so i was wondering the ins and outs of peoples singleness i personally was dumped beacuse of the onset of my AU. and have been single since. not sure if its beacuse of that experience, my self esteem, or women are just put off by my looks now.

but i remain single thus far who knows what lays instore.....could meet a super hot smoothy at confrence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Replies to This Discussion

Wow, I wrote my "reply" with out looking at anything other than the subject. I had no idea you were here, certainly not right before me.

AND your name is Nicole. Anyway, I know what you mean, exactly. It's very hard because you don't know how much information to volunteer, or when and maybe even why.

There's good times to be had going out like that, but is there any future? What if someone recoils in disgust, or something. Some folks are very uncouth and have no interest in trying to spare your feelings?

I mean, that whole mannequin thing would put me in a bad place....(ignorant m*&&^%^8+=s!) lol

Like I said on one of my blogs, beauty IS the currency of the 21st century and we have to know that we're on some kind of edge or other when it comes to that. Just be strong and someone good will come along, you deserve it.......
Damn it! I wrote a reply before this one, which is what I was referring to! Sorry, I seem to have lost it...............
35 isn't old at all. It can be hard to get yourself out there in the dating world, but you are young and attractive. I wouldn't doubt yourself.
I just got out of a relationship a few months ago. I woudln't characterize it as serious though. For now, I like being single. I started taking guitar lessons and have decided to hire a Spanish tutor because I feel like I need a refresher in that language. I will admit that there are times when I feel lonely but it passes once I remind myself how blessed I am in regards to family, friends, job, hobbies....etc... Life for me could be so much worse....So during this time of being single I have chosen to improve myself. Hopefully, in doing so, my new and improved self might help someone else in turn!
It's been about 6 months now. Alopecia affected my confidence, and in the end she was truthful and told me I was weak. And I had the pleasure of hearing this whilst she was sitting on her new bf's lap...who is older, more confident and better looking. That wasn't a really nice experience. To be honest I think I'll probably single for a long time, as I find it hard meeting new people.
Hi: My name is James King and I have had alopecia since the age of 9 years old ... I have been single for several years now but I have dated on and off ... I have never been Married and I don't have any children ...I have had a hard time w/dating and I don't think the alopecia has helped much in that area for me! Most of the time I wear a full hair peice (custom made 100% human hair) to work or church ... but around town I wear just a baseball hat ...I was looking to meet people w/ alopecia but to meet a woman with alopecia would be great ... I'm a 37 year old white male ...I'm about 5'10 200 lbs. I have green eyes (My last birthday was on May 17, ... I have been reading the Blogs and enjoy seeing the way you all think about the Alopecia ... some of you don't seem to mind it ... but as for me it's been a real personal hell ... and I hate being bald ... If I had one wish it would be to have a full head of hair ... But after about 25 years of alopecia I'm starting get use to it ... I have had students at school try to pull my wigs off when I was a kid and also had co-workers say uncalled for SH#% to my face or even worse behind my back from so called "friends" ... but what can we do about it???? I would like to thank you for starting this web page ... (we need it!!!) I'm working on Photos for my file ... and as you can see the Computer thing is also new for me ... I have been on-line but never got into the blogs, or chat rooms etc. ( I can't type that fast LOL!:) ... I'm a Seventh-day Adventist Christian ... but I don't push off my faith on others ... I like to think that someday in Heaven we will all have hair ... anyways thanks for your time and God bless ... (Jim K.)
Welcome, James. How about everyone in heaven being bald! That way, we'll have the jump on all of them by being so comfortable with ourselves....LOL

I feel your pain, man. Kids are cruel and humans are heartless. In the end, we all do what we have to and if it doesn't kill you, it can only make you stronger, right?

You've found friends and empathy here, that's for sure. If I can be of help, don't hesitate.
Hey Clayton: This is Jim and wanted to thank you for your message ... never thought about us being bald in heaven ... I know people in our Church who said that we may all be one race like the Jews ... but all of us bald???? ... thats cool; will remember that one and think on it ... I'm looking to make new friends here so it's good to see that some people in the wrold do understand what we are going through ... I'm starting to see more on the web for and about alopecia ... and starting to learn that lots of people through-out history have had alopecia ... and so i'm starting to see we can even make it work for us if we try! ... Thanks and Godbless... Jim K.
I've been single for about 7 years, mainly because I live in an area where there are many couples, lots of single women, and only a few single men. I just haven't been looking and hadn't give it much thought until recently. In the past, my alopecia has never been an issue in my relationships (and I'm 54, so there have been many relationships). Nonetheless, when I think about jumping back into the pool, alopecia becomes a stumbling block for ME. For example, I'm using an online dating site. When should I reveal it? I'm afraid that if I let the alopecia out of the bag too soon, I could scare someone off before they understood what it really is. On the other hand, if I hold back until after a few in-person meetings/dates, reveal, and get rejected, it would be awkward. Even though my rational mind knows that anyone who dumps you due to alopecia is a loser, my emotional self doesn't want to deal with that sort of rejection.
So, did you meet a super hot smoothy at the conference ? I hope you did ! I was not able to go this year but it it so much fun ! Bald guys are sexy. Even guys that have hair are shaving their heads. I didn't get married until I was 41 (not because of AU) & now I'm separated after 4 years because he is a jerk. He was fairly accepting of my baldness. If anyone dumps you because of AU you don't need them. I've been bald since I was 17.
Divorced 5 or 6 years. I don't take much time to keep count. I have only been losing patches of hair since end of last year. Again, I don't take time to keep count LOL I had male pattern baldness anyway since my 20's and it is funny that if a guy shaves his head he is not ridiculed as much as the guy who has no control over just regular old male pattern baldness. He is considered a loser if he is losing his hair, but cool if he chooses to shave it? i don't get it

Alopecia had nothing to do with divorce, and will not get in my way to meet a lovely understanding lady and have some romance. Are their any sweet Asian ladies in this group? I am very attracted to Asian women and they can look great with hair or not!

I am self-conscious about my Alopecia, but you know what? i don't have to see myself if I don't want to and i don't need to gaze into mirrors if I don't want to. hehehehe i just pity the people that have to see me without a hat LOL



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