
55, Female

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Hi, My name is Dina and I am 40 years old. I am from New England. I have had Alopecia Areata for almost 10 years now. With the help of great wigs and supportive family and friends, I have adjusted very well to the disease.
I am here to share how I feel about alopecia. I know many feel sad or bad about having the disease. I have to say, I have never felt that way. The only time I felt scared was when I found my first bald spot and all I could think was that I was seriously ill. However, after finding out what i had and my bloodwork and my check-ups all coming back clean, I was not only RELIEVED but thankful. I have lost many friends and family members to cancer. I thank god that if I was to be given anything at that point in time that it was alopecia. I remember sharing with my hairdresser the news and sort of whining a bit about what was I going to do? She told me she was recently diagnosed with MS - another reality check for me. From the beginning I carried on as normal. I wore pieces for awhile and transitioned into full wigs when needed. Nothing special or custom either, human hair by Wig-Pro - not terribly expensive but very natural and no one was the wiser. I of course tell people I have the condition but I have to tell them. I own a retail business so I am around people all of the time, I have never let this disease get in the way of going boating, being around people, working out, etc etc. I have alopecia but I don't let it have me. I have had men not want to date me because of it, I feel more badly for them than myself. I can't relate sometimes to people with this disease who totally let it ruin their lives because when I was first diagnosed I joined NAAF.org and gosh, those stories scared me, these women were just about suicidal. I was worried that would happen to me, I actually stopped going to that website because I didn't want their experiences hurting mine. I tried some treatments early on. However, my dermatologist put it into perspective for me right from the beginning, you can try different treatments Dina but there is no cure. Some treatments might work some might now, but you will have to be diligent about the ones that do. I am just not willing to poke my head with needles, pour solutions on my head or take any type of medication orally to grow hair only for a short time.
I think you just have to put it into perspective that it is hair, for the 10 years I have had it, I have been healthy and I really don't give it much thought or attention. It has to become your new norm!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • T

    Hi Dina,
    Thank you for commenting. I am just now getting around to all the comments I got since joining and you're one of the last....sorry ;) one of the first to say hi, one of the last to receive a hello...such is life :)
    I only say all of this because I would love to talk with you more when I am not exhausted (which is rare).
  • François

    Hi Dina !
    My name is François & i live nearby Montréal Qc.
  • Roger


    My aunt also got alopecia.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Dina,
    Oh, that's great about the book! Please let me know how you like it!
    Yes, in some cases of alopecia, there is a genetic link. My uncle on my Mom's side had it, too.
    That's wonderful that you are doing well with this condition!
    A big hug,
  • claire

    thankyou for your nice message, hope you are well, spea soon claire
  • kastababy

    Hi Dina! Just wishing you a wonderful week!!!

  • Nicole

    Thank You so much!! It was the perfect day...Everything I always hoped for : )
  • Roger

    Tack! Thanks!

    I hate to be on photos. Hahaha! But I love to take them =) Did you see the Stockholm and Louisville photos?
  • Roger

    Yes, I like to take them =) I should have taken some more when I was in Louisville. But I didnt had so much time =(
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Dina, I wanted to drop by and see how you were doing? So how are you doing? :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Dina, I know how it is with the time. I work during the day as well. How I see it Dina is it looks like you are doing ok on your own ;). Whether you had to endure the hard knocks school of alopecia or were luckily enough to find Alopecia World the day you were diagnosed... I am sure you would have turned out the same wonderful you. Thanks Dina.
  • ebrahim

    hi dina
  • ebrahim

    hi thanks for the ad and comment
  • ebrahim

    it seems to me u have arabic name
  • Courtney

    Hey Dina!
    Yeah that's my yappy maulti-poo! Belle is her name. Quite the annoying one when you're trying to sleep and she feels like running around and playing with my other dog! haha!
    You're so gorgeous!!!! If I may add you don't look 39...!
    The rest of my weekend consists of working... joy! (not).
    Hope you have a great weekend =)
  • Courtney

    I'm starting new with a lot of things, such as, my job, schooling, career choice, etc... so i'm hoping that it'll give me something new to look forward to =)
    Hope to talk to you soon also!
  • Marisol

    Thank you your very kind. I do hope I can adjust to this and I'm sure I will. Its only been about a year for me so only time will tell. Have you had a remission with the alopecia yet. I have some white peach fuzz, but I'm not getting my hopes high yet.
  • Roger

    Hi Dina. I contacted RJ about "ebrahim" cuz I know his here for one reason....dating nothing else...
  • 3mee

    That's flattering, Dina! I know I can adjust to this disease. Its just a matter of time. THanks for the comment.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Dina, I do not know the name, but I am sure if you speak to Jon Fortgang at New Hair Technologies and tell him that I tried it on when rj was videotaping it. Or even better yet, show him the page on the site, he will know. Mention our name and site, he knows us.
  • kosta

    hullo dina
  • claire

  • claire

    hope your well ...........
  • Lacey

    Dina, thank you =)
    your gorgeous as well. Is that a wig in your picture?!
    and i agree this site has most definitely helped the way i look at alopecia. I now see that life can go on. At first i was very upset but now i feel better.
    Hope to talk to you soon
  • Lacey

    Awe yeah its true some women look amazing with out hair eh. I could never tell that , that we a wig. You look just like your pictures with your own hair. I only have 3 spots at the moment.. i'm praying it wont get any worse but i'm not sure. Did you receive any treatment? I'm currently seeing a natural path.
    Talk to you soon
  • Lacey

    that you* wear a wig (wow cant spell today aha)
  • Lacey

    Heey, wow that's a very brave outlook! i like your blabbing aha. I have heard allot of bad things about the medications that doctors proscribe for this condition. Which kind of sucks because doctors are suppose to be able to fix everything right aha. I have definitely learned that it just isn't the case, I am currently seeing a councilor that is helping a little. I'm just really nervous to go back to school. But my friends are amazing, so i think things should be fine:) And thank you soo much for your support
  • Becca

    ooh, thanks :$
  • Nezz

    Hi Dina, well first of all thanks for your message and your support!
    I totally understand and agree with the fact that the worst time of your disease was when you had patches and had to worry about covering them, I feel the same. And I know for now its not getting any better, but worst, and it's also the fact of constantly the fear of suddenly losing it all and how I would manage when it happens. I know I would feel much better if I just shaved it off and got a wig, thats why I'm getting all the info I can and finding out about wigs, thing is it's such a big thing, and I want a really good wig if I decide to shave my head, and they're so expensive!
    But it's something I'll have to do sooner or later and I'd rather it be sooner, so the worst can be over and I can start coming to terms with it.
    Your message was so encouraging, thank you. I'll look forward to the day I can look at this the way you do and feel better about myself.
    It was really nice to "meet" you on here,
    Talk soon,
  • Orbit

    Dina, thanks for the compliment!! Love your boat!
  • Sam

    hey kid, nice to meet you!

    I'm pretty well. It's getting colder up here, and my ice is melting in my orange soda, but otherwise I'm fine.

    Hope you're well, too, by the by!

    Oh, and since everyone else said it, I don't feel so weird resonating the fact - You're a little CUTIE!
  • Ken

    Dina - You seem completely delightful. Well...maybe not *completely*, but enough to at least want to add you to my friends list and learn more! : )
  • Ken

    You are, huh? Well, my therapist tells me I'm delightful. Who's the authority figure vouching for your uber-delightfulness?? : ) btw, the boating pix are alluring, esp now that Fall is hear (which I love) and it reminds me of the Summer just past. It seems like it's a fam thing? Do you guys race in the America's Cup? Are you Pirates? Do you charter cruises off of Martha's Vineyard, then play bad Jimmy Buffett songs for them while they're trapped w/ you away at sea?
  • Ken

    Hey Dina...totally agree w/ you on all counts and exactly why I didn't criticize or editorialize when I asked if that was actually your political perspective; I simply asked if that was really what you believed...which, apparently, it is. Namaste...
  • Roger

    My Space Or Yours?.net
  • Karina

    Are the wigs comfortable?
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Roger

  • Karina

    What type of wig is it?
  • Therese

    yes I have eybrows and eyelashes. I have only lost the hair on my head. the wigs is human hair and syntetic but not custommade. Thanks for the friendrequest :)
  • Therese

    do you wear a wig cause it loocks so natural at the lace? Its not like a line of hair
  • Therese

    ah okey :) yes I am a model...kind of :P
    have a great day :) hugs!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dina,

    I hope you have a Wonderful Birthday!!!


    hi Dina
    wish you many many happy returns of the day. may all your dreams and ambitions come true and may you are blessed with wonderful memories, lots of success and above all true and honest friends when you add another year to your life.
    have a great day

    hi Dina
    need not to mention that. it is your day and you deserved that. keep sharing
    take care
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dina,

    I remember the Big 40. Now I'm at the Big 45.

    Enjoy your cake.

  • Karina

    Hi Dina...my mum has the same name like you..it´s very sweet...O´m writing from Argentina nad I want to know what type of wig you wear and if it´s comfortable. Thanks, Karina
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey Dina....Thank you so much for the information you sent me! Definitely been a trying time to say the least. I will definitely check out those monofilament tops ones too....I hope you have a fab weekend. Hope to talk to you again! :)
  • Roger

    Hi Dina =)
  • Richard Alan

    To Dina,
    Just getting to my mail and returned greetings.