
55, Male

Brampton, Ontario


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I have had alopecia areata off and on all my life. however since the autumn of '08 it seems to have progressed to totalis/universalis. It never really bothered me because I used to be a good looking guy but now that my eye lashes are gone and my eye brows are sparse it bothers the hell out of me....well sort of. I find having no hair on my body convenient, sensual, and at times extremely erotic though. So having no body hair is fine but not around my eyes.
I have never met another person with alopecia nor have I even talked to others with it. Not until now anyway; and it's hard for me to articulate the feelings I get from having a forum like this available to me. I'd still like to meet others with it though!
When it comes to "me" I seem to be a thinker and analyser. Maybe that is why I like gardening and hiking. The relative silence of both activities allows me to think. Besides writting the odd poem now and again and strumming a few chords on a guitar I'm not really artistic. However I'm trying to mold myself into being more artistic by taking soap stone carving and body casting classes. I enjoy all types of music. If I "had" to classify my musical tastes I'd say I like classic rock best, followed by alternative rock then world music mainly from Africa, South America, Spain, and France. I don't understand them but the beat, tempo, and singing are fantastic. I also like some rap/hiphop, reggae, trance, pop, and jazz.
I have a small tatoo on my forearm and I like partying as much as the next person. A friend recently asked me if I was going to celebrate my birthday in "TRUE Jimmy fashion"; I had to laugh. But sometimes I like doing nothing, you know? Maybe just reading a book, watching tv, or just hanging with the people I love; friends and family.
I love animals. I have 2 large breed dogs but I used to have 3.
I like travelling but I don't really get the opportunity to travel that often.
I'm in a long term relationship and have 2 young boys. I used to have the type of hazel eyes that draws one in but now with no lashes and sparse brows I feel like a bit of a goof sometimes. I know all the psychobable about holding your head high and you are who you are, and I am as confident as the next guy, but I still feel strange sometimes. I think It's because I don't see myself this way, you know? Reading some of your profiles I can sense the confidence, intelligence, and true beauty that you have and I think that is something to be respected.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • JeffreySF

    Het James,

    I'll try and post some pics today with closeups. I've been meaning to but just havent had the time.

    So yes I have hairstroke technique eyebrow tattoos as well as dots on the eyelash area. Doesnt look girly at all.

  • Melinda Thiele

    James, that's a great way to make someone's day brighter! Thank you! I'm like you, no lashes, brows, hair. Takes me about 10 minutes to make it look otherwise every day. I do go natural at the gym and in the summer sometimes. I would most like to have lashes and brows back. Don't know if I'd know how to handle hair (but am willing to try) :) If I saw you around here I'd think you were handsome. Confidence and a smile are always cool.
    Glad you're here!
  • Maygensmom

    Thanks James...so what's the temp like there in Canada? It is warm here today....in the mid 60's to low 70's. But you know how Texas is...it will be in the 30's by this weekend. There truly is no winter/summer wardrobe....you just keep all your clothes out! :-) What is it you enjoy doing?
  • Orbit

    Happy Birthday new friend!
  • Maygensmom

    Wow.....you sound like you enjoy learning new things. That is wonderful. Maygen's a big time sports girl. I have only posted her softball pics because that is her fav., but she also enjoys volleyball and basketball. I will try and post some of those. Thank you for the kind compliment. My kids are my world and they bring me more joy than I could have ever imagined. My son hasn't found his fav sport yet. He really likes soccer but had a bad experience with the coaching last season. He also wants to play football, but he is not old enough to play on a team yet. He really doesn't have any interest in baseball, so who knows. I suggested he take up table tennis...hehehe...but you know, he's not much taller than the the height of the table. I am not much of an artist, but I do love sports. I work with Maygen on pitching. That is a daily thing, however we have quit since October because of the hair loss. We are trying to manage her stress....
    What is Greece like? Do you go there often? Your life sounds interesting and lovely. I too like to set back and read a good book. I should seeing as how reading instruction is my specialization.
  • Maygensmom

    Oh yeah....happy birthday James!!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    Happy Birthday!!! Is it the Big 40?
    What do you have planned?

  • Tanya

    Hahaaha. I know the inside of the washing machine is a little bit more uncomfortable than it looked!

    Yup, cold and foggy here, but if you get above the fog, it's clear and the view of fog/cloud beneath is amazing. Is it colder than usual this year on the East coast?

    Happy Birthday!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Happy Birthday James!

    I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Happy Birthday James
  • Carol

    Hey James
    Welcome James! You live in my hometown! I lived by Shopper's World. Happy belated birthday too! Feel free to message me anytime! Cheers!
  • Cherylnz

    Hi James,
    The 40's are great, not bad at all (especially when that 50 is sneaking up, that's scary lol).
    The Summers here in NZ are great most of the time. Occasionally get the odd storm/cyclone pass over. Where we used to live in the north of the North Island the Summers are warm to hot and humid and can be rainy. We are now in the central southern part of the South Island where it is warm to hot and dry with very little rain. Have found I like the dry heat better. Although this summer has been quite changable here, hot for a few days, then a cold southerly wind blows up over night and cools the next day.The Summer up north has been fantastic so they tell me, oh well will make the most of the good ones lol
    Have a great week
  • JeffreySF

    A few drinks and puffs eh?
    We should talk. Lol
    How's your week going?

  • Carol

    Hi James
    I'm still in Guelph and I did get the support group off the ground. I have roughly 30 people on my list but usually only about 5 - 15 people come to the meetings, our next one will be this spring. Many people with alopecia become addicted with meeting other people with alopecia simply because they've finally met someone else with the same affliction, almost like meeting a long lost relative. If you ever want to come over to Guelph, you're more than welcome to attend a meeting or we could have coffee. Take care! :)
  • JeffreySF

    Hi James,
    Haha Nothin' gets passed me.
    I like the snow in small doses but I dont think I could take it for months at atime. The weather here is pretty mild year round.
    Hope you are staying warm.

    What do you do for a living?

  • Carol

    I'm free this weekend and I'm pretty flexible for next week too. Let me know when you feel like making the trip! I look forward to meeting you!
  • JeffreySF

    You've had several different career paths. I on the otherhand have just the one. I have been a respiratory therapist for the past 24 years.. I was at my last job for 17 years and was getting pretty frustrated and then I developed my 1st alopecia areata spot. Thats when I decided enough is enough and found a new job. Well that has been about a year and I'm kinda not liking this facility either. Oh well ce la vi "whatever" I only work 3 days a week.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    I've realized the grass isnt always greener on the other side but I think I am still happy I made the change. I think I might need a career change as well. I would stay in healthcare but doing something a little less stressful as I age.
    The working 3 days a week are great. They are 12 hour shifts so it's long but I love all the free time I have.
    You're right healthcare is a pretty caring enviornment as a general rule. So the people I work with for the most part are really nice.
    Getting alopecia at 43 was weird. I had never heard of it. I was shocked and then angry and frustrated. Fortunatly alopecia world came along withen 6 months of all this and then the Naaf Conf. So it really helped he out so so so much with acceptance and back to being my happy go lucky self.
    The loss of lashes and brows is the hardest part for me. I told you I got them tattood and I will post a pic so you can see my artists work.

    Now that was some Yippity Yap lol

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi James,
    How are you today?
    Yes, my book is geared toward women, but it's an interesting and entertaining read, so I hope you read it!
    Let me know how you like it!
  • Kim Jez

    Hello James,
    I had lived in Brampton for years and moved to the Kingston area about 3 years ago. Surprises we never crossed paths? just joking...Brampton is a very big city now! When I first lived there, Springdale was just in the planning stages and now there is houses all the way west to Georgetown. Wow! That is one of the reasons why I moved, the city just grew too big, too fast!
    Hope you don't mind my comments...I joined this website a few weeks ago and it has been good to communicate with people dealing with similar life issues. Hope you have a good week. Kim J
  • Kim Jez

    James, It is amazing how Brampton has grown and what they are planning...Hope they expand their services, because they will need it to handle that many people. Never mind the traffic!!?? There could be some potential job openings for you in the city services; like fire dept, bus driver, traffic control....just unlimited possibilities (:P
    In a sense, I am like you that I have not really met or spoken to anyone with Alo in years. I have my family and friends that support me, but sometimes it is not the same as someone who also has it. There was a support group in the Toronto/Mississauga area a long time ago and I had attended a few meetings but soon stopped because lack of interest.(Which now I find surprising based on what I have read on AW) Going to the meetings was the first & only time I knew other people had Alo. So finding this site has opened my eyes also!
    Yes, the pic is with my horse....I enjoy animals; otters and horses especially. I was a veterinary technician for years when I lived in Brampton. But changed my career as I had a hard time seeing abused animals! Never mind how they must have treated their children? That is a whole other topic!
    Well, thanks for adding me as a friend and feel free to chat anytime. Take care, Kim J
  • Carol

    Hi James
    How are you doing? Saturday afternoon would be fine with me. If you take hwy. 7 here, you can shoot up Victoria (north) to Woodlawn, there's a Tim's on the corner we can meet at. Let me know what time is good for you if the weather gives us a break! Take care! :)
  • Roger

    Hi James.

    Hows life over there?

  • Liz

    Hey nice to meet you! Ya I know where Brampton, I think i've been there before...i think. So how are things in brampton?
  • Julia Gedeon

    Hey James.. funny you read that on my profile about alopecia enhancing rather than hinering. I've had AU for 29 years now, most of my life. Its only been in the last 5 years where i have truly accepted it. I used to hide in the shadows.. do the best that I could to distract from myself. Being the centre of attention was difficult because it inevitably brought on questions of.. "why do you shave your eye brows".. or "I love your THICK hair".. followed shortly by them take a fist full to feel it..... lol... nothing else made me want to die.. right there!
    5 years ago I just let it all go..... i knew i wasnt giving people enough credit.. and i would start trying a different approach... I started wearing different wigs.. from long to short, from red hair to brown, to blonde. If I saw someone looking curiously at me I would break the ice with the conversation myself... OR if someone asked me a question I would answer candidly... it was life altering... NOW, this is not to say that if tomorrow I could have my hair back I would say "no".. I'm not insane... BUT i am starting to have fun with it... fun with the styles, fun with people's reactions.. just learning to enjoy it not run from it....
    There really is no secret.. this took years for me... 25 years to be exact .. and even now my first instinct is to run for the hills.. but I stop, and I face it.. and I am better for it.
  • emilie

    Hi James :)
    Thanks for the add!
    Yeah ive just recently started talking to other people who have alopecia thanks to this site! I think its awsome!
  • Julia Gedeon

    Thanks James.. the eye brows and eye lashes are STILL a kick in the nuts.... i do admit.
    as for boy or girl... I'll find out tomorrow..... :)
  • Laura

    Hey from MN! How are you? I'm in Duluth so only about 200 miles from the Canadian border! That's carl, my pug.....he's quite the handful.
  • Kim Jez

    Hey James, Checkout discussion/events...Carol is looking to setup a camping trip in Guelph July31-Aug3...Just passing the word if you are interested? I am going to see if I could get off work that weekend, but time off in the summer is not too easy for me. I would love to volunteer to help or do something to support!
    I would bring the wine for the adults ;P...just for fun! Enjoy, Kim J
  • Courtney

    Hey James,
    Yeah that is a tattoo of my birth month flower (May-Lily) and my best friends (March-Daffodil). Hurt like a SOB! but was worth it.
    What's new?

    ~ Court.xox
  • Georgia Van C

    Big smiles to you!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    Hows everything?
    I posted an eyebrow pic

  • Frank

    Hey James,

    Just dropped in to say hey. How is everything going?
  • uncomfortably numb

    Hey James,

    thanks for the add.
    Thanks again for your good words, yeah I just hope i meet the right person sometime.
    Well yeah am an avid dog lover, I should have mentioned that in the 'about me' section..
    I surely would love to visit Greece, last time when i was youring EU...i didnt have much time or bucks, maybe sometime in the near future :) it will happen

    You have a nice day

    Cheers :)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    I'll take a super close-up so you can really see the hairstroke technique. Give me a couple days.
    And Thanks for the compliment too.

  • Kim Jez

    James, Just thought I would say hello. Hope you are doing well?
    Take care, Kim J
  • Chantal

    Hi James! It is difficult to see yourself without eyelashes or eyebrows, heh? But it's true about how you carry yourself that really helps people see who you are. I am a nurse and one of my patient's husband had AU. I was secretly excited inside to have met someone with AU. I wanted to bring it up with him but the time wasn't appropriate. But I did really notice how his personnality just shinned and he made so much eye contact! Never did he hesitate to show you his really pretty green eyes! His message came across very confidently! I hope this has helped you see how others perceive someone without eyelashes or eyebrows. I want to thank you for the complement, this disease isn't easy sometimes.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    James, great photos! But small ;). Are you uploading them without open them up completely. If not, try that and they will come in a larger size.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    Thanks for the birthday wishes.
    I had a great day.
    I'm 1/2 way to 90!!!
    How are you doing?

  • Jill

    Hi James. Just stopping in to say hi. What's new with you? I met with another alopecian on here. It was quite helpful. I'm also trying to be more open about my AU. I took a few baby steps. I hope all is well with you. BTW...I like the pics.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    The woman who did my brows/lashes is Athena.
    I just saw her yesterday for a touch up.

    I'll get a close up I promise.

    Whats up with you?
    It's nice out today warm and sunny.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,
    I'm not sure what the ink is. I'll ask the next time I talk with her.
    Happy First Day of Spring

  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    How are you doing?
    I saw a post you left on Franks Page. Have you talked with him?
    Are you thinking about a tattoo?

  • Frank

    James.... I m back. Sorry to cause any concern. I am going to send you an email and catch up with you soon in chat.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    Havent seen you in awhile.
    Stopping in to say hello.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    All is good here.
    What have you been up to?
    I go in for another touch up tomorrow. I will ask her to take a close up before and after.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey James,

    How are you?
    We may miss each other in the Chat room tonight....
    All is good here. Getting ready to start painting the inside of the house tomorrow.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi James,

    Whats up Buddy?
    All is good here.

  • Frank


    Its been a bit of time since I stopped by to say hello. Let me know if you are on often these days. I fear that its been a less frequently for you judging by your posts. Let me know.

  • Frank

    Hey James,

    Just stopping by to see if you are around. I hope all is well.