Because we are bald does that we mean cant aim for someone that's really good looking?

Alot of people will probably hate me for saying this but having alopecia hasn't made me more open to guys that i dont find attractive. is this ridiculous? Because me being bald or not i still have the same taste in guys. sometimes i think this is my problem when it comes to guys because i want guys to accept me for being bald but i still dont give guys a chance who i dont find good looking. i dont really know how to explain it. what are your views? anyone else think like this?

Views: 112

Replies to This Discussion are who you are; you like what you like and you want what you want... it's called being human. I'd add a small caveat, if I might; since I'm sure you'd like to be judged on who you are more than your appearance (attractive young woman tho' you are) - you might wish to reciprocate a little bit when dealing with the world at large. Spend the $.02 as you will.
I totally agree! I feel the exact same way! I always question myself and I shouldn't. We deserve just as much as everyone else in this world - to be happy! Sometimes I wonder if I will find "that guy".
I am the same way as well. We have our tastes. We are human and having hair, or no hair, is not going to change that. Kinda ironic in way huh?
I think you should at least give them a chance who knows you might end up liking their personality. I don't think you should lower your standards, though, because you don't think you are good enough looking. You won't know until you ask the guys you like.
6 Billion humans on earth and still counting... I'm not looking for "that girl" and I am not a Ken Doll, nor would I ever want to be... but never short change yourself - with so many humans on earth, you're only limited by your social surroundings.
Everyone has personal tastes, but you have to ask yourself if you are judging someone's looks by society's standards (brainwashing) or your standards (choice). I admit that I am a victim of social brainwashing and I have battled it for years, trying to see people, I mean really see people, for who they really are and not judge them by the standards of a superficial society, whether it's looks or ideas.

I don't have enough confidence and usually end up dating people that I don't find physically attractive per say but enjoyable to be around. If I see a guy that I find really attractive I usually assume he wants a 'pretty girl' as in normal looking, not me. But, if I'm asking someone to not be superficial about my not having hair I'm not gonna be superficial about apperances either.



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