

Norwood, NC

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
My name is Jake and I am 14 years old.......My mom set this page up for me since I have Alopecia Universalis. I started losing my hair at age 2 and finally shaved my head in 4th grade. I am now in 8th grade and I am the only person at my school who has Alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • John M.

    No worries Nicole...saw your instant message. Ask and ye shall receive! :-)
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Nicole,
    How are you? I have a 7 yr old with AA. This is a great site for support.
    Tracy and Amanda
  • Brandy Snap

    Welcome to this site. Everyone here is great.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Jake, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Roger


  • pamela s mcnurlen

    Welcome Jake, you are adorable, you will have a lot of friends here to talk to. : )
  • Cindy

    Hi Jake and Nicole, welcome to AW!!! I hope Jake meets alot of great kids on here to chat with there. There are so many! How are you? Cindy
  • Sherilyn and Tatum

    From Tatum: I am 7 and I started losing my hair when I was 2, also. I have Alopeica Areata. I hoppe you will be my friend!
  • Cindy

    What kind of help are you looking for?
  • Sharon Beckham Hinson

    Yes it is!!! Thanks so much for sharing. I sent the email out last night sharing the website and then sent that invitation to several this afternoon. This is really cool!!
  • Metoaka Perez

    Hi, my mom told me about you. My name is Wakiza. I am 13. I have AA. I am the only person in my school that has alopecia too. I'd like to talk to other people my age that also have alopecia. I was diagnosed a year and a half ago after donating my hair to Locks of love because my mother also has alopecia. about 3 months after that I lost my first patch of hair. My mom thought I had shaved a part of my hair off. LOL After she realized I hadn't and that I had become scared of the fact of having lost my hair, she believed me and had me diagnosed. That hair has grown back, but I later had three more spots show up on the top of my head at the same time.
    My mom thought it would be a good idea if I were to find other people my age to talk to that were going through the same thing. That way I would understand it better and maybe to help others that may be having a hard time with it. I am ok with having AA. Besides me and my mom have a deal. If I loose more of my hair than she does then I get to shave her head. It goes the same if it happens the other way too. We are ok with it.
    I'd like to talk more with you sometime. Feel free to type anytime. My mom is going to set me up my own site here later. I'll let you know what it is later.

  • Leah Turlo

    Hi Jake (and mom). I am also the only one in my school of about 200 kids that has alopecia. There is a girl in fith or sixth grade that has alopecia universalis (is that it? I don't know the terminology yet) my uncle also has alopecia unirversalis.
  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    Hi Jake and Mom.
    My name is Kayden. I am 13 years old and in the eighth grade. I have had AA since Feb.,but I wasn't diagnosed untill March 27. Like Jake, I am the only kid at my school who has Alopecia. My mom also made a profile for me too. Have a great Thanksgiving! Dress warm!
  • Angie(Austin and Lily's Mom)

    Hi there, we havent signed on for a while and just noticed you have accepted our friend request. Thank you!...Its really awsome to see another boy close to the same age with alopecia! Austin really liked your pictures and he knows its not only him. so thank you for accepting our friendship!.