
48, Female

Los Angeles, California

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
AU, it's been a year now. Alopecia SUCKS, but I loooooove my smooth hairless body ...
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • kastababy

    Hi Gina, and welcome to our site!!! I am very glad to meet you!!!
  • Jennifer

    Hello, I noticed you were from Cali so am I what part are you from?
  • Jennifer

    I am not to far from you at all. I live in the Antelope Valley like 45 minutes up the 14.
  • Orbit

    Hi Gina, I'm AU too, and you're right it does have some benefits!
  • Daria

    When I first told my friends, their first comment was "your so more bikini wax!"
  • Daria

    I get the chemo thing a lot, too. Sometimes I don't even bother to correct them if I don't think I'm ever going to see the person again! It just gets old explaining the whole alopecia thing over and over again! Do you have brows? I'm looking into getting mine fact, was making calls about it today.
  • JayB

    Hey Gina, I'm JayB new to the forum and I'm looking for members in the Los Angeles area. I've contacted Jennifer to start hopefully getting something going in this area.
    Let Me know if you're interested or can help because I think we need something in this disconnected city. Chao.
  • Daria

    Got 'em done this week! Eyeliner too!! Am so glad I did is going to be sooooo much easier now!!!! I'll post pics soon!

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    OMG, you are right about the legs! No stubble!
  • Tina

    Hi Gina,
    I was reading response to the wig post, and I just wanted to ask you where exactly you have gotten your wigs from. It lloks so great!! I live in SoCal too, so I thought I'd ask. =)
  • Tina

    Cool!! Thanks so much! Those pictures that you put on the blog post reply of your hairline and part looked so great! Is that wig the one you got from Or, did you get that one from Hair Stop? I got mine at a place in Woodland Hills called Godiva's Secret. I don't know if you've ever been there, but it's great there too. I live in Santa Clarita (Magic Mountain), so I'm like an hour (at the most) away from LA. Where exactly are you?
  • Tina

    that would be so fun! i'd really love to do that one day! =) well, take care and thanks again for the wig info! have a good weekend!!
  • knitstertoo


    I now live in Virginia, where it is hot, hot, hot. Right now I am on my fourth vacuum prosthesis and am about to order another. They are not too bad, but the freedom is so well worth it. Give it a try. I have been AA since 1962 and AU since about 1974 {at that time I only lost my rows and lashes}.

    I hated the other types of pros., tape did not work and I hated the wind. I looked silly in scarves. Now, I go out and the wind blows and I do not care. The freedom and security are wonderful.

    By the way, I wear a Freedom Vacuum Wig.
  • Roger

    Hi Gina.

    Hows life in Cali?

  • Roger

    Sounds nice! Im trying to plan a trip to Cali/SF in october/november. Meeting some friends I met at the Louisville conference. Im looking forward to it a lot.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Oh Gina, I am glad you ordered the book. I am hoping it will make you feel better! That's why I wrote it -- to help women and girls who are going through this. Gawd I know how you feel about the eyelashes. It's true, you can't replace them. Thank you for getting the book -- will you let me know how you like it?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    By the way, if you have just recently lost your lashes, you might try Lumigan. It is supposed to grow back eyelashes, or keep them from falling out, in people with alopecia. It's really new -- you might ask your dermatologist about it!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Yes, you haven't heard of it because it's so new. They just did trials on it. You can Google "Lumigan and alopecia" and you will see what's going on with it...
  • Darren

    Hi Gina thanks for you message you look great by the way have a good day.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Gina,

    I dont know if I told you I had eyelashes tattood along with the brows.
    BTW I posted another t shirt promo.

  • Roger

    Hi Gina.

    Hows it going over there?
  • Roger

    I was going today from Stockholm to SF but I had to cancel it. I will be going in november instead. It would be so fun to meet Jeff, Matt and Fred from the conference this past summer in Louisville. And also a few from this site.

    Did you see the info I put up in here about the meeting?
  • Roger

    Gina! You will LOVE it! I was there for the first time. I was a little bit nervous in the beginning. I miss the feeling! It was awesome. Im going to Houston next year too.
  • Ken

    Just sent you an add request, Gina. You seem to have such a sweet, stong disposition....just like Winnie-the-Pooh...but you're real! : )
  • Ken

    Hmmmm....I was about to snark something like "I'm not contradictive" blahblahblah, but then I remembered how I included a litany of, ummmm, contradictory self-descriptors in the beginning of my profile. And since you ask, I'm doing *faaaaaabulous* band's record sales are huge in ex wife remarried, so I no longer have to pay alimony....the IRS sent me an additional mortgage company called and said that they're going to pay off my loan since so many other defaulted and I soldiered Mom called and said my therapist is right and she's sorry for everything she's done....and I just saved a lot of money on my car insurance by calling Geico! :) So now that you know I'm a cerified idiot, how are you doing, Gina-Gina-Bo-Bina? Delete Comment
  • Ken

    : ) I'm sure you know, but just to be uber-clear, I was just joking about all those things. I mean, I'm a rockstar, but in my own mind...not in Europe. Just a fun way to use that Geico joke they use in their ads. I am sorry to hear about your ticket...the punitive effect of tickets on insurance is ridiculous. I'll send you an email in a bit ~
  • Vicktoria (Katya's mom)

    We live in Orange. It's in Orange County. It's ugly here to. Well, at least it's not 100 degrees and humid. like yesterday. I used to live in Hermosa Beach.
  • Roger

    Hi Gina.
    Im fine thanks. Hope youre ok too.

    I heard that last meeting was very nice in SF!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Gina,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    I hope you can make the next SF Meeting.
    Would be nice to meet you.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Gina,
    Sorry you cant make the meeting.
    Everything is pretty good here. I just went to my tattoo artist today for a touch up on the eyebrows. Didnt hurt at all.
    Any plans on attending this years NAAF Confrence? You still have 218 days to think about it.

  • Darren

    Hi Gina hows things ive not been on for a while hope your ok