so i was wondering the ins and outs of peoples singleness i personally was dumped beacuse of the onset of my AU. and have been single since. not sure if its beacuse of that experience, my self esteem, or women are just put off by my looks now.

but i remain single thus far who knows what lays instore.....could meet a super hot smoothy at confrence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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There are lots of Hot bald chicks at the conference. I have been single for the past year. and that ened for reasons other thatn my alopeica. I think for me a thins point it is a non isssue in my dating. I have gone with out a wig since i was 12 so every one i met knows about my alopecia. I think it halps in a way cause you can kinda tell who is really interested in you, not just your looks. It may be harder to met people but it all about the quality of the people you meet too.

I agree Jennifer, it is very much a non-issue in my dating life, and I find that those who do make the effort to talk to me and get to know me generally are much more real, down to earth and open minded - and therefore are far suited partners for me. I also think that because I go without a wig (like yourseslf) - and appear so comfortable in my own skin it helps. People reflect my own confidence, and attitude towards my appearance.

Brian - your chances could be high :) When I made my way to America, Oakland for the Conference in 2000 (I think?) I met an amazing guy (though we both had seperate partners at the time) - and two of the people we met over there hooked up - I have no idea if they're still together (haven't been able to track down any of them) - but it was awesome fun regardless!!!
Preaching to the choir my friend, preaching to the choir.
Ah, I understand completely. I have AU and it has been one heck of an emotional rollercoaster for the last 7 years. Now, to find someone that shares some of the same experiences would be amazing!
I've considered myself single since 2005. That was when the love of my life left me. He said it was because he had met someone else, but I thought it was a little bit more than a coincidence when it happened about a week after I told him about my alopecia. I haven't tried to get into a relationship since then. I miss the companionship, quite frankly. Alopecia tends to be the deal breaker as far as I'm concerned -- I don't want to tell anyone about my alopecia because I know it will run them off, yet at the same time I don't want to be dishonest either. As a result, I just stay alone and engage in meaningless flings that I can end at any time without any emotional attachment.

I plan on attending the conference in Louisville this year; maybe I'll get lucky and meet someone....
man i would love to meet the one or be in a meaningfull relation ship but quite frankly right about now id even take a meaningless fling is that bad?
Hell no. Meaningless flings - though they get a bad rap - can do wonders for your self esteem, confidence and to drive out those thoughts you get about not being attractive to the opposite sex (or whatever floats your boat :).

They definatley have their place as long as both people are aware of the status of the 'relationship'
My therapist (yea, I see one) even tells me that flings are ok as long as your eyes are open to the intentions... ;-) Feeling sexy for exactly who you are can be very powerful.
ok awsome beacuse i really need to feel wanted and sexy. to have some one caress my head and touch out of desire and want woul;d feel great.
That's so funny you'd say that! My mom used to tell me all the time growing up: "You're going to be so lucky one day to have a man just caress and tickle your head." Haha! I've been single for a long time but I did go out with a guy whom I had been friends with for a LONG time (we're still friends) and he was REALLY into my bald head! It's always nice to have someone not only accept it but be kinda turned on by it, too! ;)

P.S. We should tell NAAF we want a Speed Dating event the first night! LOL!!!
lol yes i agree!!!
they have a young adults social the first night, and Jennifer is the moderator for it, and she is in this group, so maybe we can get her to incorporate it!!!!



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