
36, Male


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
**UPDATE: It's been a few years since I've been on here and I thought my profile could use a quick update. I am now 25 years old, finishing my first year of medical school, and I will be getting married this June!

Hey! My name is Andrew and I am 22 years old and I currently live in Sacramento. I have had Alopecia Areata since the age of nine. So far it has been quite the journey to say the least. Alopecia has been an ultimate analogy to life. It’s taken some time to come to terms with….but I feel confident that I have. Alopecia has shed light on what really matters in life… enjoying the small things….the stuff you take for granted. Don’t beat yourself up….remember how lucky you are to be alive. Nevertheless I am truly proud and fortunate to have Alopecia. I am certain that Alopecia has shaped me into the unique individual I am today!

In retrospect I found that my ability to “cope” with alopecia over the years is attributed to the most amazing people in my life, my parents. Everything I did was supported and encouraged by them. They listened, but never brought up my Alopecia if they knew I didn’t want to talk about it. I was pushed to get active in sports….. this later played a crucial role in not only my acceptance of alopecia, but it also gave me a sense of ambition to achieve my goals. If there was one piece of advice I could give a parent, it would be to listen to your child, compliment their achievements or even their attempt to, reinforce that "its not a big deal”, tell them “it’s going to be ok”, but most of all have your child participate in some sort of extracurricular activity that allows him or her to interact with other children.

I’m currently a senior at CSUS. I am majoring in molecular biology and I will be applying to medical school this summer. My experience with Alopecia has given me ambitions to help others who have dealt with situations that have given them unique challenges in life…. like Alopecia has for me. I have volunteered with many different children, including children who have special needs, cancer, in the burn unit and some who are rebellious from difficult upbringings. I know that helping others is why I was given this…..and I’m extremely passionate and dedicated to achieving my goals. I hope you send me a message and I HOPE YOU SMILE TODAY!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Andrew, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Dina

    Andrew - I just wanted to say hello and tell you what great advice you gave for parents with children dealing with AA. I can tell you are a strong, confident person. This is a great site for support if you need it. I hope you enjoy it and to talk with you more. Have a great weekend! :o)
  • Jennifer

    Hello there Andrew, just thought i would say hello and welcome. I am from cali too but so cali.
  • Jennifer

    It's a small town about an hour north of L.A in the Mojave desert.
  • Orbit

    Andrew! Love your smile :-D I am Au and have been forever. Its great of you to share your experiences and stories with us, I'm sure other young guys out there could benefit from having a strong role model like you.
    What sort of regime were you put on for the Dexamethasone? Is it oral, topical etc.?
  • Katiebug

    Hey Andrew,
    I just recently joined on here and was looking around at people my age. I just recently started to get a few spots on my head. The cortisone injections worked very well for 2 of them, but I was wondering what the Dexamethasone that you spoke of is? I'm willing to try almost anything! Hope to hear from you soon!
    - Katie
  • Katiebug

    Hey... Thanks for the advice, and by the way you look great!
  • Karen

    Hi Andrew,

    I like reading your profile. You have given me some hope as to my daughter's future and I will no doubt that your advice to heart.

    Thanks for that.
  • Nicole( colby's Mommy)

    i think that bald is hot!
  • claire taylor

    well how you doing!!!!
    just thought i would say hiya im from sunny manchester england and ive had au for 21 years since i was 10/11 i know iknow i dont look that old haha seriously would be lovely to chat to you about alopecia or anything really see ya
  • claire taylor

    thank you for the comment and your right i do look great ha ha im also very confident and often wonder if i would have been the confident person i am if it was not for the alopecia i think it has made me the happy friendly and very caring person i am today i honestly do, so in a way it isnt such a bad thing especially now im older im not saying that when i was younger i was never hurt by the comments silly people made (there wasnt that many suprisingly) but you always get some idiot thinking there funny but i had the last laugh i have a beautiful family and am to be married in the next few weeks to dave my other half i have my own home and have a job i enjoy would enjoy it more if the money was better but you cant have everything ha ha
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hey Andrew!
    Thanks for the message. That's super rad that you are going to the conference. I'll see you there hopefully! It's coming up pretty quick hey? what are you doing right now? Are you going to school? Talk to you soon:)