Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads


Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads

This group is for women who have taken the bull by the horns and decided to shave their heads. It is also for those that aspire to someday shave their head. Hopefully we can provide support, guidance and compassion to one another.

Members: 257
Latest Activity: Jul 19, 2021

Discussion Forum

Why Do YOU Shave Your Head?

Started by Pam Fitros. Last reply by wombat123 Sep 10, 2013. 37 Replies

Looking for Smooth Baldness

Started by Nants the Rebellion Dog. Last reply by Themba Shenge Jul 30, 2012. 22 Replies

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Comment by Mary on April 28, 2009 at 12:51am
For the 3 months or so I was shaving my head, before I didn't need to do that anymore, I just used a regular razor (one with 3 blades, I think) in the shower, and sort of did it by feel...running one hand over the stubble, and VERY lightly stroking the razor over those areas until they felt smooth.
Comment by Jessica on April 27, 2009 at 11:41pm
Thank Goodness for you ladies!!
I am so sorry I haven't been on in a few day so read all these wonderful words of support.
I am sure that my fellow sister didn't mean to come across the way she did, but at the same time i felt unsure I belonged to the group.
I know what you mean about it leaving as fast as it comes. This is my second time around with Extream Patchy Alopecia.
I can grow a pretty narly mowhawk too Carol it's fun at times but not really my look. So i keep the rest shaved.
Do any of you know of a good razor? I go through so many and keep cutting my noggin. lol

thanks again everyone I am so lucky to have all of you
nighty night

Comment by Mary on April 26, 2009 at 6:33pm
Hello sisters,

I recently posted a blog:
"Coming Out Bald at the Synagogue - What the Bible Says about Baldness"
that I think you will enjoy. So, I thought I'd mention it here in case you didn't see it. It was another milestone for me.

Hugs to all,
Comment by Galena on April 24, 2009 at 12:46pm
Hello and Welcome Jessica,
Sometimes when you are in unchartered emotional territory (like dealing with alopecia), you're very sensitive to the comments of others. I'm sure the sister who made that statement did not mean to be careless, but she's human. Don't allow that moment to ruin your expectations of an overall great support system. With or without hair alopecia is unpredictable and we sisters understand that fact. You are welcomed here and at BGDL anytime. I can't wait for an event to be announced in Atlanta, GA.
Take care,
Comment by Mary on April 24, 2009 at 12:15pm
p.s. Jessica - Please go to and click on the Photo Gallery tag on the left. Then click on the "Southern California 2008", and "San Diego 2009" and look at the photos. You'll see me with my hair in the 2008 (hair that was gone two weeks later), and me and Carol at the 2009. Looking at these photos illustrates what Carol and I are saying about feeling welcome, no matter the stage of our hair loss. You can also look at photos from BGDL events all over the country.
Comment by Carol Solis on April 24, 2009 at 12:10pm
Yeah if you look at one of my photos I had a mohawk going on, so I shaved it mostly off,,but top wanted to grow back,,now Im a bald chick, keep it shaved. Like I said most of us have been in stages of loss, regrowth so welcome back ..stay in touch
Comment by Mary on April 24, 2009 at 12:09pm
Jessica, the first Bald Girls Do Lunch event I went to was in January 2008. At that point, I had really widespread AA, but still looked like I had a lot of hair because the bald areas were mostly underneath. I also still had my eyebrows and eyelashes. I remember calling Thea and asking if it was okay if I attended. She reassured me that it was fine. Going to that meeting was the best thing for me and helped me so much!

In January of this year, there was another BGDL event here - the one that Carol went to. Once again, ALL women with alopecia were welcome. As Carol said, there were women in all stages of hair loss there.

Just remember, we've all been where you are! We ALL know that even if our hair grows back, it could go again. No one is going to judge you or feel you don't belong - we're all sharing the same experience of dealing with this, and it doesn't matter what amount of hair loss you have.

Comment by Jessica on April 24, 2009 at 12:01pm
thanks Carol,

I to attended BGDL this past year. I was just starting to lose my hair again. I was told by one of the women that was there ( and i don't think she really trying to be hurtful) That she didn't know why i was there case i still had so much hair. My hair loss has been a long process. It started agian in Sept and I'm still losing it. I have the Ophiasis pattern I have a bunch on top but not much on side and back.
thanks for the support
Comment by Carol Solis on April 24, 2009 at 11:53am
Also welcome back Jesssica
Comment by Carol Solis on April 24, 2009 at 11:52am
Really dont feel like you dont belong ,, went to a BGDL and women are there in all stages of hair loss, everyone one of us went through many stages, until we arrived at this one,, Pretty bald gals

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