JayB's Groups (12)

  • Men Who Don't Mind

    Latest Activity: Aug 19, 2022

    Real men of substance who know how to truly love and adore bald or alopecic women without reducing them to fetishes. Women, this group is also…

  • Alopecians in the Caribbean

    Latest Activity: Jan 22, 2015 If you're from any of the islands in the Caribbean, then this group is for you. We can educate, empower, inspire, and improve... as a group.

  • Health and fitness

    Latest Activity: Apr 24, 2019 Can better health and fitness levels help eliminate Alopecia? Lets discuss it.

  • Coffee Shop

    Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2014 C'mon in, pull up a virtual chair, talk about anything you like. Another way for members to connect on things in life outside of alopecia. Join a…

  • Alopecia Universalis

    Latest Activity: Sep 24, 2023

    Join today to meet, support and share information with others who are also living with all loss of hair on their bodies.

  • Alopecia Totalis

    Latest Activity: Jan 10 Join today to meet, support and share information and resources with others who are also living with the complete loss of scalp hair.

  • California World

    Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2020 Discussion forum for the land of sunshine and avocados..

  • Smooth and Single

    Latest Activity: Jun 26

    a site for the single people here to talk and bond


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