Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads


Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads

This group is for women who have taken the bull by the horns and decided to shave their heads. It is also for those that aspire to someday shave their head. Hopefully we can provide support, guidance and compassion to one another.

Members: 257
Latest Activity: Jul 19, 2021

Discussion Forum

Why Do YOU Shave Your Head?

Started by Pam Fitros. Last reply by wombat123 Sep 10, 2013. 37 Replies

Looking for Smooth Baldness

Started by Nants the Rebellion Dog. Last reply by Themba Shenge Jul 30, 2012. 22 Replies

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Comment by Christa M. on November 1, 2010 at 4:51am
Hi Mary, welcome back! I am looking forward to some photos or impressions of your trip...Hugs
Comment by Mary on October 31, 2010 at 5:10pm
Hello Sisters! I haven't been online since September, and I want to let you know that I didn't abandon AW, and haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I just got home yesterday from a 5 and a half week trip to Indonesia (most of it spent scuba diving). I'm going to be posting a blog shortly about my experiences as bald woman in Indonesia. I've missed AW and all my friends here, and it's great to be back! Hugs to all, Mary
Comment by Linda on October 20, 2010 at 7:00pm
Congrats Lori, about shaving your head, I use a 3-4 blade Schick or Gillette razor and Black Opal products or Witch Hazel to keep bumps away. I try not to use any moisterizer that may clog my pores or that could get ugly!
Comment by Aden Lee on October 16, 2010 at 12:45am
Kristy...i found that using a layer of lotion (any lotion will do) works for preventing the razor burn and it smells better than shaving cream. :)
Comment by Lori M on October 2, 2010 at 8:55pm
Ohhhh I did it! We went out to celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary and I had a "little" uh-hem bit of wine.... I came home and took a shower and what do you know.... The razor took a liking to my hair......or what was left..... I shaved it all off and I am not depressed. I feel liberated actually. I won't go without a wig but the hair is gone!

How do you all shave your heads? I have white hair growing in places. I just grabbed a pink lady razor and went nuts on my head in the shower. It certainly isn't smooth for sure! There must be a way to shave my head and make is smooth. Gosh I am glad it is gone! Now I want to make my head pretty.... hence no stubble. Any ideas?
Comment by Lori M on September 20, 2010 at 5:53pm
Hey all,

No I haven't shaved the head yet but boy oh boy the day she is a coming! Sounds crazy but......I just couldn't face shaving my head and seeing patches of dark where I still had hair. For some reason when I shave my head I want the scalp all to be the same color..... Is that bizarre? I am not loving this whole bald thing on me at all. I am almost there though. I have not too much dark hair left.

What I do have is white hair as well. I did steroid shots for a year and then decided enough...Hair would grow in and more would fall out. What grew in is white and I'll be darned it that stuff wants to fall out.....I was hoping ALL of it would fall out....not just the dark hair with pigment. I am left will smooth bald head where the black is falling out and "Granny Hair" as well.....

Who want Granny Hair! This stupid hair is so thin and so white.... What is the point of that stuff..... I think that is more insulting than being bald! Let's give you pathetic hair that you would see on a 99 year old......Freak!!!!! What can't that stuff just fall out too....

Well thanks for listening to me vent. When I do work up the nerve to do the deed. I will post it. I know I am dreading it. I really don't like myself bald.....
Comment by Christy Ingram on September 20, 2010 at 7:21am
I agree Lily! I tried/have been using T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel because I have noticed since I've been shaving I seem to have a few breakouts-pimples. It doesn't seem to be as drying as the mens stuff!
Comment by Kristy on September 18, 2010 at 8:00am
Okay, for all you ladies out there who shave, what actual products do you use for aftershave or for shaving in general? I have been using all of my husband's stuff since he's been shaving his head for years but I'd prefer not to smell like a man! Is there any sort of aftershave formula that doesn't smell manly to prevent the dreaded razor burn? Suggestions much appreciated! Happy Saturday!
Comment by Mary on September 11, 2010 at 11:05am
Good for you, Kristy!!!! You've joined a world of freedom and comfort. Good luck with going out without a wig...just take baby steps. I kept a journal of my "firsts": first time to the mailbox, first time to the library, first time to the store, to the gym....then pretty soon I didn't think about it at all, and now I'm "Out" everywhere, all the time.
Comment by Kristy on September 11, 2010 at 8:46am
I had AA in the Ophiasis pattern that spread pretty much all over into diffuse AA, and my husband came home with clippers on Wednesday and it is GONE!!! I am finally free of obsessing over every hair falling out, unclogging my bathtub drain, and sweeping hair off of the floor. And I don't look as crazy as I thought I would. Finally Free!!! My babysitter, UPS man, and some family have all seen me bald but I haven't ventured out without a wig yet...wish me luck! :)

Members (257)



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