My daughter has 3 bald spots that are bigger than past ones, and she seems to be thinning more too. We are trying to be proactive since she is a junior in high school and that is certainly a challange enough with out losing your hair! Right now the spots can still be covered, though one is about 4x4.
Has anyone teen had fabulous luck with a wig that was great ....even by teenager standards?

They are calling her bald spots alopecia and she has thyroid issues as well as possible iodine deficency.

This is all brand new to me and I would love to know where to start and also where to avoid!

Views: 174

Replies to This Discussion

Hello there....i dont have a teenage daughter, my little girl has a permanent form of hair loss since birth so i have
researched alot into wigs. we have tried the dermalite, syntetic wigs etc but my advice would be to look into
a vacuum or suction wig as they are so secure and so realistic. my daughter has scanty patches of hair on her head which we have to keep shaved as any hair or stubble on the head would mean the vacuum wig would not form a seal.
what i love about the vacuum wig is that nobody can pull it off her head, the hair is amazing quality and while they are expensive, you should get 2 or 3 years out of it as your daughters head is fully grown.
how would she feel about taking the big step of shaving any remaining hair off? this would have to be done at your first consultation as they would need to take a plaster mould of her head to achieve a perfect fit.......if you want to look into it you can google freedom wigs or peggy knight or little girl has a freedom vacuum wig but im sure they are all similar.....feel free to contact me if you have any other questions!!
Thank you for your advise. We are not at the shave whole head stage. Just trying to be proactive.
The whole unknown is the big battle right now. Last year she had 2 spots and after about 3-4 months they started to grow back on their own. This time they are significantly bigger and she is starting off with thinner hair than last year too. She flip flops between being brave and carefree and crying .....I guess that is expected.

I am thinking that another form of wig might be for someone that still has quite a bit of hair ....just losing it in spots? I do wonder if cover her existing hair with a wig will cause more natural hair to fall out?

Anone have help there?
if she still has alot of hair and you just want to cover the spots then i would recomment a topper that can be woven into her own hair to keep it in place. you would never be able to tell the difference between her own hair and the added piece. i think they are mesh or lace based. ill see if i can find out more for you...
I would love info on this topper idea.
Thanks for your input
Hi Tandy, my daughter wore headbands from Claires until she lost too much. They have many different options there. Also, if your thinking about a wig the hair club for kids is great. many of the girls here have them. My 7 yr old wore it for a year. Her hair is growing back now. They give 3 free wigs a year an 8 free services. They did a great job matching a color from pictures. Cindy
Thank you for the advise. I was also told locks of love helps kids too. Have you heard of them?
Sorry to butt in but I have heard of Locks of Love. The kids with Alopecia are one the main sources of their recipents. Its all through donation and I believe you can wind up paying nothing for the wig depnding on your financial situation. I haven't checked into that part. Because of the vaccum you have to be 8 to get one and my little girl is only 3. I have donated to them several times myself even before I have my daughter.
Tandy, Locks of Love gives free suction wigs to kids based on final need. You need to get an application, doctors note, 2 letters of reference and provide a tax return. Then in a few wigs they will send you their answer. It was frustrating for me to go through as a parent. If you qualify it takes about 6 months to get.. The hair club does not make you do all that work and you get the hair in 3 months. I have met people that love the LOL wigs and some that are not thrilled. If you think you'd qualify it is definitely worth trying if your daughter is likely going to loose all of her hair. She would not be able to wear their wig if she had hair b/c it is a suction cap. Cindy
Hi Tandy, When my daughter was loosing her hair we bought a bunch of headbands at claires that were all different widths and it worked great for her until she needed a full wig. I suggest checking out the hairclub for kids. They give 2 free hair replacements a year. A lot of the girls on here have them. My daughter liked hers. She now has a short cut and isn't wearing them, but wore them for a year. Good luck, Cindy
I am a 15 myself and I have been through a cheap human hair which was good at first but it isn't very natural I wouldn't go with that and I had a synthetic I loved it but they just don't last that long especially if you do sports.. Then I tried Amy's Presence which isn't bad at all it is pretty good now i am trying Hair club for kids... I would go with this it looks natural it is human hair so you can style it however you want and IT IS FREE TIL YOUR 18!!! Im actually going to go friday to get it! [:
Very cool! My daughter is going for her fitting at Hair Club for Kids on Saturday! Ill let everyone know how it goes.
Thanks for all the input.

Good luck with your new wig Friday!
Good luck Tandy..There are many young girls on here wearing them and I haven't heard anyone say they did not like it including my own daughter..Cindy



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