
36, Female

Milford, DE

United States

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Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Hi everyone! I had such a wonderful experience meeting many of you at the NAAF Conference in Houston, TX last year!

My name is Kayla and I am Miss Delaware 2010! I have had AA for eleven years now and have tried to turn it into a positive thing by promoting Alopecia as my platform. I will represent the National Alopecia Areata Foundation at the 2011 Miss America Pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada!!!
I speak at schools about self esteem and try to raise awareness about Alopecia in our wonderful state.

I had never worn a wig until this year- OnRite offered to sponsor a wig for me to compete in Miss Delaware. I had so much fun trying on wigs, and finding the perfect one for me! I now model for OnRite and have had nothing but positive experiences with their wigs. I also have Hashimotos Thyroid Disorder which probably played a part in my Alopecia.

I am lucky enough to have amazing and supportive friends and family and a very caring boyfriend.

I'd like to meet new people with Alopecia, especially those in my area! Feel free to contact me :)

I enjoy speaking at conferences, classrooms, events, school assemblies, and support groups about Alopecia, self esteem, drug prevention, overcoming adversity and positive self image. Please contact me if you ever need a visiting speaker!
**Be something unique and undeniable.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Matthew

    are you going to indiana
  • Jo Jo

    Thank you Kayla for the birthday wishes and listen if you are in the city again, please do drop me a note in my mailbox and then we can hang out. I love great food, conversation and company ANYTIME -lol :)
  • Matthew

    that sounds cool, but I'm not the type of person who would do that. I'm way to shy
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Congratulations on your Miss Delaware win!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Congratulations, Kayla. All of Alopecia World is proud of you and wish you continued success. :-)
  • Karen Grevious

    You've made all of us proud! Congrats on your big win!
  • Pamela S

    Congratulations Kayla! What a great role model!
  • Sandra Dubose-Gibson

    Kayla, what an awesome accomplishment! Congratulations to you and may God bless you as you let your light shine all over the world bringing those in the dark, into the marvelous light of self esteem with or without hair. You rock! Keep in touch.
  • Linda

    WhooooooHoooooo Kayla, you are truly an inspiration to me, CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS, I'll be watching the Miss America Pageant this year for sure! Feeling the Rain on My Skin.....
  • JeffreySF

    Congratulations Again!!!
    Hope to see you at NAAF this year!

  • Mckenzie

    Hey girl! I don't know you at all. But i just wanted to say congratulations! You really are a huge inspiration. Thank you for being so bold! Best of luck in Miss America, you will definitely have all of us supporting you!
  • Christine

    Congrats!! Thank you for speaking for us, the more that know the more that will understand, you are doing something not only for those with AA but other conditions that hinder them from being all that they can be, sometimes AA stops me in my tracks, I feel so self concious, thank you for reminding me I can do anything with or without hair.
  • Dana Kozlowski

    That is awesome and Congrats! We need people out there to spread the awareness of Alopecia. I feel self-conscious when I go out about what people will say if they see my huge bald spots. I would love to spread the awareness.........
  • Nicolle joi houseman

    Kayla, you are a true inspiration for those of us dealing with Alopecia. I just read your story and it brought tears to my eyes. You are absolutely beautiful. I too have hashimotos and i guess the thyroid and alopecia must be connected. I need to hear stories like yours because i am having a hard time with it all. I have not lost all my hair, but it continues to fall out daily and i just keep the personal torment to myself. You give us all hope!! Thank you. love to you, Nicolle
  • Marte Carlson

    Congratulations Kayla!! As a mom with a young daughter with alopecia you give me hope to know that my daughter can live a normal beautiful life!! Thank you so much and I hope you come close to Iowa so Maliya could meet you!!!
  • Renee S. Emily's mom

    So proud of you! You are beautiful with and without hair! You are truely an inspiration to girls of all ages! My little girl has Alopeica areata (6) and I had to show her this, while right now it has seemed to calm down I know at any moment that can change! Thank you for representing women of all ages that have AA.
  • Roger

    Congrats =)

  • Chris P.

    Hi Kayla,

    Congrats from Germany too!!!
  • Heather L

    Congratulation Kayla!!

    You have my vote for Miss America!! Thanks for all you are doing to raise AA awareness!

  • Jennifer Krahn

    That's fantastic!! Congrats!!
  • Lacey

    hey beautiful
    i read your story 2 years ago when i was researching about alopecia
    it really gave me strength.
    thank you
  • Jean

    Congratulations for earning the honor of Miss Delaware. You are a wonderful inspiration and advocate to so many. Thank you!!!!
  • Andrea

    Congratulations on your win. I hope you shine at Miss America :-)
  • Tiffany P

    AWESOME ! congrats on your win and you did a great interveiw , thank you so so much for being a great role model for all of us :o)
  • Elisha Kupper

    I am so happy for you and you have my vote and Peytons. She was so happy to meet you and wear the crown. Good luck to you and if you have any pics of her or the two of you please forward them to me...Thank you so much. You did a great job on the interview today as well...Thanks again.
  • Matthew

    Hey, i heard about your win, congrats, and good luck wih miss america.
  • Michelle Ulasich

    Congratulations on being Miss Delaware! You inspire so many Alopecians ~ young and old. I'm blessed with an 11 yr old niece Courtney who was diagnosed with AA since she was 6. Every year she flies solo from CA to PA for a camp for kids inflicted with AA. Fortunate for me, cause I live in PA and we've had time to connect before she goes to camp every year. I know you probably get many requests to meet with fellow Alopecians, but I wonder if I might impose trying to meet with you when Courtney comes in August. I'm at the PA/DE border and could meet you most anywhere in DE. I know it would be the most AWESOME experience for Courtney. Let me know if you might entertain the idea.
  • Galena

    Congratulations Kayla!
    More than being an alopecian, you are an embodiment of confidence, beauty and grace. Many blessings to you as you represent the State of Delaware.
  • Andrea

    Kayla, I just wanted to thank you for being an inspiration to alopecians and to young girls everywhere. You are a true role model.

  • Alliegator

    Thank you for what you are doing for us! You are such an inspiration to me! You go girl!! I know you will take the crown at the Miss America pageant.
  • Galvin

  • Jessica

    hey Kayla,

    had a question about your wig.. like where you got it etc. thank you

    great job winning Delaware!!
  • Chefpam

    I am inspired by your attitude. What a gem you are.
  • Michelle Ulasich

    hi kayla! its courtney . im leaving today (8-14-10) for my camp! im really excited and know im goin 2 have a lot of fun! i won't be emailing u this coming week but will probably email u in a couple of weeks. hope u have fun this week and do some cool stuff. talk 2 u later. bey!
  • Leah Larson

    You give me inspiration....you're brave and beautiful and more of us should be like you. Keep up the good work!
  • Michelle Ulasich

    Hi Kayla! Wishing you a magical Christmas season. Thanks again for making the day with Courtney so special ! She still talks about it. Hope 2011 brings lots of joy & happiness to you & your family. Good Luck @ Miss America!
  • Nicky

    Hi Kayla! I wish you good luck to being Miss America! And I am foward to watching the ABC channel on January 15!
  • Paulina


    I wish it would be possible in my country (an alopecian in miss pageant ) ....

    I will support you Miss America :)

  • Nicky

    Hi Kayla!! Thank you soo much for being my friend! It's an honor!! :) Luck! Can't wait until you win!!

  • Susan

    Thank You Kayla for redefining beauty...You are a winner!
  • Angie

    I never voted or even watched Miss America, and Im 47yrs old. LOL, but today was my first. Thank you Kayla. You have my vote. Good luck and God Bless!
  • Kristy

    Go Kayla Go...best of luck tonight!
  • Roslyn

    Good luck tonight. I hope you win
  • Andie

    You did a fantastic job tonight! You looked like you were having so much fun! We are so very proud of you :-)
  • Gloria S.

    Bravo, you were amazing! My daughter who has AT and I are so proud of you. You are an inspiration to my daughter and to ALL of us!! Congratulations on going so far!!
  • Nicky

    I watched Miss America yesterday. You looked beautiful!! You are an insiration to me and also to many others. God Bless!! Love,
  • Mary

    Kayla, you were amazing and we're all so proud of you. Congratulations on your achievement, and good luck on all the amazing things you're going to do! I hope I get a chance to meet you at NAAF if you attend again this year. Mary
  • Devin

    Kayla that was amazing! I’ve never watched a Miss America pageant all the way through before. It’s kind of exciting when you’re rooting for someone, and you did outstanding. Thanks for representing us Alopecia’s. I can’t believe you have the guts at such a young age to get up and do that. I was nervous and I was sitting on my couch eating Doritos.
  • Tallgirl

    I Googled the video once I learned you went on stage without wig at the crowning. Good for you! I had hoped to hear your speech...can you put it online for us here at AW? I know it would inspire many.
  • Bluebird

    Great job Kayla! We all watched the pageant and were so proud of you. ( My daughters thought you were the prettiest one there). You were great and are a great role model for alopecia. It was so great for alopecia awareness. Thank you.