brian kirchman

48, Male

houston, tx BCS, TX

United States

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About Me:
i live in collage station, AU or AT(still not sure) started in feb 07 with a small spot on my head then more spots and more all over by july i had no body hair at was well it sucked anyways....huge blow to my self esteem.....i couldint imagine being a woman i would have been devestated. me being a guy its not so bad being bald. i think i have a nice shaped do miss my eyebrows and lashes tho....

ok well lets a huge dork wich is a lot of fun...i love to make people laugh and if it has to be at my own expence so be it. i like cartoons and chocolat milk. life is to short to be so serious all the time...a whoopie cushion is allways a good idea...walk backwards throu the halls, jump in on a groups conversation you dont know, hug instead of shakeing hands, high 5 more offten, run like you did when you were a kid, wear goofy clothes now and then, and just have fun. youll look back and smile i promise.

im very open and out going at times. when im in my elliment(and i cant spell and my grammer sucks and i hate it when people play english teacher) i need to warm up a bit when im not on my terf i guess you could say. i love the out doors add water and im a happy boy.
im a self proclaimed red neck i love guns and shooting not hunting i like comp style pistol shooting.
love love love to go mudding prob my number one hobby right now.
now being a red neck is not to say i dont enjoy more sophistacted(i know i hacked that one to death)
things. i do enjoy lookiing nice and going out. love the theater, museums the arts. i love to allways be learning.
i hate to be wrong but fess up when i am.
i like to compete at any thing doesint matter. any thing from bowling to i bet i can fit more cheese in my mouth than you...just kidding but you know what i mean.
dont mind loseing i like to win but enjoy the challange and sportsmen ship more.
i can be a dork and missunderstood some times
can tend to be shy some times
can be arogant some times go figure?
i guess if i like some one or there really pretty i can be shy or seem to be cuz i dont want to open mouth insert foot. im sure you know what i mean. i think its a guy disease and iv seen many a good date go bad cuz of
yahoo messenger=briankirchman
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jessica

    yeah i like this site alopecia is VERY new to us so I am finding it to be helpful ya know there are a lot of awesome people on here,,,,
  • Alex

    ha no problem at all, new friends are alwayss good
  • Alex

    so true so true lol
  • Jessica

    where is it at??
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I am trying to find a copy of the of last years program for you. Sometimes the schedule changes. But I find that usually on the Thursday it may be registration and a mixer event. Also as soon as the new program is up, we notify on the site for everybody.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    They changed the program around a bit last year, but here is the 2007 PDF for reference

    and look... I am on the cover ;)
  • Roger


    So you already booked room at the hotel?
  • Jennifer

    Well hello there handsome. Oh i know he is, but oh well more material for my show this week.
  • Jennifer

    i am an on-air talent at a radio station. It is the best job ever
  • Jennifer

    OH and i am from Tx too but have lived in cali since i was 14
  • Goody

    Hi im to sexy for my hair, i see you havent lost a sense of humor got to love that in a person lol. Keep your chin up you sound llike a top bloke.
  • Goody

    lol im glad i am not the only one who does that. Great sense of humor always helps hey
  • Roger

    Nice. Im going from Sweden the 18th. Planning to stay to the 23rd too =)
  • Jessica

    ooh wow I'm a;ll the way on New York..............
  • Ashley

    Thats exactly what I'm sayin...losin hair isn't as bad as it could get. :)
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Brian. Thanks for complimenting Daniel Beaty's spoken word presentation titled "Knock, Knock." You're right: No child from any culture has to (continue to) be his/her father's choices.
  • Brianne

    No way!! I go to school at A&M. So weird. I live about 5 miles away from the campus! I thought I was the only one with AU in College Station!! lol
  • Brianne

    I know some people in Texas with it! I sometimes go to the support group in Dallas. But they are mainly all younger than me.

    Um...if I can afford to go. I don't even know where the conference is this year! lol Are you going?
  • Brianne

    I will have to look more into it! I went when it was in Florida! I had fun but I was still in a weird place with my AU. I wasn't that comfortable with it! But I think it would be fun to go now!
  • Brandie Bowman

    I tell everyone Ross is to mean to grow hair. Thaught I would share that with you. I like you comment.
  • Hayley Burton

    Hello :-)
  • Hayley Burton

    yeah i'm good thanks, just having a lazy day at home...don't have work on fridays (!) hope you're having a good day xx
  • Orbit

    Gum? I have to to try this!
  • Jessica

  • Laura Duksta

    I don't think I told you yet that I love your user makes me smile every time I see it ;-)
    Keep Shining!
  • Dotty

    It's national care week...
    time to send messages to all your friends, telling them how much you care about them.

    Without friends
    you would be missing out on a lot.

    A friend should be radical;

    They should love you when you're unlovable,

    Hug you when you're unhuggable,

    And bear you when you're unbearable.

    A friend should be fanatical;

    They should cheer when the whole world boos,

    Dance when you get good news,

    And cry when you cry.

    But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,

    They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow,

    Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow,

    Calculate the need deep within your heart,

    And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts.

    I care about you.
    Have a nice day, and
    I'm glad we are friends!!! Delete Comment
  • Nicole

    Hi Brian! I was looking over your page and I saw that you, like me, miss having eye brows and eye lashes. I have been living with alopecia universallis for 3 years now and have recentley decided to get my eyebrows and eyelashes tattooed on. The guy I am going to see is a professional make up artist and he doesn't come cheap but from what I've seen on his website he does an amazing job. I am going to take a ton of pictures so every one can see how it goes as far as healing time and the shape, color and style of the tattoo. If case your interested his website is ....he has a picture of a client who is a man that he did tattoos for and they look great! The picture is under thealopecia clients section...You should check it out! I'll keep you posted on how it goes for me!
  • Nicole

    For some reason some of my text from my last comment got cut off and the the website url got cut off at the it is again:
  • Roger

    Hi Bryan.

    I will book my hotel this week. Ill will be staying at the Holiday Inn in downtown Louisville. 105 dollars per night.

  • Roger

    Hey Brian!

    Yes, I rebooked it =) I have room at the Marriott now from the 18th to the 23rd!

  • nathalie

    thank you
    nice to meet you
  • Dominique

    hello. Just thought I'd say hi. you seem an excessively active person around here. :)
  • Dominique

    Yeah you'll have a ball at the conference. I was 16 when I went - and it was awesome fun. Then I was with the teenagers and it was great... meeting all the people - I'd never seen so many people with alopecia all in one place.
    amazing experience.
  • Dominique

    Lol - I can completely empathise with that!
  • Tiffany

    I live in Dallas. Hope you're having a great day! XOXO!
  • Tiffany

    No I don't think I would ever want to go. I think it would just be too weird for me.
  • Roger

    Brian. I done all my bookings now! 18-23 june! Living at the Marriott too!

  • Roger

    Yes, the ticket for the conference, my flight and the Marriott =)
  • Tiffany

    I don't know. The thought of it just makes me nervous. Don't ask me why. It's silly I know. Where is it?
  • Tiffany

    Yeah I hear ya on the traveling part. However I don't think Kentucky is a great destination for a vacation. I much prefer Las Vegas or San Diego. I've never met another person like us either. I'm begining to see that I'm not as isolated as I thought I was, so that's a good thing. Hope you had a fabulous day! XOXO!
  • Melissa

    Oh come on! You're ONE year older than the Young Adults thing. I seriously don't think anyone would mind. You should still come to the thing the first night, especially since we all know each other from this website now anyways!
  • Jennifer

    I will sneek you in no worries. You are never to old for our group of friends
  • Roger

    Yes, it will be awesome there!

  • Jennifer

    I am sure you could get one but NAAF never check so you are all good
  • Jennifer

    They dont mind for the welcome receptioin on thursday. we all usually go out after that too.
  • Jennifer

    i love to fly. I am going to take the red eye wednesday night so i will be there early thursday am. Check in for the conference is usually at 4 pm on thursday. as long as you are there around then you wont have a problem getting into the events thrusday night.
  • Jennifer

    Good deal. I am in the same boat i was out all weekend working not fun. it it a bandanna week for me.
  • Melissa

    Oh good, way to go Jen! Haha! See you there!
  • Sally

    hello. I am new here. Just to say you have no reason to be shy about your AU, looking at your pics you look really handsome. and I think i am in love with your dog. Labrador? :) I have a golden lab!
  • Sally

    lol. cool. I also love dogs so much, my dog Max is 13 now, and so old, but he's still as cute as always! And thank you for your compliment too :) I'm really liking this site so far, only joined yesterday. I hope you are too!