44, Female


United States

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About Me:
I hate filling out online forms that give too many losers from my past the resource they need to find me *lol*
Hello..I'm Taylor, I have had Alopecia Universalis for 20 years. I'm skeptical when joining 'new' alopecia "groups" because I usually find that while I was searching for other individuals to share something in common with, I find that not having hair doesn't mean a damn thing. I'm extremely against self pity, I can't stand for someone to tell me they are sorry I don't have hair! (I mean really, HAIR! I'm not, have never been and will never be handicapped!) I am just as normal and awesome as the hairiest person out there ;)
In all seriousness, I join this group hoping to connect with people going through a similar situation. Those I can relate to. Some I could possibly support. Ya know, it would be wonderful if the whole world was supportive and polite and tactful when dealing with others differences...but the truth remains that human nature is curious and not every human feels comfortable enough with themselves to respond to our differences in a positive manner. Please don't miss your hair. Hair is just...hair! YOU are not your hair!
I think I found this site accidentally, while hoping to find a site of Peggy's stylist...she ain't got one dammit!
I'm open to alllllll kinds of chit chat....
What's on your mind?
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Roger

    I hope you will enjoy it here. I know I do. I met a lot of nice people in the same situation as me.

  • Dina

    Hi T -
    I think that you will like it here because I think many here share your thoughts on the disease. I know exactly what you mean about pity. Sometimes I think people just don't get that hair is really not that important in the end. I have completely adjusted to the disease and even cannot understand why some go to such lengths with treatments when we know that there is no cure for this. My dermatologist told me a long time ago, accept it, who knows one day it may grow back but I don't have anything that will cure this for you. Well, I hope to get the opportunity to chat with you. Have a nice weekend!! :o)
  • Diane

    Bonjour Talyor,
    Just read your intro. I must say I envy your comfort with alopecia... I'm not there yet but hopefully, one day I will.
    Welcome to this site!
  • Mary

    I love your intro!!! I have had alopecia since I was 6 months old...and I am so over the pity thing. I have rarely ever worn a wig and I am completely comfortable without the hair. But it is so hard to find others who see it the same way. I rarely join these groups because they rarely see alopecia in an optimistic way...so far I think this one is doing a much better job!!

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Taylor, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Mandy

    Hey Taylor! Welcome! ;o)
  • Orbit

    Hi T, I am AU too! You're so right, life is about living for today, not what you've lost yesterday! Nice to "meet" you!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi T,
    You're great!
    I've had aa for 30 years.
    I hope that you are doing well today! I'm sure you are, reading about you.
  • kim trivett

    Hi T, my daughter has had alopecia areata since she was 2 and I am so glad that there are other people to talk to who understands.
  • Mandy

    Aww thanks Taylor. :) Actually the biggest advice I'm looking for right now is wig advice. I want to start looking, but find that I have no idea what I'm doing!! I started a forum discussion on it if you want to see the feedback I've gotten so far, or else I'd just appreciate any info at all. Hope you are having a good day today!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Taylor,
    Welcome to the group. I think you will enjoy it.

  • Diane

    Hi T,
    The pictures on my page are the only ones of me without nothing on my head... they were taken either by my daughters or my husband, telling me that ours kids have the right to have picture of their mother..... what to say to such arguments?
  • Ev

    Hey T, I like your intro to yourself..pretty cool. Ya I cant say that I am anyway affected by this whole hair loss thing... I hate it when I tell people and they are like awwwww you poor thing...I find it quite embarrasing!! Anyway welcome to Alopecia world!!
  • Zoey

    I love your attitude!!! You seem like a wonderful person.... :)

  • Billie

    I love the attitude as well! Hope you find what you are looking for here! It a great source for support.
  • T

    Can I add a comment to my own page?!?! If it's here...I guess that's a yes, right?

    Thank you guys for responding!! So far I have absolutely loved this site. I want to clarify that I am not saying in anyway that I look down on being depressed about alopecia, or being discouraged or being scared....The comments I've received before were down right pitiful....no one was going to help these people through life....they were bitter and blaming life for what 'happened' to them.
    I don't like that....not having hair is nothing compared to what I could suffer from!! I'm healthy, I'm happy, I have a wonderful attractive husband and a beautiful baby boy, a house a great job and my health!! And....during my lifetime I'm sure I will have more crap to live through and cope with....so I will.
    Being angry doesn't help fix anything!! And there is no use crying over spilled milk!! So we don't have hair....wear a wig and keep on keepin' on!! Be the coolest person with no hair anyone's ever met....and chances are you'll be the only one they have ever met ;) No one likes a complainer...but people will recognize you for your strength in character!! My mom always says I am her hero. From the time I started to lose my hair through today....I've never been bitter. I never let hair keep me from doing everything and anything I wanted to do. I cried when I was picked on, but I got over it and jumped back on my feet. I just think we should be thankful that we don't have hair and we are perfectly healthy and normal!! That's a blessing!! And please don't ever deny someone who questions your condition, the opportunity to learn and be educated about it. It will allow more people to understand our disorder and allow for it to maybe someday become more commonly accepted.
    My mom used to get really angry when people would stare at me as a child....and I didn't even notice that they were (still wouldn't, I tend to live in my own world most of the time....and I'm always thinking about something so I may walk around looking snotty, or so I've been told, when really I am deep in thought about what I need to do when I get off work :)
    And then one day she realized that....she was fighting the world, and possibly making me think I had a reason to be self conscious when I wasn't. She started me in a wig during fifth grade school pictures....I hated wearing a wig...I usually wore a cap if anything to prevent sunburn when playing outside.
    Every picture of me as a child with stringy hair, clumps falling out in my brush and no one knew why....I was always smiling!!
    I'm not a hero....I guess I just always knew that I had two choices. Live. Or, spend my life miserable and whine and complain and cry and blame and have a horrible time, not because I had no hair....but cause I chose to be miserable!!
    I've had a great life! I have a lot of plans and goals for my future. And if my son turns out to have alopecia (I have some concerns...his toenails don't grow and he's got very light hair...small amount....I could be wrong, I hope I am), I will do my best to raise him to believe that he is special! And that he is normal. And that he can do anyyything anyone else can do! I will help him to be secure and have self esteem.....something I worked on until I was 18....when I got my first peggy knight hair piece, my whole world changed!! (All of a sudden I was Taylor....not the girl that wears a wig, cause no one can ever tell!! Unless it's because maybe they notice that my eye brows are tattooed and/or if they know someone else with alopecia....this has happened!! I love it now when someone says...Can I ask you a question?
    Ummmm.....you sure can...wait, bet I can answer it before you ask! (People don't say that unless it's going to be something personal...right?) But I welcome it!! That way they get to learn about us. They get to know that we have a disorder....not a disease! They get to hear in my tone of voice that I'm confident in who I am and I'm proud to be an example in life.
    If you are a Christian you'll know that God tests his children and uses us in special ways that we may not be aware of! With alopecia I can honestly say I have always passed his test and I know he will never give me more than I can handle.
    My mom is my hero. Along with people I meet all the time, with much more on their plate than hair loss....that are the best damn leaders in this life I've ever known!! The ones who face significant loss, health issues, hardships...etc. and have the best attitude and strongest character! I am lucky to meet them! People touch others everyday! They may never know it. You all probably inspired someone in someway by coping with alopecia....it's awesome to think about it on a greater scale!!
    It is embarrassing for someone to feel sorry for you because we don't have hair. Makes me feel really really low, like there's something I should be ashamed of. But, I also know that those people probably don't know how to react and they don't want to seem cold and unsympathetic. It's not their fault. I just stop them really quick and say...'No no, don't be sorry!! I'm not!! I haven't had hair for twenty years and I don't even remember what it was like to have hair!! So while this is new for you, it's far from new for me....it's a huge part of who I am and played a huge part in the making of who I have become! And, today, I can say in all honesty!! I do not want my hair back!! I like being me, just the way I am!! I love having a good head massage!!! (It's fantastic!!) I love the fact that my family and friends know I can take a joke and rub my head for good luck....or tug on my random scraggly hairs on my scalp to see if I can feel it *lol* (My husband loves that game!!) I'm a good sport and I get through a lot with humor!! I will never turn down the opportunity to make someone laugh, especially if it's at my own expense!! And once they know I can take it, and they crack jokes about me later....I love that just as much!!
    I'm rambling, and I hope ya'll read this...it's so hard to respond to everyone, although I want to, when I work so much and have a seven month old...ROTTEN ROTTEN boy!! *lol* He is down right spoiled!! (He's so darn cute, it's hard not to....I mean it....I'm biased and I'm his mother....but seriously, he's a beautiful baby!!)
    Take care guys!!
    Get a good head rub for me!!
    Please keep commenting, I love to read your profiles and I really do try to get back to everyone...just takes me a while sometimes :)
  • Jennifer White

    Hi T's,
    I love your energy and outlook on life, I agree being bald is not an handicap it's only a big deal if you make it one.
  • as

    Hallo T,
    are fabulous and beautiful woman.Thank you for your wise words. as
  • Roger

    Wow! Nice comment to yourself =)

  • as

    I don't know whether that will prove well tell.Your words are very wise.They may much people here assist in better manage its baldness.Say why. 28 ys backward I fell ill serious neurological illness movement.Mine doctor me said, that the longest behind 10 ys I'll on disabled armchair.It was shock and I mentally was on that very badly.
    One elderly gentleman same illness me but learn heaven this infliction of like illness,but as a something due back to me.
    Thanks that I have got though big severity,but always go.Therefore I think, that the most incurable illness or infliction of puts manage.Only man
    mustn't it treat as ill and be sorry for oneself.So won't help.Get, that the female be bald,is very heavy,unpleasant and stressful.Alone I don't know how would it managed be woman.Right its baldness is for me always quite heavy namely am man.
    My alopecia scar began within days on May 2007.Was it for me very heavy,but came to be it slowly manage.Came but January 2008 and to us unexpectedly obiit son.Mentally am again was on that very badly.Doesn't know am what shell I do and began be looking for on Internet cafe,different help.Found am Alopecia world.For the first time am here found out,that also women and little children are bald.Was I shocked and was me of all very sorrow.
    Began be read various sections and examine photo and slowly find out how strong and primely personalities are.I said to myself,that when this female heavy thing know how to manage further prove assist in and second.So it I have to manage so did I.I wanted also somehow assist in.It but I don't know.Place Alopecia world and largely instance you brave and wise women on the contrary me much assisting manage its baldness and even mitigate pain above death child.Also me turns view of eye - appeal women.Not to be angry if it say badly,but for me bald woman has only other kind hairstyle and be like each other beautiful like if has hair.
    Therefore again I say ,yes your words are very wise !Also ; access to baldness,as well as of several of other members and founders hereof seats is for us other instance.
    Thank you and other.My English is very bad so I hope, that the me do you understand.Unless,please about erasure mine benefit.
    Keep lovely day.as
  • T

    Gosh! I'm such a nerd...Sorry new friends that I did not accept for WEEKS!! I just now figured out how to accept new requests *lol* I'm so awesome...love it!

    Have a nice Thursday tomorrow ;)
  • Roger

    Congrat with the baby!

  • Jessica

    Hey T,

    Love all the pics and your baby is sooo cute. I have a little baby also his name is Aiden he is 11 months. When i can I will add pic's of him soon. I also have 2 girls Grace 7 and Ava 3
  • Jessica

    Hey t,

    Love the hair who is it by can you give me some info.

  • Jessica

    ps you are the second gal on here with a husband named Jason. Mine too so that makes 3.