
42, Female

Louisville, Ky

United States

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About Me:
Hi, I'm 26 years old and have had alopecia since I was 8. Almost 4 years ago, I shaved my head because the bald spots got so big I could no longer cover them up... I've been bald ever since. Now that my hair has started to grow back, I choose to keep it shaved, if not for self preservation, for the ease of getting ready in the morning. ;o)

Alopecia has helped me see that what is on the outside doesn't count near as much as whats on the inside. I've graduated from veterinary school and just married the man of my dreams. If my alopecia decides to return one day, I'll be okay with it. It's just hair as far as I'm concerned.

I'm glad this site was put together....
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  • Dotty

    It's national care week...
    time to send messages to all your friends, telling them how much you care about them.

    Without friends
    you would be missing out on a lot.

    A friend should be radical;

    They should love you when you're unlovable,

    Hug you when you're unhuggable,

    And bear you when you're unbearable.

    A friend should be fanatical;

    They should cheer when the whole world boos,

    Dance when you get good news,

    And cry when you cry.

    But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,

    They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow,

    Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow,

    Calculate the need deep within your heart,

    And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts.

    I care about you.
    Have a nice day, and
    I'm glad we are friends!!! Delete Comment
  • Stuart

    Hi Jill! How you doin?? What have u been up to? Congrats on your wedding!! You two must be plenty busy. Thanks for the invite!!, I will have to get the details. If we don't see you at your wedding, will we see you at the conference for a sec?

    How's Bo/Beau? It's Beau, right? cant remember.
  • gerald

    It is incredible how beautiful some of you bald women are.
    Like you, and like my lovely bald wife.
  • Sweet Mary HiLL

    hey girLLL. yes i'm doing everything possibLe to be abLe to make it to the conference & to your wedding. i jus needa work out some more detaiLs & see who eLse is goin down thats gonna be at the conference. everything is goin aight here. crazy busy with schooL and whatnot. how are wedding pLans goin? misss you.
  • Roger

    Hi Jill.

    Will you be able to go to the conference this year?

  • Stuart

    where is the honeymoon?? Hope to see you and Bo as well.
  • Melissa

    Hey!! I would love to come to your wedding! It all depends on if I can find a ride and what I could do with my mom! Hahaha! I'll let you know!
  • Melissa

    Oh, she enjoys hanging out with herself. Hahaha! She wouldn't care I don't think!
  • Sara

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding... I hope that we can at least catch a glimpse of you at conference, if not though, I want to see many many pictures posted!
  • Faheemah

    Hey! How are you doing? Congratulations on your engagement.
  • Melissa

    Yes, I used a survey site that most people in my field use for internet surveys. It's called SurveyMonkey. It's completely legit, I promise! Hahaha. At the end it goes to the SurveyMonkey website, I guess so they can get more people to use their site, who knows?
  • Ashley

    Congrats on the wedding! I am pretty sure I'll be at the conference this year since it's in Louisville & I used to live there.

    I've actually never even been to Auburn! Those pics are from the bowl game this past NYE here in Atlanta. My boyfriend went to Auburn and is a HUGE football fan, which I'm finding is pretty normal in these parts! LOL He wouldn't take me to any of their home games because he gets too serious about it and can't think about anything else at the same time as football. Typical man, I guess!! Oh well...
  • Faheemah

    Im doing good. No I wont be able to make it this year. I have summer school and a job, but I will definitely make it one year. How many have u been 2?
  • Jeremy

    I didn't know you were getting married! Congrats! I'm guessing you will be very busy that weekend. Will we see you at all at the conference? If not, totally understandable!
  • Katherine Green

    Heya, Jill, could you please tell me who sweet mary is ? i would love to reply to her about this post.


  • Faheemah

    I bet. It seems like everyone on here who has went to one cant wait to go.
  • Kelly Fineman

    when is the wedding? is it this summer if so I may be able to make it.
  • Melissa

    OMG! I came here to reply about my survey but just saw that hideous picture of me, you and that little girl from Minneapolis. I'm so glad I've lost weight. Whoa! Hahaha!
  • Kelly Fineman

    Yea, if i can get away, i would be glad to come. im gonna be in louisville the whole month of june for an internship. any way where is the wedding?
  • Melissa

    Nah, you can leave it up. It gives me encouragement to keep working out. Hahaha! But what I was going to say was that I actually took all those questions from other "well-established" surveys, so I can't take credit for how good they were. :)
  • Jennifer

    I do not have it. I have noidea who wold either. ali have is her myspace. but i willcheck my old freidn finders from the conference to see if i might have it for you.
  • Julia

    Hey Jill...Lunch already girl:))))) I know you're busy, but you can not be this close and us not meet. hope all is going well...try not to get stressed with all that you have coming up or is that an understatement:)
  • Katherine Green

    Heya Jill, If thats ok with you, i`d love to get in touch with sweet Mary Hill.

    I am on facebook too, but if you have her details, please send them to me as its quicker than searching.

    I hope all is good with you & your wedding plans.

    Hugs & cheers

  • JayB

    Hi Jill, Thank you for being my friend.Yep.
  • Julia

    You know it girl! I've been talking about you all day...the Revolution:))))) of a "Clean" heads are here. We have a Purpose, I truly believe this...we are in each others space for a reason.

    Soon we will get together again, we'll barBQ soon and you guys can come over.

    Chat with you later
  • Katherine Green

    Ok jill,will do just that.


  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    So, after June, are you going to change your page layout? :)
  • Melissa

    Yes! I hope I see you Sunday!!
  • Jennifer

    I'm excited too the conference and a wedding cant beat that. Things ae going good. my show is finally streaming online!!! See you soon.
  • Jennifer

    Kmix1063.com i am on friday and sat nights from midnight- 8am cali time.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Wonderful attitude. I'm sure you are an inspiration to many women!
  • Jennifer

    Oh well we will see you sat and hopefully sunday at closing. 4 days left till i leave im soo excited!!!!!!!!
  • Roger

    I wish you a beautiful wedding.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    HI Jill, I know you are probably extremely busy and may not get this until after the wedding. But I wanted to congratulate you again and hope that your wedding day is full of special memories. Take care and talk to you soon. xo
  • Holly Ralston Oyler

    Happy "almost" wedding day. I am so excited for you.
  • Amy Bard

    Congrats on your wedding...May you be blessed with many happy years together.
  • Stuart

    Hi Jill. Congrats to you and Bo! How was the wedding?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Jill, don't know if you are on some beach somewhere with no access to your computer. But you were on my mind on Saturday and I hope everything went beautifully. So when can we expect some photos!? BTW - You have a great smile! Take care, Cheryl
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Jill. Congratulations to you and your the man of dreams! I certainly wish you a lovetime wisdom, bliss, and prosperity. :-)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Are you going to post some photos?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Oh yeah! You change your page, now you have to change your status from engaged to married ;)
  • Roger

    Hi Jill.

    How was the wedding?
  • Roger

    Hope to see you next year in Houston. Louisville was great!
  • Melissa Harris

    You look so happy! I admire that! Congrats on your wedding!
  • Lacey

    Hey there Jill.
    You are so GORGEOUS , how are you doing?!
    Just wanted to say hi and tell you that hehe
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Jill. How's married life? Amazing, I'm sure. :-) I just noticed that something I wrote is featured here on your Alopecia World profile. Why, thanks for the compliment! ;-) It's encouraging to learn that my writings have touched someone's heart. Looking forward to hearing from you - rj, Co-founder, Alopecia World
  • Linda

    Hey Jill, nice pics! I work with USDA APHIS Veterinary Services, it is wonderful to know there is an Alopecian sister of mine that is a veterinarian...that is you! Stay blessed!
  • Dexter Williams

    I have seen your photos, and you prove that bald is indeed beautiful. In fact, you are a beautiful person whether you have hair or not. I have written screenplays that have bald female characters who are positive role models. It is people like you that inspired me as a writer and an artist.
  • Sharla

    Jill you are so beautiful in so many different ways even in ur words,, thank u for your input, this was of great help to me and others.
  • Amber Lounder

    Your pictures were inspirational They are happy and honest Great to see xox