
43, Female

Fort Wayne, IN

United States

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About Me:
My story in a nutshell...
I found my very first spot on April 28th, 2008. It was in the center of my head on top about the size of a quarter. I didn't think much of it...just thought I must have pulled it out somehow or something. A couple days later I woke up to see another spot about the same size a little to the side of my head. I kinda freaked out but pushed it aside pretending to myself like nothing was wrong. Then at work my friend came to talk to me...I was sitting and she was standing over me so she could see 2 more big spots in back that I couldn't really see myself before. So yeah...I had 4 spots in a week...the 2 in back were very large (check my photos - they are dated). So I went to the doctor that week on May 2nd. He diagnosed it right away as alopecia areata. I was terrified to be honest. I had never heard of AA. He did the first treatment of injections that day for treatment. I was so in shock that I didn't really know what was going on. I was very upset for the first couple days. I LOVED my hair. I was always blessed with some pretty kick butt hair. LOL. But anyway, I found this website right away after diagnosis. The first thing I did when I got home from the doctor was jump on the internet and research, research, research. Found this website in the process and I read every single blog post and every single forum discussion and response since its inception. I got more knowledge from this site than anywhere else. It's always better getting the facts from people that have actually gone through it, I think. After seeing all these brave women on this site as well as getting a phone call from my boss who basically said "get over it and move on with your life" I snapped out of it. I realized...I can either feel sorry for myself and be sad about what I've lost or I can accept the disease, move on, and be happy with what I HAVE. And I've honestly been fine ever since. It's ALL about attitude and acceptance. Your attitude affects the way your life will be. You can be perfectly happy with AA if you want to be. It's up to you! :o) This is mainly why I decided against the injections...they didn't work for me for one thing, but I also didn't see the point in it for so many reasons...I'm fine with letting what's going to happen just happen.

Overall, I have learned that treatments don't work for me, and honestly, even if they did, I wouldn't do them. It only adds stress to your life thinking of yourself as broken and needing to be fixed. Think of all the money and time you will spend trying to fight the hairloss...wouldn't you rather be living life? I love helping people and am more than willing to help in any way I can if you need a friend, some support, or want to talk about wigs and how to make pretty bandanas and scarves. But honestly, if you're looking for advice on treatment, you won't get that from me. :) I will only try to help you love yourself for who you are and move on.


I started a Chicago group as well as a Fort Wayne, Indiana group (I'm from Chicago, moving to Ft Wayne for school so I'll be there a while). If you're from either area, please join the group so we can start planning some get togethers! :o)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Harmony Restored

    Yes I am interested in joining the group. Thanks for the invite.
  • Roger


    Yes, It was great. A little bit crazy =) But great.

  • kastababy

    It's hot and humid here in Memphis and it's bringing out all the nuts!!! How's your week going?

    I am torturing myself tomorrow; we have to dress up like the 80's and I have a wig that fits the bill -- big hair and all!! I'll get someone to take a picture and post it!!
  • Carol B.

    Hi Mandy,

    Thank you so very much for the warm welcome. I am looking at your site now. It is really cool. Sorry it took me a while to respond, I am not computer savvy at all.

    Hugs and smiles

    Carol B.
  • Diane

    Hi Mandy,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. Going to the NAAF meeting is such a great experience!
    Diane :)
  • Erica

    Hi Mandy,
    Just wanted to give you some virtual hugs. I see you've gone for the shave now - I'm sure it was the way to go for you. I'm not up for the shave yet but it's a rubbish summer in Scotland again so no chance of over-heating in my wig.
    The picture is my natural hair but it was taken about a year and a half ago. I need to get some more recent pics up with my wigs and my baldiness but I'm camera-less at the moment!

    Good luck with the summer in your new hair.

  • Erica

    Oops - I replied to someone else's question on your board.

    Meant what I was saying about shaving your head though! You just maybe weren't interested in my real hair!
  • kastababy

    Man, how about nobody thought to bring a camera?? By the time I got off work I was so damn annoyed with that wig I was pulling it off as I was clocking out!!

    You know, you don't HAVE to get used to wearing the wig; if you get tired of it just don't wear it!!! :D

    Glad you like the background; I like your tracks on your page -- wish I could download them!!!
  • kastababy

    I thought I recognized the songs somewhere!! I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS!!!

    Email the files to me at!!!
  • kastababy

    Yeah, go right ahead --- I don't mind!!!
  • Ms. Aries

    Hi Mandy--
    Your wig looks great!! So completely real. Well done! Did you find it in Chi?
    Thanks for saying hello. I'm in Bloomington so pretty far from your folks for sure. Were you in Louisville? I had a great time & wished there was another day or two when it ended. Let's keep in touch. Maybe our paths will cross. Keep your spirits up! One day (or hour) can be soooo different from the next. All the best.....Mary Beth
  • Carol

    I love your new profile pic. You are such a cutie!!! :)
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    You look great! I like the look of you wig too, you have so many accessory options now...just have fun with you looks and changing them daily is the fun part! :)
  • claire

    my hair is like yours shave it off till it grows back mine is just like yours... your very pretty girl.
  • Carmella

    OMG Girl, you are so freakin CUTE!!!
  • Carmella

    OH and by S.O. I meant significant other.
    Love to you,
  • Jennifer

    I haven't been on here in awhile!! What a surprise! You look so cute!!!! howis the wig, do you like it?!
  • Marisol

    Thank you Mandy. Your wig looks great! I believe I just joined your Chicago group. You lost your hair pretty fast. Are you on any treatments now?
  • Mom

    Mandy, wow you seem to be doing great! I have to get carly on here to see your pictures.. we have been busy with summer and to tell you the truth I tend to shoo the kids out side alot and computer time is kind of at a minimum here lately. The time for Carly that was in my eyes the worst was the point of knowing she would have to shave her head... it couldnt go on, the shedding and new spots became overwhelming for her. and once she shaved it was like she kinds took over the situation you know? All of this happened so fast for you and time will make things better too. Take Care....
  • Karen Peterik

    Thanks for the really sweet note, Mandy!
    Rock on in your bandana! You're a beautiful girl.
  • Samantha

    Hey, how was Saturday? Did you make it to the support group in Oak Lawn? I wish I would have known sooner.
  • Samantha

  • Marisol

    Hi Mandy, yes I feel the same way you do. I too stopped the injection treatments and decided to just let things happen on there own. Have you had any regrowth?
  • Danna

    Mandy, I like the wig and yes you are pretty. Hair or no hair you are beautiful.

    Just started WOW and people said I will be all consumed. Whadda think? I think I need to limit myself to an hour or so at at time. So far I don't try to join any guilds as this is when it consumes you. My son is playing KH2.
  • callie blackwell

    Well done you for having that attitude...I have seen my alopecia in the same kind of way. I think that if this is the worst life can throw at me then i'm happy to take it. There are people out there who are dying of cancer and will never see their kids grow up...I'm not one of them so i won't complain.
    I also left my fringe for a bit but once i started seeing my beloved pink fall out I had to shave it can see my progress in my pics. I now razor my head although I am not brave enough yet to go out without either a bandana or a wig on. Give me time.....I always used my hair to express myself and to be different....maybe now I need to use my bald head to express myself and I am certainly different!
    Take care and hope all is well.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Your fridge is just too cool! I wanted to leave a message on it, but could not figure out if I could! How are you Mandy?
  • ebrahim

    because u r beautiful with hair, you will be beautiful without it as well....wish to be friends
  • ebrahim

    no, but i kept my head shaved for two years. if u free now may be we could chat on yahoo messanger:
    my email:
  • Becky.

    omg you shaved ur head?! omg. i havnt talked to u in awhile, we need to catch up, how is everything going? what happend! ur wig looks so pretty on u! like, when i wear my wig i sorta have an emo hair style but i like it, because like im a rock girl and stuff ;) but uhh comment me back lets catch up! i miss you!
  • Roger

    Watch up for "ebrahim" his only here for dating...nothing else...

    Take care, Roger.
  • Roger

    LOL. Yes, I saw him in yr guestbook =) Hope youre ok.

    Take care, Roger.
  • Linda

    Thanks for the post on my blog, Mandy, this bald thing is so liberating, I feel like a new, I feel like ME! Stay blessed!
  • Roger

    Ohh....I didnt notice that you recently got your alopecia. Ive had mine on and off since 1988.
  • Roger

    I hope you can deal with it in a good way. Please feel free to ask me somwthing if you want. Ive been dealing with it for 20 yrs now.
  • Dotty

    Hi Sweetie,
    Kristin is doing okay, she's pretty depressed because she's still having some pain and she can't just get up and go wherever she wants to. She's never been one to have much patience, and it's gonna take time to heal. Thanx for asking about her. And, Happy Belated Birthday to you. I want to tell you what a wonderful girl I think you are. You are so must be the "Cancer" sign. I am a Cancer also, and life has thrown me lots of curve balls in my 45 years, so I have become very, very strong in my old age!! I think you look great by the way and I totally understand about the wig!!! I HATE THEM!!! If you need anything, let me know. I'm always here if you need me.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Orbit

    Mandy! Happy belated birthday wishes!!! Thanks for your kind compliments on my photo with the headscarf :-)
    Its strange, sometimes when I look at those photos I don't even recognize myself! It feels nice to shed a layer and much cooler too! I do have to say, those pics of you with your new hair look amazing! I completely understand about how they (wigs) can be uncomfortable, I suppose I'm just so used to them now that I don't even take notice. For me I try to climatize my body vs. my head. I'll wear little tank tops, flowing skirts etc. Anything to keep my body cool. Anyhoo, just wanted to touch base and thank you again for the nice comment. Have yourself a great day, and keep smiling beautiful!
  • Roger

    Good good Mandy =)=)=)
  • Wesley Marr

    Hi Mandy..thanx for the feedback on my blog. I love to write blogs because I can share with others, and I am a writer. I write poetry mainly which eventually will end up here, either it will be my own poetry/or some inspirational from a fav poet(s) or sayings. Writing a blog keeps me in writing practice.
  • kat533

    Dear Mandy, Hello sweet lady. First let me say Hello to another Illinoian. I was born and lived in a small town north of Peoria. But that said no i did not have any treatments on my hair. I just shaved my head because I got sick of trying to hide all the spots. Second it just started growing back on it's own. all over my head and now my hair is about 4 inches long and it's very curly. The texture of my hair has changed, it's rougher and fuller, but make no mistake, I still have alopecia. The question mark hairs are still there and each strand is a different thickness. Thanks for the message and it is a pleasure to meet you. If you ever need anything or just a friend let me know. Kat
  • Roger

    Thanks! Morning over there in Il.

    Im 6 hours ahead here...getting hungry =) Will have some salmon today. Yummy.
  • Billie

    Good morning to you too Sunshine!!!
    Hope today is exactly what you need.
  • Tony

    Hi Mandy, Thanks for the flowers and the thought!!! Hope you have a great day!
  • Linda

    Good Morning Mandy-Cakes that's for brightening my morning, I love butterflies!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Mandy, I know we all go through our days and sometimes the lies in are head sound larger than the truth and sometimes we need to hear from others that it is just not so. But I hear you and have been there.
  • Lolin

    Hi mandy how are you???
  • Laura

    Thanks for the information I will definately check into that.
  • Carmella

    Thanks for thinking of me! Hope your morning was good too.
  • Zoey

    Awww thank you sweetie!!!!
  • Danna

    Thank you for the comment. I hope your days are awesome.

    I am going to be gone for a few days. Started playing WOW and of course no more life now. JK, still managing to do all I should.
  • Tina

    Thanks! That was so cute and SO me! lol! I LOVE butterflies. I have them all over my bathroom, and room..i even have a butterfly tatoo!! So yeah.. I loved it! Thanks so much, and I hope you had a good morning too! =)

    Have a good weekend!