair sewn into them. My daughter found them to a comfortable alternative in the heat. Cindy
to emine and cindy are your boys totally bald? And do they get sunburned on their heads? Just wondering because MIkey wants to play soccer this summer but im worried about him getting sunburned. And do they allow boys to wear bandanas while playing soccer?
I like Gretchens idea about her daughter being the teams secret weapon. LOL! All teams need a weapon at times. And to think no one gets hurt.
Hallo, sorry, I do not wanna be rude, but I do not understand you??!!!
If you daughter wants to play soccer, let her play, AA is not a sickness, and a wig in summer? I' believe strongly
that your daughter have enough confidence, you can not protect her from staring, I believe you can support her with
confidence!!! If she is happy, please do not stop it because ( I call it beauty mistakes) of the hair!!! My daughter do not play soccer, she dance ballet, and start kids tennis ( she is 4.5 years) and this with all the little beauty's ( !!!!) Our kids will have AA for the rest of there life, so WE have to learn to live with this condition, and this is not easy!!!
Take care, you have a very pretty daughter, so have confidence and do not worry what other may think, be happy for you child, " I learn to not to look to other people so I dont see the staring!!!!!!! Much greetings, Sabine
you're right Sabine Im making my daughters AA a big deal when it isn't, she is not sick she is a happy little girl. I do try to look the other way aswell, what can you do people will always find something to talk about, Thank you all for your kind words i really appreciated



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