As for me, I'm 25 years old and have had alopecia since I was 9. I've been single my whole life, never had a boyfriend. It kind of makes me upset that I have friends and family who just assume I am never gonna meet someone because of alopecia. My parents even joke that if they want a grandchild, its gonna be a test tube baby. I just wish I could find someone who loves me for me, and prove everyone wrong. I'm a good person and I deserve to be loved....right?

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Yes, you are a good person and everyone deserves to be loved ! The important thing, dear Jaime, is for you to truely believe this about yourself. You were created in the "likeness and image of God", you are perfect and whole just like you are. Embrace this as your truth and meditate on this daily. What your friends or family think of you is NOT your reality unless you accept it as such. You are "BEAUTI-FULL"!! Believe that about yourself and others will as well. Start visualizing yourself being in a great "love" relationship with the person of your dreams. Imagine how it will feel...and it will be your experience sooner than later. Heh, I'm holding a vision for you in my minds eye ! :o) Kalilah
...ooohhhh - don't do that to yourself, kiddo. And don't turn "prove everyone wrong" into a grail - that way lies madness and deeper sorrow. Put your best self out there without the string of expectation... be kind to yourself, while you're at it. No guarantee that'll change your 'luck,' but it does get one thru less painfully...

be well,
John- you are obviously a man of wisdom, beautiful words!
Hi Jaime,

YES- Absolutely … you deserve to be loved!

I agree with what both Marjorie and John have said but wanted to add…

Please don’t worry about being 25 and never having a boyfriend- you are so young and I have no doubts you will find “him” when the time is right. I think we all want the same thing- to NOT be judged because of alopecia or any part of our appearance for that matter, but rather to be accepted for who we are! unfortunately that is not always the case…. and it’s not fair and it does hurt. If you should find yourself in that situation just remember this “ Man’s rejection is God’s protection.” -- Trust me it may not feel like it at the time but in good ole hindsight it’s always true!! So in the mean time just keep loving yourself and be comfortable with who you are.

I’ve been single for a couple of years – and I understand sometimes it can be lonely... so hang in there you are not alone and most of us can relate to how you feel at one point or another- I know I can! Also I think the more comfortable we are with ourselves the easier it is for others to be comfortable with us. Just keep being you- it will come!

wishing you lots of love and happiness!!!
Hi Jamie,

Hang tight. Mr Right could be just around the corner.

same here honey, im 22 never dated and my whole family assumes im a lesbain (not that i care) but ive never dated and it bothers me. ive had alopecia since i was 11 and im still not comfortable with it and if im not comfortable with myself i dont know if ill be able to be with someone else, it just doesnt seem like its gonna happen, ever. im sure it will and for you too but it sucks and your are sooooo not alone in that department.
A piece of advice from me to you.
Go to a NAAf Conference! It will change your life! I know it did for me and thousands of others!!!

Shame on your parents for adding to your pain! Shame, shame, shame! Honey, you need to speak to them about how those remarks hurt you -- even if they don't do it intentionally -- it still hurts, and it needs to stop!
That is terrible. Absolutely terrible. Parents think they are being so funny sometimes and they are just being hurtful.
You deserve to be loved just like the rest of us. I like to think of it this way. It cuts through all the crap that other people have to deal with as to whether this person is really interested in you or just what you look like.
Other people waste time in relationships that aren't meaningful. At least when I finally find someone that will accept my alopecia, i know they love ME.
as for the rest of them, they are all effers.
Next time your parents say that look them dead in the face and say "why is that funny?"
And just wait. Don't say anything else. If they don't answer ask them again.
I am snarky so personally I would say "oh, you think that is funny? well if by "funny" you mean "cruel" and "insensitive" I would have to agree."
Then I would glare.
Hang in there chica.
You have a great smile, Jaime. You are an awesome person. Just keep loving life and the rest will fall into place. It's funny that your parents are thinking about grandchildren already...

Noticed that we are both in the Northeast. If you would like to join another support group, there is one starting in Albany, NY and that's not too far from Rockland (will look it up).

hii dear,,,,,,same here,,,am 30 years old,,,am doctor and still single,,,idon' t know ever i will get my mr. right?????//may god bless oth of us with mr. right...........

John hit it on the head, it would be pointless for me to try and add to his words. However, if you need a smile, I am 46, have an X wife under my belt, and I am still waiting for love, with her it was anti-love :) There are so many people out there who sit home all day expecting a knock on the door, you my friend are doing the right thing, reaching out through this site trying to meet someone.



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