
60, Female

Mesa, AZ

United States

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About Me:
My first encounter with alopecia was back in 1993 when I was dying my hair and perming my hair like crazy. And I got a brilliant idea to try this crap I saw on a late night infomercial on a hair care product call “Rio Hair” it was suppose to be an all natural product to relax curly hair. Yeah well, silly me bought into that “infomercial” and purchased a kit. After trying to comb through that stuff…which had turned into glue on my hair, I was pulling my hair out by the handfuls and it turned my hair into a courser and thinner texture. I noticed the bald spots a few days later and went to a dermatologist for help, he gave me a cream to place on the spots, I used it and it burned my scalp, of course I quit using it and nothing happened to the bald spots.

Then I went through the pain of cortisone shots, which was the most painful of all! They have to shoot cortisone into each and every hair follicle within each bald spot! And at that time I had about 3 quarter sized spots. Never again would I put myself through that pain for hair!!!

The hair did come back for awhile and then it came out again. But I was still able to cover up the spots with the hair I had left. A few months passed and another spot formed on the other side and then those spots of hair grew back once again except for the nape of my neck, that area was burned by the cream the first time I saw that dermatologist and the nape of my neck never really grew back in after that.

As the years went on my hair would come and go with the circle shaped spots here and there and I was able to wear a short Afro style for a few years until the unthinkable happened, bigger alopecia spots started to form. So I shaved my head bald for the first time in 1997, I didn’t shave it clean, It was a buzz cut, very low so the spots were not that noticeable unless you were starring.

I have been living with Alopecia Areta (circular bald spots) off and on for 15 years, and in 2005 I got the courage to shave the pieces of hair I had left. Then it progressed to Alopecia Totalis (complete baldness on the scalp), it has been that way for the past 3 years. Every now and then I get some crazy wiry gray hairs sparsely on my head and I have to shave them, but pretty much I am going to be bald. I started going out into the world showing my baldness on the weekends when going out and to the grocery stores or just out with my husband. I would wear hats and scarves because the sun is so hot were I live and I would get cold easily going in and out of the air conditioning. I’d always wear my wigs to work and very few people at my workplace knew about what I was dealing with.

One day in 2007, I went to a "Bald Girls Do Lunch" function which really helped me come to peace with what I needed to feel for myself and my alopecia. I learned that I had to feel comfortable with myself first and love me completely to show the natural beauty that GOD has made me! So I slowly got rid of my wigs and started wearing head-wraps beanie caps and hats to work, changing my looks to coordinate what I was wearing or how I felt for the day. So I finally started to go to work without my wigs or any other head coverings, unless I wanted to or at least until wintertime.

We all have options with alopecia, we can choose to wait for a medical answer or we can choose to wear something on our heads to cover up or go bald unto the world…ultimately we are the captains of our own ships and should never feel anything less. I have found that I can spread the awareness of living with Alopecia whenever asked and it helps me free myself from my own hang ups, I can tell my own story and become at peace with it. Having embraced my beautiful baldness I pass out business type cards to help spread awareness about Alopecia. Using my blog pages to talk about; “My Hair or Lack of Hair Story”!
~Yvonne aka Yhoney
Get an Alopecia T-shirt at: www.cafepress.com/yhoneyalopecia
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • sgomez

    Oh, I forgot to ask you if you can get some pictures of yourself to share w/ the grroup. And something special about yourself, ex. favorite quote, favorite wig, tip on styling, etc..... use your imagination. Thanks! I'll keep in touch. Sarah
  • sgomez

    OH! I just read you comment on the AZ group, and it would be great if you can get a hold of other Alopecians, and their families, you know around here to get involved! I am so excited. Thanks again. Sarah
  • Shekeita

  • sgomez

    Hey brave girl! You inspired me! I finally took some baldy pictures of myself and posted them pn my page. woohoo! Just thought I'd let you know. See you soon! Sarah
  • sgomez

    Thank you for the compliment. My eyebrowes are tattooed.
  • Nancy

    Hi, We met at the Bald Girls do Lunch last year. I was hoping that we would continue to get together. I got your email about Alopecia world. I am looking forward to getting together again.
  • Kelly

    Hey Yvonne, sorry it's been a few days....school is always my reason. Yes, I plan on attending on May 3rd. Looking forward to it. Hope you are well and not as stressed as me. :o(
  • Late K8

    If the last few days is any indication then I might not make it out of my house this summer. But I am pretty sure we are here to stay for awhile. I am looking forward to meeting with you and the other ladies of Arizona!
  • Kelly

    I haven't been around others with AU in years! So excited! I will hang in with school - I know I'm in the right place. :o)
  • Tamika

    Thank you for your comment..I really needed that..you are such a positive person..and I definitely need that in my life..thank you sista..I appreciate you!
  • sgomez

    I see that you're online. I just wanted to say hi. So hi! I can't wait until June 14th. So do you have any ideas?
  • sgomez

    I don't know of any glam photo places, but I can help you look. My husband really liked my new do. He was very happy for me, and is excited about our new group. So what does your hubby say about all this?
  • sgomez

    That sounds fantastic! You are doing great!! I am still debating on a meeting place for our group. I've been hitting a few road blocks. There is a library in old town Scott. that will rent out a room for us, but..........I have to sign a 6 month contract, and pre-pay for all the meetings we'll have in that time frame.It will cost about 51 bucks for three meetings.Unless I am a resident (which I'm not) The location is perfect, but it costs money. And they will allow us to do pot lucks and stuff. The Tempe library will rent out a meeting room for free, but no food(just small snack foods and such). We might have to go that route until we can get some funds. I have some ideas about fundraisers. I will let the group know when I get a definate location. I was talking to Kelly, and both her and I really like the idea of the Divas getting together at Marie Callendar's. The one on Dobson has a semi-private room. It's small and intimate. So what do you think? I can call and reserve it for the 14th, instead of the library (for now) I know that as we grow, we will need a permanent place to gather. But I would rather go to Marie's on the 14th. What do you think?? Shall I post it on our group page? I'm torn. I need to let Laura at NAAF know about our meeting location by the 14th. Do you think that we should do the library in Tempe, or Marie's? Please help!!
    OK, I'm just going to post it on our group page. I really appreciate your input. Sorry for all my rambling.
    Love, Sarah
  • Julia

    Hello Y

    Would love it if you were apart of my Book Project. Please Read about it under my forumn on my page. If you are interested, email me at bbibby_org@yahoo.com


    Take Care
  • Julia

    send me your email address...
  • sgomez

    Thank you so much for your support. I just can't beleive the response we are getting so far here on AW! And that doesn't include NAAF. Laura at NAAF told me that she sent out about 500 flyers! Could that be possible?? That's scary, because the room at the library only fits up to 15. I told Laura that the room was not that big, but she assured me that it would be fine. I also told her that there are already about 9 or 10 of us attending. She didn't seem concerned. Honestly, I really don't expect more than 15. I've never been to a meeting w/ more than that. Most times it was less. We'll just have to see.
  • Ev

    Hey thanks for your comment. I am looking forward to meeting everyone at the next meeting as well. I see you were in contact with BBiBBY about the book. I was thinking of contributing but I dont have any photos that I can use....Not to worry!!
  • Yvonne Coleman Burney

    Well from Yvonne to the other, Blessings and thank you for the welcome, and yes I love Prince (smile)

    Take care...........
  • Kelly

    Yvonne, thank you! Your comment about my first ever AU pics is bringing tears to my eyes. It was a right of passage for me.
  • Mandy

    Thanks for your honest reply to my blog! That's what I need is the honesty. And yes, I'm starting to lean your way regarding the injections. I think I'm going to go ahead and do this 2nd appt and then take things from there.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Yvonne, yes we have been trying every avenue to find others with Alopecia and one of our first bench marks is 1000! Almost there! Will you be at conference?
  • sgomez

    So how have you been lately? How are things going w/ the Desert Divas agenda? You have some really great ideas!
    Well, I just wanted to say Hi and see how you're doing. See you at the meeting! Sarah
  • sgomez

    Well, take care. Enjoy your trip, and give your mom a big hug for me. I know she doesn't know me, but I will be thinking of her. and you too. I hope to see you at the meeting. God bless, Sarah
  • Elline Surianello

    Thank you Yvonne!!!!!! I am very happy to hear that I am helping in some way. Hope you can make it to one of my next workshops/support groups...Check back here for more info, or go to my blog at www.lemetric.com/blog
  • stacy

    You guys feel like another family for me. Thank you for your wonderful comment. You're very right and sometimes a good family is all you need =]

    -Stacy Ann
  • Stefan Dwornik

    Hi there. good to see and talk to you and the whole crowd today.
    Can you say what you mean by...."he Alopecians in Arizona Group"
  • claire taylor

    Awwww thanks, cant believe it happned i was joking with my mates saying bloody hell hope nobody catches my veil cause they will have a surprise if they do lol ahhhh well it was still the best day of my life, i loved bein a bride bein a wife is not quite as exciting though haha
  • Mandy

    Thanks so much for the blog comment and for adding me as a friend. ;) Everyone's kind words have helped me so much and I'm feeling so much better.
  • claire

    thankyou for your lovely comments your great looking women................x
  • Linda

    Hey Yvonne,
    Nice pics of your hairstyles throughout the years, but your bald head pics are the best! Stay beautiful...
  • Nancy

    How are things in your world?? We had a great first meeting. I am looking forward to what's ahead for our group and the Desert Divas...........
  • Elline Surianello

    That's great!
  • Mandy

    Thanks for the comment! :o) Still getting used to this wig. I'm so hot right now! LOL.

    Hope you're having a great day!


  • kastababy

    Hey Yvonne!!

    I'm loving the Prince song on your page -- he's my all-time FAVORITE artist!!

    Hope you're having a good weekend and staying cool!!
  • Ashley

    thank you so much yvonne! that really means a lot to hear that other people appreciate that picture. it spoke so loudly for how i was feeling at the time & i think it also speaks for how people with alopecia feel when your hair is falling out. i'll have to work on doing some more cool ones. thanks for the compliment! =)
  • Jan Pond

    Yvonne: Your comments mean the world to me, they really do. I am looking forward to our next meeting and getting to know all the people much better. I also very much appreciate offers of help when I'm at a low point (there have been many) - you are all the best.

  • Jackie

    Hi Yvonne,
    Yes, I've finally made it and thank you for including me! I look forward to seeing you soon! Hope you are well!
  • Mandy

  • Jan Pond

    Yvonne: Hi - we haven't seen you at the last couple of meetings, and I was hoping to be able to talk with you again. Are you OK? I cannot attend the picnic the group is planning - how about you? Jan
  • danielle

    Hello yvonne my name is danielle I just received my pc today and im pretty excited to find this website. Im sorry at this time i dont have any pic. but im have been dealing with my hair loss off and on for abour 15 to 16yrs. I can relate to all women because I found myself being so depress and not loving myself like i suppose to. Alot of people dont realize how this affects your everyday life. Im to embarressed to let my husband see how much hair loss i have. and not only that i keep myself locked in the bathroom while im washing my hair or styling the little that i have. I have to wear a wig that makes me feel beautiful on the outside but i feel lost for worlds in the inside. You know i found this product online called thymuskin that i have been using for about 3wks and so far i have seen some hair growth in the completely bald areas. I know sometimes you get so tire of trying so many products but right now this is my only hope.
  • Royalty

    Hi there, I hope all is well with you, just stopping by to show some love!
  • Late K8

    How did your beauty day go? I was really sorry to miss it but I came down with a cold and didn't figure you guys needed my sneezing butt there :-) I hope to make the next support group meeting.
  • sgomez

    Hi, how's it going? I did have a date set for this month's meeting, but it fell through. I am planning a meeting for March. I want to do like a wig workshop, and have Brandy come and teach us about wigs. Kelly is going to talk to her about it, and see if she's interested. So we'll see. As far as school, it's been really stressful. I even had to drop a class because it was just too much. I was taking on too much. I was taking three clourses, but it was really like taking five. Now I'm down to two, and it's much more managable. I'm back to loving school again. How are things w/ you?
  • porcelinh

    thank you yvonne for your kind spirit and words. looking fwd to meeting you and others here at the convention. take care and have a great weekend, Holly
  • Jess

    Thank you for the welcome! :)
  • MiNAH

    Thank you for all the information which I can relate to.
    So good hearing such feedback.
    I will spend more time in the future getting to know everyone.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Yvonne,
    How are you?
  • Jules


    Thanks for your comment. I'd love any information you can offer. Nice to meet you :)
  • Jules

    Thanks so much for the info :) but I think I may have found the place I want to go with.