

Chandler, TX

United States

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About Me:
My name's Amanda. I love reading and writing. I'm very free spirited and love life. I'm very strong willed. I make good grades in school. I'm a christian and go to God with everything. I have many great friends that help me through a lot. I've had alopecia since fourth grade and struggle everyday. I also have trichotillomani, which i fomed last year due to stress from switching schools. My family can't understand and i get that,but i need to know somebody that can...that's why i'm trying this out. :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Amanda. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Linda

    Welcome to AlopeciaWorld, Amanda!
  • shuaa

    hi Amanda,
    thanks for the add
    and saudi arabia is beautiful i hope u can visit it on day. we have a very rich culture that we r very proud of ....
    any way i hope we can chat one day and talk more about everything
    nice picture .. by the way which one r u?
  • Lauren

    Hey girl! Thank you SOO much for that comment.. You made my day :) Im pretty new at this too, but I LOVE it... GOOD place for encouragement. Keep in touch!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Amanda, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Amanda
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • shuaa

    its in Asia. Saudi Arabia occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula, with the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba to the west and the Persian Gulf to the east.its very cold in winter and verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry hot in summer
    see yah
  • Linda

    Thanks Amanda, come join us in the group "Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Heads", we're having great dialogue about this subject.
  • shuaa

    i been great thanks.... how u in school?
    and wts the most thing u like about it ?
  • shuaa

    hi ,
    im 26 and i speak Arabic ...this is ur name in arabic اماندا
  • shuaa

    never .....wts the most and less favirote thing in Amrica?
    and do u like ur new president?
  • Maygen

    Hi! How is your alopecia doing? I have lost almost all of my hair but I just started a new treatment. I am praying that it will work. I like my hair...just wished it liked me too :-) I am you play sports? I am finishing up basketball and getting ready to pic up with my travel softball team. Softball is my fav!
  • Maygensmom

    i haven't shaved mine off yet....i dont think the steroids are helping with the hairloss any. it is nearly all gone. basketball is almost over with and then straight into softball and track. what positions do you play in softball?
  • Kimberley

    Thankyou for your comment that was lovely :)
    just keep your chin up hun
    ive had it all my life and just wanted to enjoy every minute, hair doesnt make you a person, a heart does!!! just chin up. everyones beautyfull no matter what they look like!! xx
  • Natasha

    I know what you mean about your family not understanding. I always felt like though they tried they didnt know what it was like to me!! Stay strong and you will get through this!!
  • tornade

    hey Amanda !
    i enjoyed reading your profil , you sounds a strong girl !
    neither my family can understand this , so i can't discuss it with them neither with friends , here is a great place at less we do understand each other !
    um ! which one the pic is you ? :D
    take care , and keep working hard in school
  • myranda

    hey my name is myranda maybe sounds
    kinda like we have a little somthing in common
    check out my profile
    ; )