Canadian Girl

40, Female



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About Me:
I'm 24 and just got diagnosed with Alopecia Areata.I just chopped off my hair to just above the shoulder. Right now i just have a dozen bald spots all over my head. Having just recently been diagnosed i dont know if it will all fall out or not. I'm just trying to stay positive and take it day by day!! I thought that i would add some personal stuff about me.....
I was a professional Syncronized Swimmer for 6 year, and did gymnastics since i was 3. I no longer do either of those sports, but i try to get out as much as i can to keep in shape. I grew up boating and on the water, and enjoy all water sports.....Did i already mention that i love the water...hehehe :o)
I have the most supportive and caring family anyone could ask for! I have been through alot in the last year. I also got Diagnosed with Chrone's Disease and Iritis(inflamation of the Iris), which was not a shocker since i have been dealing with it since i was little. It's kinda weird how everything happens at once. It has definitely put of strength to test. All in all like i said before i'm trying to take this one step at a time.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • kastababy

    Welcome -- I hope you find lots of support and love here!!! We are here for you!!!
  • Ashley

    Welcome to the site! i would be more than happy to answer ANY questions at all that you have. Don't feel like any are dumb, because first being diagnosed is a very confusing time.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Canadian Girl, from another Canadian girl... I am so glad you are here and hope the support this group offers helps.

    Please feel free to email me anytime.


  • Janna

    Hey there, Canadian Girl. I'm a fellow Canuck. In fact, I'm about 90 minutes north of you :) Good to get to know someone local. Drop a line sometime if you'd like to chat (my little one has AA and I'm finding this website amazing. It's nice to have support from friends!).
  • Canadian Girl

    I just wanted to thank everyone for the kind words and support!
  • Orbit

    Hi, I'm another Canadian Girl! :-D You've definitely got the right attitude, stay positive!!!
  • Roger


  • Ashley

    Yes, I think it is different for everyone, but from what I have seen it is more common to lose your hair much faster than I did. For me it was almost 2 years from the time I first noticed the first new spot, until the time I had to purchase my first hair piece. That's pretty much a snail's pace! My hair also fell out underneath first, so I came up with plenty of creative ways to hide it for the longest time.

    Stay strong, and feel free to ask me any questions you like!
  • Ashley

    I get them from New Hair Technology in New York City. You can get more info from their website at, but you will want to wait until you're almost ready to shave your head before ordering a piece like mine. They are not cheap (yikes!), but they are custom fit & comfortable, & no one ever knows my hair isn't real. Right now mine is so blonde that it doesn't look that natural to me, but usually I get them slightly darker. I just posted an older pic with my darker hair...
  • Ashley

    It has been so long, I don't really remember. I know that some topical treatments I tried were itchy, but I can't remember if my scalp itched all by itself. Sometimes now when my head gets hot and/or sweaty it gets after a workout or something.
  • Sophie Ray

    Hi- just saw that Ashley was giving you some wig refers- just so you know- freedom hair- sold all over the world- but with representatives for each country or state or whatever, you can highlight the hair, straighten it, swim in it - just like natural hair- (you even have to wash it weekly! which i dont know about you, but i find that exciting, like washing a head of hair, in the shower, with normal shampoo, on my own head!! haha!) is very good!! just thought i would give you some help on finding a wig! And i know im only 15, but having alopecia does have its advantages and it will get better trust!! X
  • Canadian Girl

    yeah, they gave me this steroid cream to rub on the bald spot to stimulate growth, that must be what is making it itchy.....thanks, you have been so helpful :o)
  • Ashley

    All of my hair fell out in a matter of about 7 months. It happened little by little. It started out just extremely thinning all over my head, with of course big patches missing, & finally the last had come out in the shower, i'll never forget that day, because to my surprise, it was somewhat of a relief. Because the hair that was left was dead, so gross, & to have the last of that bad hair gone was somewhat relieving.
    My dermatologist wasn't helpful at all, but thats not to say all of them aren't. My dermatologist gave me steroid creams which didn't work, & said i could have steroid shots but i refused to do that. They did minimal tests on me, & actually overlooked the fact that i had extreme hypothyroidism. We only found that out because my parents had a doctor test me for the same stuff my dermatologist supposedly had, but a more in depth look. They basically told me that it could all come back in, or never come back in, or stop falling out, or not. They weren't very helpful for ME. They basically said, grin & bear it. which i did.
    So the advice i would give you is to do what satisfies you, what you think is right, that way at the end of the day, you will be happy with yourself & be able to sleep at night. =) sorry so long.
  • Ashley

    Well i wish you the best of luck, & i really hope that your dermatologist can do something for you to make things better. =)
  • Baldboi

    Hey neighbour!!!!!
  • Zoe Dusting

    My name is Zoe and I live in Victoria too! I'm glad you joined too. How are you doing?
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hello! Yes this site is really neat but i waste a lot of time on it! I'm really good at procrastinating. I think it's a good thing that you are going to see a dermatologist. Are you going to get cortisone injections? Who are you going to see? Someone in Victoria? I am going to see the dermatologist on Wednesday in Nanaimo, her name is Dr. Weichert. I really like her. I will get cortisone injections. I have had them many times before and usually i experience regrowth about 5-6 weeks after i get them. How long has your hair been falling out for? I have lots of connections on the island so if you ever need anything just let me know! I'm on my fourth round of alopecia areata so I've been through the whole procedure a few times now. How are you handling things? It's great to talk to you and it's so nice that you are in Victoria too!! Hang in there sista!
    Talk to you soon:)
  • Zoe Dusting

    i was just wondering how your dermatologist appointment went? i had mine today. i got about 15 injections. eurgh they feel so yucky. anyways ill talk to you soon! take caree:)
  • Zoe Dusting

    aw man! when it rains it pours huh? well you are so brave. keep up the good work! you can do it:) happy easter too! have a great weekend.
  • Janna

    Hey there! Just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter. Here's hoping the sun shines for us, hey? :)
  • Canadian Girl

    i did it!!! i shaved my liberating!!!!
  • Tiffany

    I am on facebook! Look me up. I live in Plano Tx so you should be able to find me that way. Thanks for the advice. I actually just went ahead & had my best friend do it about and hour ago. It is different and it was emotional. I had a martini before I went through with it! LOL! I think I will be happier now. Hit me up! XOXO!
  • Carol

    Where abouts in Canada are you? I live in Guelph, Ontario. I've had alopecia for nearly 30 years now.