Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads


Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads

This group is for women who have taken the bull by the horns and decided to shave their heads. It is also for those that aspire to someday shave their head. Hopefully we can provide support, guidance and compassion to one another.

Members: 257
Latest Activity: Jul 19, 2021

Discussion Forum

Why Do YOU Shave Your Head?

Started by Pam Fitros. Last reply by wombat123 Sep 10, 2013. 37 Replies

Looking for Smooth Baldness

Started by Nants the Rebellion Dog. Last reply by Themba Shenge Jul 30, 2012. 22 Replies

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Comment by Annette Burrus on February 19, 2011 at 11:33pm
Hello after wearing hats and scarves for a year I finally shaved my head this past summer. I have read some of the stories and they are truly amazing! I'm still not comfotable with the new look. you all are so brave.
Comment by Mary on February 17, 2011 at 9:54am
What a story, Kathy! May you have continued good health.

Every time someone mistakes me for a cancer patient, I feel thankful that ALL I have is AA.
Comment by Kathy on February 17, 2011 at 2:30am
WHOO HOO -- you go Mary!! You look like you were having a blast!! :) I loved your thoughts that you shared. Thanks for your inspiration. I have trichotillomania and shaved my head 2 and a half years ago. I did the wig-thing for about 7 months and ultimately hated it. It was hot and itchy. I felt as if I was wearing a costume or pretending to be someone I'm not. I made the decision finally to just go out there, boldly bald. I love it. I love the freedom and the ease of it. And I love that I found a place of acceptance and peace with my look.

Life is strange, though. Just 1 year after I shaved my head, I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. By the grace of God, it was detected early enough to have not spread, but since I had to undergo chemo, I actually lost ALL of my hair. Now people are quite confused. Initially I told everyone I did not have cancer -- that I was happy and healthy. And then I had to admit that I actually did have cancer. And now, they all ask why I still don't have hair!! It's a crazy story, but it's MY story. And here I am ... happy and healthy and beautifully bald. Life is good and I just feel blessed that my life is so rich in so many ways. And about the hair .. so what!! I'm a lot more than my hair, or lack there of. I hope that more and more women will find that they can hold their heads high and smile at the world. Bald?!! So what!!

God bless and I'm grateful for this opportunity to share my thoughts!!
Comment by Mary on February 16, 2011 at 5:27pm
I'm writing this in response to April Marian...I just posted most of this elsewhere, but it applies to your post. Maybe it will help.

I was exactly where you are 3 years ago. I had just shaved my head and was rapidly on my way to AU. I felt so much better once I more obsessing about my expanding bald spots or the hair on the floor. I was in CONTROL again!

I HATED my wigs, and ended up crying and ripping them off at public events when I got too hot. Some women are physically able to wear wigs...I'm happy for them and support them. I tried wearing wigs for 9 months, and I was miserable.

I finally came to the realization that I had a CHOICE: I could be physically uncomfortable in a wig for the rest of my life, or I could be emotionally/psychologically uncomfortable as a bald woman. I chose physical comfort, and I have come to a place of acceptance with the way I look. I'm free, and my attitude toward other people is summed up by a shirt I had made that says "Yes, I'm bald...get over it!" Yeah, I wish I had hair, but my life has gone on and this is simply who I am now. I don't let my lack of hair stop me from doing ANYTHING, and I never wear a scarf or hat unless I'm chilly or in the sun. If I'm in a scarf and get too warm, the scarf comes off. Why should I sit there and sweat? Men don't.

Check out these videos of me dancing in front of about 2,000 people last August:

LIFE IS TOO SHORT....I have a good friend who was just diagonosed with terminal cancer and she has about 6 months max to live. WHY do we let our lack of hair stop us!? If only more bald women would just go out as they are, it would become as unremarkable, and perhaps as fashionable, as the bald guy look has become!

Good luck,
Mary ..
Comment by Emily on February 11, 2011 at 6:00am
Seedraiser, I feel fine! It was a bit weird when I got up this morning and looked in the mirror, but so far, it's really OK. I was just so sick and tired of trying to hide my bald spots - now I'm wearing a scarf, and it's quite comfortable. Maybe I will try with a wig later, I don't have one yet - this was quite spontaneous... :-)
But that's alright, so far, the scarves are doing well (I bought three this morning :-)), and I'm mostly at home anyway, finishing my master thesis. Once I've handed in my thesis, we'll see how I'll continue - maybe scarves, maybe wigs. Everything is still quite unusual and new, so I'll see how thing will develop.
Comment by Kathy on February 11, 2011 at 1:24am
Hey Miriam!! Thanks for the suggestion to use Alba Botanica Mango Vanilla Shave Cream!! After your message I ordered some -- and I LOVE IT!! I've been shaving my head every couple of days for over 2 and a half years. I think I'll be using this shave cream for many years to come! Thanks so much! :-)
Comment by Emily on February 10, 2011 at 5:13pm
So, I've just done it! :-)

(Just in case you're wondering - my profile pic is already a few years old, so I already did'nt have that much hair left...)
Comment by Angie on January 13, 2011 at 11:13pm
My name is Angie and I have AA with thinning and some spots. I'm not there yet, but I would love to know and have some friends who can help me, when it's my turn. I'm scared. I'm a tough girl, but this AA some days get me down. I just love to read how strong you all are.
Comment by linda carraway on December 7, 2010 at 9:10am
I use an electric razor and only had a few dry spots and that was my fault,
I was trying to hard for a closer shave. ok lets contact neutragena and ask for a ladies aftershave.
Comment by Mary on November 1, 2010 at 5:03pm
Thanks, Christa - I hope to have some photos up soon...I describe some negative experiences in my blog, but mostly it was a wonderful trip.

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