
37, Male

Upstate NY

United States

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About Me:
Alright time to update this...

I've been living with alopecia for a couple years now. I first noticed a spot on the side of my head, and one in my facial hair when I didnt shave for a few days. I went on line to research it and found out what I might have and went to the doctors. They diagnosed me with AA and said not to worry that I wasn't going to lose all my hair. Well about 6 month later the spots kept coming and so I stopped all the treatments (creams, shots, everything... I even tried some alternative medicines such as acupuncture). Well 6 months after that and I'm completely bald on my head (no eyebrows, a few eyelashes left) and it appears I'm very close to being AU and having no hair at all. I've given up on treatments and have focused more on just living my life and accepting it, as hard as that may be sometimes.

Away from the whole alopecia thing...I'm a junior in college. I'm a Physical Education major with a concentration in Adaptive PE. Which means I'll be specialized in working with kids with disabilities. I really enjoy what I'm going to school for, and because of that my grades actually show it for once haha. I also enjoy coaching youth sports. The past few years I've coached 7th and 8th grade boys soccer and 7th grade girls basketball. It was a great experience and it was amazing to see how much of an impact I could make in that short time. I had to stop because of transfering schools but it's definately something I want to do again once I'm done with school.

Other than that I love sports and music. I'm a huge soccer fan, sometimes a little too much haha, but I have at least one team in every major sport I can root for. Music wise I like everything. I've been playing drums since I was 5 (self-taught) and have begun to teach myself to play guitar and piano.

I'm just a typical college kid, like to have fun. I'm pretty open minded and a pretty accepting person. I often put my friends before me. I love being on the St. Lawrence River, where I live and everything that comes with that.

If theres anything else you want to know about me just ask
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • JeffreySF

    Hi Drew,
    Welcome to Alopecia World.
    I'm glad you are here.

  • michelle

    cheers everything went well, im good thanks hope ur well xx
  • Alex

    hey, whats up? what part of ny are you from? i live there too.
  • Sara


    I started back in August I believe. We're not really sure what worked, because I was doing both western and eastern routes...but I will email my acupuncturist to ask her about your areas/remedies question. One thing that we did, that she'd never done before, was something called the 5-star hammer. It's kind of painful, I'll warn you, but I was willing to do anything if my hair would possibly grow back. It's a little mallet with 5 needles on it, and she would do it across my entire scalp. She kept saying "this hurts me more than it hurts you!" :)

    My aim is SaraDellEra if you ever want to talk. :)

    I'll get back to you when my acupuncturist emails me back.
  • Sara

    This is what my acupuncturist told me:

    "You are right about every person being different, and the fact that I
    treat holistically ... I'm so proud! I have taught you well! That
    being said, in your case, without getting into too much detail, I
    would say that I focused mainly on opening Du Mai, building the
    kidneys and blood, and harmonizing the Kidney and Heart to settle the
  • Alex

    haha thats cool

    im kinda jealous that you can play guitar...i tried but im musically challenged lol
  • Alex

    Thanks, I want to change some of my songs. I've had those up for a while now.

    Drums are pretty awesome too....I tried that, but I'm better at listening to music than playing or singing it.
  • Elizabeth

    Welcome to the NY group - where are you from?
  • Mandy

    Hi Drew - thanks for commenting my blog. Wow our situations sound very similar. I also had regrowth in just one spot from my first appointment. And with all the feedback I've gotten, I'm leaning towards stopping the injections as well. I will probably do it tomorrow depending on what the doctor says, but from there, I will probably stop it.
  • Jennifer

    I'm going to have to put the extensions in by myself today, Hopefully I can do it! Wish me luck, I'll have to be patient with my 3 kids bugging me while I do it!lol I hardly look at the back of my head, and I have to be looking at it when I put these in, and it is sooo bad. The right side of my head is no hair. Hopefully I wont loose more
  • Jennifer

    I like bald heads on guys anyways :) I have never ever seen my husband with hair before, and I don't want too. LOL! But I know when you shave your head, it will be a tuff day. Just so you know, girls think beenies are hot!!! :) We'll it is summer, hats are good too! Anyways, I got my extensions put in today, for some reason I coudn't put as much on as the person did it andit is all uneven :( But, I guess I'll get used to it, I'll have to do it everyday for some practice. Talk to you soon
  • Phoenix 2.0

    Hey man, thanks for the tip!
  • Samantha

    Hey Drew...thanks for the welcome! Good luck w/ the PE...I'm a PE teacher myself. Absolutely love it!
  • Mandy

    Hey Drew! Yeah my doctor said something about a treatment like you mentioned...putting some kind of irritant on the scalp to draw attention from the hair...I dunno...I said I didn't want to do it. Frankly, I've always had very sensitive skin and that kind of treatment worries me. Plus I think it sounds like just temporarily fooling your body. Once you stop it, I would think your body would go right back to attacking your hair. So I dunno...I'll give this lotion thing a try and see what happens. I guess I'm having more of a negative attitude today than usual. Bah! I'm just tired of this. I'm sure tomorrow I'll feel better. ;o) Hope you enjoy your long weekend!
  • Samantha

    Yeah, I absolutely love it. I love being active and I love teaching about it..so it works out well. (Plus, my insurance keeps me covered on these wonderful doctor visits) I teach high school. What grades are you looking into?
  • Gabrielle

    I'm pretty good...how are you?
  • Gabrielle

    Yeah...we all need money:P
  • Kelvin

    Hey Drew,

    I play for a club called Hampton & Richmond Borough. We play in the conference south league in the UK. It's semi pro level so nothing much to shout about really :-)

    Hows things with you buddy?
  • kastababy

    Things are good for me -- because I deal with businesses every day, the nice thing is that I work the same schedule as most businesses; aka Monday-Friday with weekends and holidays off! It gives me the chance to travel a LOT more often than I did working nights in residential services, which is great!!! I'll be sure to have a grilled hot dog and hamburger for you!!!
  • Gabrielle

    yeah...i really hate working!!

    it's such a draggg
  • Jennifer

    Hi Drew! How's it going?!!!! Things are good here, just went on a vacation to laughlin, nevada! Had a good time, I wore my extensions the whole time! Everyone (we'll not everyone) tells me that you cant even tell I have it, so I dont need the extensions. I said, Oh I'm soory, do you know how it feels to be 1/2 bald, no? OK then! I feel more comfortable and more confident with a bunch of fake hair attatched to me, OK! LOL Your blogs are gooood!!! Good writer, see!? :)
  • Gabby

    oh thats really cool about touring and everything!!! i loove rock, but when it comes to my personal playing i'm more into symphony's and orchestras ^.^ how much does accupuncture cost for you? sounds interesting...
  • Mandy

    Drew I haven't heard from you in a while. How is everything going?
  • Gabby

    ooh ok! sounds like sumthing to look into! i've never really thought about it before but the benefits from it seem to be quite rewarding, even if it doesn't help the alopecia! stress does play a part in hair loss so the idea seems logical..huh. lol. well thanks a bunch 4 the info!! hope to keep chatting u seem pretty cool!! lol ttyl
  • Tony

    Hey Drew,

    How's life? Good to hear from you. I read your blog about shaving your head a few weeks ago...right after Mother's Day if I remember right. You helped alot when I was ready to make the move...thanks! How's soccer?
  • Mandy

    OMG well happy belated bday! Did you party hard? :)
  • Mandy

    I bet you look great with a shaved head. Personally, I've always always found bald guys sexy. So don't stress! ;o)
  • Tony

    Hey Drew, congrates to the girls on their win, especially with only one sub. Saturday morning was hot! Good to hear back from you.
  • Allie

    Hey Drew, I'm from upstate NY also where abouts are you. Allie
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey Drew..Good for you..Facing this problem head on is the only way to get a handle on it..I look like crap with a shaved head,as not everybody looks good shaved,but (IM not gay) i thought you looked great,so I think your on your way,and I bet your inspiring other AA friends take the step,and I think thats a great thing to be part of..Stay strong..Bob
  • Mandy

    Things are going ok. :) Went wig shopping...not quite needing one yet, but just preparing for it. Had a fabulous weekend in Indiana visiting the parents. How r u?
  • Kristen Ridenhour

    I'm doing pretty good. Keeping busy with summer classes and working. How are you?
  • Kathy

    Hi Drew!
    Thank you for the welcome!

  • Patti Cassel

    Hi Drew, Thank you so much for such a warm welcome! I did try writing you a comment, but not sure if it went through (new to this website). I read your profile and notice you are from upstate NY - where? I am actually from Syracuse, NY and moved to NC about 4 years ago. Again, thank you for your welcome and please stay in touch. Your words meant more to me than you'll ever know.

  • Billie

    Hi Drew!
    just dropping by to say hello!
  • Patti Cassel

    That is weird, you live in Clayton, NY and I live in Clayton, NC. Do you live close to the St. Lawrence River? My brother and his wife own a summer cottage in Clayton, NY right on the St. Lawrence. It's beautiful there. We'll actually be visiting sometime in August. I read that you are going to an acupuncturist. I've been doing a lot of research on the web regarding holistic and alternative treatments, with no luck so far. I'd be interested to know how acupuncture is working out for you. I'm sorry that your parents aren't a major support group for you .... but, you have a huge support group on this website! By the way, my granddaughter has already had the shots at the dermatologist a few weeks ago (I have my doubts if it works). Anyways, keep the faith because I know you'll be fine. I'm sure your parents are proud that you're continuing your education ... it's a wonderful road to travel.
  • Carissa

    Thanks,I didn't even know there were huge group sites like this. It's awesome to see
  • Gabrielle

    hey...im doing very very good:)
    everything good with you?
  • Gabrielle

    Thats good:)
    yeah im done a of today:)
    but tomorrow i have a math exam then im done:D
  • Gabrielle

    yeah im just going to go camping and stuff:)
    wbu you doing anything?
  • Roger

    Thanks Drew. Im off in 2 hours....early morning here in Stockholm now.

    Take care, Roger.
  • Jennifer

    That's funny, I was just reading your blogs yesterday. Everything is good, just got back from the river this past weekend. How iseverything with you? Your shaved head lokks good :)
  • Mary Sarra

    Hi Drew and thanks for the welcome. Mary
  • Patti Cassel

    I wish you the very best with the acupuncture and, yes, please let me know how things are going with that.

    I'm sure your parents are still trying to find out how to deal with what you're going through. I'm sure they want to help, but don't really know how. I know I am still heartbroken about my granddaughter and not exactly sure how to handle things on a day to day basis.

    I will post a picture of myself with my granddaughter soon and you will see how beautiful she is.

    Take care and stay in touch.
  • Mandy

    Thanks for the blog comment, Drew. I'm definitely feeling better today. I'm pretty sure I'll be shaving the rest tomorrow. Follow your footsteps and pick up that razor! LOL. My AIM is Oicstars if ya ever wanna chat.

  • kastababy

    Okay Drew, I've got the fantasy team set up -- be sure to check the forum discussion out, and send me a private msg with your email address so I can send you the fantasy invite.
  • Gabrielle

    haha yeah...i think you got some plans going on:P
    sounds like you will have a great summer:)
    i used to work at a summer camp when i just started losing my hair and it was hard so i totally understand where your coming from:)
    but just today my hair is actually long enough that i got extensions put in:)
    so im pretty happy:)
    i hope it doesnt fall out again though:(
  • Kim Culberson

    Thanks Drew...
  • Sara

    :) Isn't it fun? (noooo) :)
  • Hagi

    Thanks a lot Drew.