

Kent, OH

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I noticed a small bald spot a few months ago, and tried to forget about it... Meanwhile it grew and grew, and more spots appeared, so I broke down and went to the doctor. She said alopecia areata, and started the steroid shots treatment for the large spot, topical steroid for the smaller ones. The hair is still coming out pretty fast, but I do understand it can take quite a while for the cycle to work it's way through... so I found this site, and hope to meet some people who are going through similar things.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Callie,
    How are you?
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Callie,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • claire taylor

    Hi Callie, like you I am new to the site. I lost my hair like yourself 5 years ago just before my 30th birthday. One day noticing the bald patches at the back of my head. That was the June and come Novemeber my sister shaved mmy head for me. We both shed a lot of tears that day as my hair was always long and blonde. After a year of wearing wigs and having a lot of money wasted on 'volumisers' I noticed all my hair growing back. Although this has been short term as now I'm back to square one. I have taken the scissors to my hair on Wednesday evening and cut a short bob. I just can't bring myself to shaving my hair off again. However, I'm loving my new monofilament wig :)
  • Roger


  • Mallory Crowner

    Thanks for the add Callie! :o) My name is Mallory...I've had some form of Alopecia since I was 17 years old. I need to post a blog about my journey with Alopecia, but keep forgetting to. Maybe I will do that today! :o)
  • josh

    NIce eyes...and alopecia do changes your life at first, then you learn a lot.
  • Eric W.

    HI Callie,

    Thanks for the friend request! I think you will find that Alopeica World is a great place for support and friends. Looking forward to talking to you!

  • JeffreySF

    Haappy Thanksgiving Callie!

  • Jeff W

    Welcome to Alopecia World! I'm glad to see you're enjoying it. I know this site has been a tremendous help and comfort for me. By the way - you look marvelous!
  • Seadra

    Hi Callie,
    I've been a member for a week or so as well. I'm loving this place too, just learning about everyone else out there dealing with the same issues as us is amazing. I recently shaved my head of what was left and I have to say, I just knew when it was time. I hope you have that moment as well. Don't push yourself too hard in any direction. If you can learn to accept and flow with your aa life will become easier, I promise! I've been doing this dance since I was 8 or so...I'm 32 now. Hope you find inspiration and encouragement here, glad we found this place!! ~Seed
  • Jeff W

    Thanks for the friend add! Have a great holiday week!
  • Natalie

    Hi Callie! Thanks for the friend add :) Feel free to ask me anything about alopecia or wigs or eyebrow pencils or whatever! That is cool that you live in Ohio; I am originally from Wisconsin (not too far away from you), and I interned for Representative Zach Space from Ohio! Happy Thanksgiving :)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Callie!
    I love your little dog. And the wigs on the bureau! That's the fun part of alopecia -- wearing different hairstyles, different colors.
    How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Well, let me know if you need help, advice, support, okay?
  • Eric W.


    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! How have you been? I see you added some new pictures, very nice!

    whats up
  • John M.

    Hey Callie, thanks for the add! Nap done and Christmas decor up? :-)
  • John M.

    Oh yeah, Thanksgiving was great with loads of food. I put on a few pounds early on, but netted out even in the end, so I'm pretty stoked about that. Glad to hear you got your nap in and the Christmas decorations mostly up. I'm also glad to hear you're not letting this stupid condition get the better of your Christmas spirit....way to go! Glad to have "met" you on here and hope to hear from you soon. Take care! :-)
  • charlene lewis

    I am soo sorry, that you are feeling under the weather.. sending you warm hugs and hopes that you will feel better real soon.......that other stuff is just covering, and you are who you are, regardless of wether ou have hair, wear wigs, or go au natural...........You are beautiful always Charlee
  • Stephanie

    Thanks Callie for the kind words! Everyday brings good and bad things, huh? Hopefully more good will start happening soon. Your comments really helped me feel better about myself and this situation. Thanks SO much again
  • John M.

    HI Callie - wanted to drop in to see how you were doing. Bit of a quiet Friday night for me, but quiet is good sometimes right? Hope you're doing well.
  • John M.

    Sorry about your status Callie. Hang in there...some days just are just worse than others.
  • Jeff W

    Hey Callie,
    Hope the winter blahs aren't getting you too down. Sometimes shedding can also get worse during the winter season. Hang in there! No matter what your hair does you'll still be looking great. So I hope you feel better soon! Happy Holidays
    P.S. - What an awesome dog you have!
  • Lionel

    Oh that's so cool, that is a good way to start the new year indeed!
    It makes your wig stronger on your head (if you millimeter your hair) which is good, and it feels funny, haha.
    Let me know if/when you've done it !
  • Stephanie

    Happy New Year, Callie!!
