Michelle Chapman



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Diagnosed with alopecia 5 years old. Volunteer for Alopecia Awareness & Bebold Charities. Own approximately 50 different wigs, although am more than happy being bald. I have decided that hair is highly overrated! ;-)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • kastababy

    Hi Michelle!!! Welcome!!! Live long and prosper!!!
  • kastababy

    I couldn't agree more! I really am curious, because I have seen a couple of Canadians and a lot of Britons on here; what kind of information and treatments are doctors outside the US recommending??
  • Hayley

  • kastababy

    You are definitely right about that! Here in the US, a law was finally passed about 3 years ago that requires health insurance companies to pay for wigs as hair prostheses; however, the loophole here is that you have to purchase them from what is known as a durable medical equipment supplier (basically a hospital supply store) -- and they won't carry them because wigs can be obtained from beauty shops and specialty stores. Go figure. Yet another way our government shafts us!
  • Dotty

    It's national care week...
    time to send messages to all your friends, telling them how much you care about them.

    Without friends
    you would be missing out on a lot.

    A friend should be radical;

    They should love you when you're unlovable,

    Hug you when you're unhuggable,

    And bear you when you're unbearable.

    A friend should be fanatical;

    They should cheer when the whole world boos,

    Dance when you get good news,

    And cry when you cry.

    But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,

    They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow,

    Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow,

    Calculate the need deep within your heart,

    And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts.

    I care about you.
    Have a nice day, and
    I'm glad we are friends!!! Delete Comment
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Michelle. Are you the same Michelle Chapman who received this Gold Star award? If so, congratulations! :-)
  • Donna

    Hi Michelle
    Just wanted to say you helped me when I first lost all my hair, I'm now collecting wigs too. Thank you
    Donna xx
  • rj, Co-founder

    When Gail said that she's with a friend who also has alopecia, I figured you were that friend at the Simpsons premiere. ;-) What's the full title of the BBC documentary? Perhaps I can find some promotional clips online somewhere.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Michelle. I got my hands on a copy of the Gail Porter documentary and uploaded a couple of short promotional clips. I'm really enjoying learning about Gail and you and hope that she will join us in Alopecia World. :-)
  • gerald

    You are beautiful.
    My wife is also bald and beautiful with au.
    I have always found beautiful bald women to be gorgeous.
  • claire taylor

    Yeah that would be great, do you get up north often? have you ever heard of any alopecia meetings (or just partys for the baldies to meet up lol) in uk ive seen loads of things going in usa but nothing here, i noticed you have seen my 5 mins of fame (nhs choices) i really loved doing it and hope it will give people some hope that its not as bad as it seems and life can be just as fulfilling with or without hair and your life doesnt have to change.
  • tina back

    hi michelle finally can put a name and face together that made kellys day but i have logged in instead of kelly see ya soon tina
  • claire

    hello how are you
  • Mandy

    I love your Trekkie pic. ;o) Live long and prosper, chica.
  • claire

    michelle you look great an inspiration to us all !!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Wow! You are doing wonderful things to inspire women.
    Keep up the good work.
  • claire

    michelle you looked great on the british body programme you done us alopecia sufferers proud, and highlighted the different forms there are well done.x
  • callie blackwell

    Hi Michelle,
    I just wanted you to know that I was at a bit of a low recently where my alopecia was concerned and I started to feel like it was the worst thing in the world (although everyone else thinks I am super strong) When I saw you on the great british body you made me feel good about myself....you actually made me feel proud to have alopecia! If we can all be as strong and as positive as you then we are all going to be an amazing bunch of people!
    I've now totally gone back to my original view of how bad can it be, it's only hair! I'm not dying, I'm healthy, if this is the worst life can throw at me then bring it on!
    Thank you for being an inspiration and pulling me out of a dark hole I'd fallen into lol
  • John Paul

    that's the greatest picture/story....well done, Michelle...

    i should also share the BEST comment anyone's ever made to me regarding my baldness was Star Trek related. This guy asked me, "Hey there - where'd you park the enterprise"? As a big Jean Luc fan, i was very happy with it all. I guess I've always felt that a positive presence in me brings out the positive from others, and leaves all the BS/negativity and sorry feelings behind.
  • jamie1

    Hi Michelle, I spoted you as a "featured member" and just had to write.
    I'm an American of AngloCeltic heritage born in Plymouth, Mass. USA. I've been told that my family was one of the first in this country from England. I'm always taken aback just how many people from the UK (or of the heritage)who have alopecia. Do you know of any demographic studies regarding this? Wow, you know the lovely Gail Porter! I'm so impressed.
  • Serge

    Great profile picture Michelle :)
  • jamie1

    Oh Michelle, "...two boiled eggs." (LOL) "The Great British Body" and that adorable wee Scot should never be described in such a manner! You and Gail make me wish my ancestors never left the UK.
  • Hugh

    Hi Michelle,

    Yep Alopecia World is a great place !!! Pity sites like this were not around 30 years ago :)

  • nikki

    hi michelle its nikki chloes mum can u ring me wen u got chance its abt wat i spoke to u last ,thanku nikkix
  • nikki

  • Sharon

    Hey Michelle. I know we are behind the times here in New Zealand but we finally got to see the great british body last night. I just wanted to say congratulations! You were amazing and I cried..............What made me cry was thinking about Nicole and her alopecia and I just hope and pray that one day she will celebrate it as you did, I know it hasn't been easy and it isn't easy for her some days (lol I crying now writing this) I just really want Nicole to have a happy full life hair or no hair, and i know she will with love and support.

    Thankyou for your inspiration.
    Luv Sharon
  • Sharon

    Hi Michelle thanks for the reply. We are in the North Island, where abouts are your friends. If your ever over this way we would also luv to meet you........I think it's awesome for Nicole to meet others who have alopecia.

    Take Care Sharon
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Michelle,

    Have a fantastic day :)
  • margaret watson

    Hi Michelle,
    I'm trying to get a few of us together on a Thursday evening (the only night I can leave school early so not knackered! Fancy meeting up? Got 4 others in the locality so who knows maybe we could all have a fab evening together. Would you be up for it?
    Margaret x
  • margaret watson

    Hi, I’m trying to arrange a get together this coming Saturday 23rd May. Can you meet up? When I find out who can make it I’ll arrange a mid way meeting place. I’m from Exeter – please let me know which town you coming from. I can’t wait to (at long last) meet others in the flesh who have alopecia. Margaret xx
  • Julia

    I'm so proud of you Michelle..I will be Tweeting about you later! Alopecia Awareness is Key! Take Care and I'll talk with you later!
  • Melinda

    Hi Michelle.
    Just wanted to say that i thought your interview on GMTV was fab. It really cheered me up. I'm currently taking some time off work to help me get my alopecia sorted and i never would have seen it if i'd been at work.
    Its so great to see someone using their alopecia to raise awareness. I'd love to think that in years to come i'll be able to do the same.
    Take care, Melinda :-)
  • MiNAH

    when ever you are ready....I shall walk with you, Gail Porter. and many of our outspoken women, men. and children....to speak out on behalf of the millions of Alopecia Survivors who battle every day.
    Give them a hands up and awareness to those all around the World who have no Clue about Alopecia!
  • MiNAH

    thank you too Michelle....keep in touch!
  • margaret watson

    Michelle, I would really like to meet up with you. You sound so up beat about hair loss and seem to fully understand and yet have used the condition to your advantage. I try to do the same but although a confident person on the outside I do think about how I am on the inside quite a lot. I still think it is a cruel condition to have - so un-lady like! I have coped on my own and would have loved to have the support of alopecia world behind me during the past 35 years. I can honestly say it's been only since Easter (when I found this site) that I have almost wanted to tell the world about hair loss and stubbonly want to 'walk bald' in public places - it has made such an impact. It would be great to meet up with someone with similar life struggles. So many seem to be happy to wear a wig. I look great in one but I feel as though I am not me but someone else. Anyway less of me wittering on. I live in Woodbury just 45 mins away from Plymouth. Are you free at all on aThursday evening in a couple of weeks time? Margaret
  • sharon levers

    hi there thanks for the kind words i am finding things a bit hard at the min some days im really positive then another i really hate it but im not going to let it beat me its really nice to speak with people who really understand what your feeling at least i wont b worrying about going grey lol you seem a really up beat positive person who knows maybe ill feel like that one day keep smiling sharon
  • Katherine Green

    Heya Michelle,

    Just a quickie from me to say well done on GMTV i am so proud of you & the work that you do, thank you for sharing.


  • margaret watson

    Hi Michelle,
    Would you be free to meet up sometime? I could pop down to Plymouth as my daughter lives there so could visit her aswell. Do you work full time or do you have a day off soon?
    Margaret from Exeter
  • sophie

    Hey there Michelle,
    my mum was diagnosed with alopecia last year, and unfortunately she dealt with it quite badly. As a result when it came to doing my dissertation at uni, I thought looking into the affects hair loss has in women would be an interesting eye opening topic to research. I however need to carry out some interviews with women in the UK suffering from alopecia, so if you would be willing to take part let me know, if not no problem.

    Thanks a mill!
    Sophie x x

    ps you look lovely
  • rj, Co-founder

    Welcome back, Michelle. You certainly were missed. ;-)
  • Ted Michael Morgan

  • Angie P

    w00t! Hi Michelle!
  • Angie P

    Micheellllee! Thanks for the greeting. I'm doing great. I love that pic in your avatar. Lights up the entire page!