

Paris, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Hey guys!! My name is maygen and I have alopecia areata. I love to play sports!! My favorite sports are softball and volleyball but honesty I play them all!!! I have been losing my hair a lot lately but its ok. I just need to stay happy!!! i have a wonderful family, including my mom who is always doing something for me!!! i love her.....she is the greatest mom ever!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Choose one

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Maygen, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • Roger


  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Maygen. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Maygen, You are so TOTALLY Cute ;)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Maygen,
    Wow, you are beautiful and have a fab attitude!
    Just wanted to say hello and welcome.
  • Maygensmom

    Hey sweetie pie! I love you so much and could not ask for a more wonderful daughter than YOU! I am so lucky to be your mom!
  • David

    Never read twilite, but since you like sports these are a couple of my favorites; Wait Till Next Year (Doris Kearns - Pulitzer Prize winner ---"Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin remembers when her father taught her how to keep score of a baseball game in her intriguing memoir, Wait Till Next Year.) and Giants and Heroes: A Daughter's Memories of Y.A. Tittle. These pre-date a lot of us but you will find amazing truth and comfort in knowing how close families stay close.
  • Brittany

    hey Maygen!!
    I talked to your mom!
    i went through the same things at your age!
    don't listen to them!!
    and pay no mind the negative people!!
    you are very cute!!=]


  • Amanda

    hi i'm new to the site. im amanda and i live in chandler texas :) and i've read twilight and LOVED it! just so you know haha :) oh yea im the one in the right in the pic.
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Maygen
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Jusi

  • Lori D.

    Hi Maygen,
    Just thought I should tell, no hair, you are model material! Truly beautiful!!!
  • Erica

    Hey Maygen,

    Love your pictures - my hair looks pretty similar to yours in terms of hairloss just now but mine is going through a wee stage of regrowth at the moment. It's a bummer when it's coming out though - all the hair everywhere!

    I loved Diana Wynne Jones books when I was your age. All about the magic but less vamipires!
  • Kaiana

    hey maygen

    go to themes, select one of your own pic ( so you will have to have a pic of a moshi monster) and you should be able to see what you are doing from there :)

    do you have a moshi monster??

  • Lori D.

    Hi Maygen, My snow pics are from a vacation to Vermont last year. Snow is pretty and fun.. I have to admit, I don't like driving in it! And we're really getting hit with storms this year. I live near the ocean, so it's a bit warmer than inland, so we get rain when others in Mass. get snow...but it's still white everywhere...Can't wait for the summer!
  • Megan

    hi Maygen,
    when did you first lose your hair? does it grow back and fall out? my 5yr old daughter has lost her hair twice and both times it's totally grown back. right now she's in a growing stage and is ready to go to school with no hat! what kind of treatments have you done? how are things for you at school? does everyone know and how do they react? sorry for all the questions. thanks
  • Amanda

    oh well ill be praying for doing alllllot better :) yea i shaved my head out of desperation :/ but i dont beleive in regret haha. yea im 14 :) well you look beautiful in your picture btw, im the one in on the right side of my picture....and yea i play volleyball, track, swim, golf, tumble and softball which is also my favorite :)
  • stacy

  • carly

    my mom showed me your page,, and i think we have alot in common! i love twilight too :) do you play rec volleyball or club? i play club, i am 13 bad is your alopecia? as you can tell i shaved mine off a while ago but now it is grooowing :) yippe :) haha so i hope to hear from you! if you want to email me my email is

  • carly

    ohh, i dont do track...
    i have a little mohawk too.. its really funny when i get out of the shower, it sticking up everywhere! haha
    what grade are you in?
  • carly

    7th! do people at your school know about your alopecia? ... jw
  • ashton : )

    heyy maygen , my name is ashton and i lovee twilight too ! this is gonna sound really weird , but i ha lost my hair in the same places as you ! freaky isnt it
  • ashton : )

    yea , haha . that is my little brother . and thats good that your showing a lot of new hair growth ! are you taking anything for it ? but , no i dont wear a wig . . . i just went to day for a conseltation with virtueese and we liked what they said so we are going to do that . . .
  • carly

    thats really nice... haha thats the best story ever! i love how you deal with it! yea a lot of kids know at my school too... but it was an accident, you know this girl told a girl and on and on so yea its not really a big deal... but just kinda akward ya know? when people talk about you its like... whats the big deal?

    so yea i am so excited tomorrow is weird wild and wacky day at our school and you get to dress up crazy! i wish i cud take a pic of all of my friends! that would be funny,
    but the bad news is that i was sick 2 days in a row and missed a concert i was going to go to ... they were a really good band too

    whats new with you?
  • Meme

    hi, im new here.i read twilight. it was such a good book! i would stay up all night reading it.