
, Female

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata a little over 2 years ago. My first visit to the doctor seemed hopeless and was very agonizing- I received about 30 shots into my scalp. It was the worse moment of my life. Since then, I have had a great reaction to treatment and most of my hair has grown back. I am very grateful, but still wish that things could be different. I am scared all the time that my condition will get worse. This disease is such a rollercoaster of emotions and I have felt so alone in what I am feeling. I have a great support system, but my family, friends, and boyfriend can't completely understand what I am going through. I am glad that I found this website!!
As for other details of my life: I come from a big family. They mean the world to me. I am moving to Texas with my boyfriend this summer. I went to school for elementary education. I am subbing at the moment and work in a pharmacy. I am a very happy person who tries to enjoy every moment.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Hugh Mclellan

    its my pleasure i really hope this site is helping you. If you ever need someone to talk to I am here for you.
  • Gena King

    Glad you found this sight. I found it not to long ago. It does help. I did the shots in the scalp to. I really didnt mind it, but when I quit getting them my hair feel back out, I havent lost all of my hair yet but I went I got this wig cause I feel it will fall out soon. stay strong its all good.
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hi katie!
    It's nice to meet you here. I think we have a lot in common:) Can't wait to chat you up!!
    From zoe
  • Roger


  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Katie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Orbit

    Hi Katie! Great to hear that you had success with the steroid shots! Stay positive and healthy - those are the most important things and best treatments! Nice to "meet" you!
  • Carmella

    Welcome!! Nice to have you here.
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hi Katie:)
    I'm dealing alright. This is my fourth time having alopecia areata, so it's starting to get a ltitle bit easier and i'm starting to accept it a little bit more. Although, i'm ready for it to stop because it has been falling out for about two months now and it can be really draining sometimes! Ohh...don't get mad at yourself for being sad! I think it's good to let it out sometimes. It's definitely better than holding it all in. I think the best way to avoid getting sad is to try and ignore it a little bit. THe more you focus on it and count the hairs that have fallen out and examine the spots and brush it and wash it etc, the worse it is. A lot of people on here are deiniftely brave, but we have to remember that they've been coping with it for a long time and it took them time to feel so open and confident about it. I'm sure that we will get there someday too! I just always try and remeber that i'm lucky that my life challenge isn't life threatening. It is hard when everywhere you go you are reminded that you are supposed to look a certain way, but like you said, you learn who loves you for you. And in the grand scheme of things, those people are the only ones that matter. Obviously the people who care about your alopecia more than they care about you as a person are not worth your time at all. And you might be surprised at how responsive and supportive people are. I'm glad that you have a good support system. Gee what would we do without the famdamily? THey're just the greatest. Hang in there katie bear! You can do it:) And remeber.."what makes us different is what make us beautiful:)"
    Hope to talk to you soon!!
    Looove zoe
  • Alex

    im good, how are u?

    what part of ny are u from?
  • Alex

    ive heard of it, but i have no idea where that is haha

    texas? thats a big move...i dont think i would be able to live that far away from home, i love living here.
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hey You!
    Don't be scared about moving to texas!! If you focus too much on your hair and the stress then maybe it will fall out, but if you focus on the good stuff and try not to worry about the hair (as fricken hard as it is in reality) then you'll be fine. And you will be fine no matter what Katie! It is hard without your family around but a phone call is usually very helpful too:) Do you still have a fair amount of hair left? How long has yours been falling out for? Has the hair loss slowed down at all? Have you looked into gettting a partial hair piece? I'm wearing mine in some of the pictures. It works really well for me and i can wear my hair in a pony tail. I also have about 23470238 hats. Haha. Maybe its too hot to wear hats in texas but i think that they're a great alternative. i think they're pretty cute. I also wear thick head bands and then tie the rest in a braid of pony tail. But our spots may be in different areas. You'll find something that works Katie:) Don't hate on yourself for not being able to show your spots. I don't show mine in public either and I don't think that there's anything wrong with that. In time, we will both become more comfortable with it. I don't hold much inside. if i feel like talking about it or telling someone than I will, but i certainly don't tell eveeryone. Anyone who i trust i wil tell. I promise you though, the majority of people are very accepting and supportive when you tell them about it. It feels a lot better when they know thougt because then you don't have to feel so self concious around htem. You can lret your bald spots billow in the wind:) hehe. Okay well it's nice talking to you:) Godo luck with the move! when are you moving?!
    looove zoe
  • Elizabeth

    Hi New York group member! Where are you from?
  • Tiffany

    Where in Texas are you moving? I live in Plano which is near Dallas.
  • Christine

    Hi Katie, I am a 4th grade teacher with AA. I've had it since age 10. I also have a grown (21) daughter named Katie so we have a few things in common. It sounds like you have a good support system to help you cope. That is the most important thing for people with this disease. Christine
  • Christine

    Hi Katie, I have three children but none of them have AA. I am the only one in my family to ever get it. My youngest has long beautiful hair. She is growing it out for me if I want to make a hairpiece out of it someday.I have been teaching 4th grade for 9 years. Before that I taught 5th and 6th. Did you do your student teaching yet?
  • Tiffany

    Hey Katie. San Antonio is a ways away. However I do go down there everyonce in a while to see friends. Maybe one day we can grab that drink. Hope you are having a beautiful day! XOXO!
  • Kristen

    Hi Katie - I hope you enjoy Texas. San Antonio is a good place. I live up in Austin (about 1.5 hours away). Maybe we can meet up! I also have my degree in elementary education but I'm not currently using it. Hope to get to know you better! :-) Cheers!
  • Katiebug

    Hey, thanks for commenting me! Yes, I would for sure love to be able to chat with you on here! This is so frustrating so I love being able to talk to as many ppl as I can! So, how long have you had AA?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Katie,
    I know, no one but us alopecians knows what we are going through. One thing that helped me is giving friends and family my book (it's just out): "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing." It really helps them understand our situation a lot better! It's a great read -- go to my page to find out more if you're interested.
    Take care!
  • Elizabeth

    Well that's an exciting move! I'm from Rochester and teach in Syracuse, NY.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Katie,
    That's great! If you order from the web site on my page, you get a 30% discount! Otherwise if you get it from Amazon or order it from a regular bookstore you pay full price.
    Tell me how you like it!