
, Male

Spencerport, NY

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Father of two beautiful young ladies. I've had alopecia on & off almost 20 years. I lost much of my hair in 2008 so I decided to go for the 'smooth' look around April. No regrets as I've come to the conclusion that there are more important 'things' in life than my hair...or lack thereof.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Drew

    Thanks for the comments Tony. I don’t worry about the booking because honestly I deserved it. In fact, if I probably deserved the card earlier in the game. But the ref was horrible, and I never like to blame the refs because I’ve been in their shoes before. I just thought it was funny for the first game since most of the parents don’t know who I am. But it’s not like I made a scene or anything, it was just smart remarks here and there. I had a parent after the game say the same thing you did that I wouldn’t be doing my job as a coach if I didn’t get a booking at some point, it shows I care. Haha.

    Anyway, how is everything going with you? Where about in NY do you live?
  • Roger

    Hi Tony.

    Where in USA do you live?

  • Roger

    Nice! The state of New York looks nice, specially the north near New England, Maine and Vermont.

    Me myself live in Stockholm, Sweden. Its a great city in the summers. In 2 weeks im going to the States for my first time. Hoping to meet some new friends in Louisville.

    Take care, Roger.
  • Roger


    Yes Its really nice in the north.

    Stockholm is nice too. Specially in the summers. We have lots of americans coming here. But like you said, its cold and snowy during the wintertime.

    Yes, im going from Sweden the 18th to Louisville and going back the 23rd. I really hope I will get a great time and meet some new friends there.

  • Danna

    Tony you sound like an awesome person. Congrats on getting your freedom back.
  • Drew

    Hey Tony I haven't been on in like a week so I'm trying to play catch-up with everyone... How are things with you? I read your blog about shaving your head. I did the same thing like 2 weeks ago. It really is a lot easier to go out in public (even though I still wear a hat most places). Well hope everything is going alright with you...
  • Adam

    Hey Tony,
    I am a Casting Director working on a TV series out of NYC...and currently looking for several men and women who are either bald naturally or have shaved their head. Of course, I am sensitive to alopecia, good taste & comfort level for any actor. This is a hot new series...hopefully you can help with some male/female suggestions (perhaps you?) and I can give you all the details about the show. I can be reached at and can give you my phone number to talk. my website is for reference.
    Thanks for reading this...I appreciate it.
  • Drew

    Hey Tony,
    Glad I could help some way in making the decision to shave your head. I buzzed it short on mother's day and then a few weeks ago I took the razor to it, so I'm smooth now. I just felt like I needed to take control of this instead of just sitting there watching the hair fall out.

    Soccer is going good. We just won our game Saturday morning, which was a big confidence booster for the girls. We played with only one sub the whole game and the other team had enough players to sub the whole team each time. Their coach before the game kept saying, you can forfeit if you want, but I kept saying no thanks so I'm glad we could beat them too. Are you a big soccer fan? Have you been catching any of the Euro 2008 games?
  • Roger

    Hi Tony. Thanks! Yes, I packed some things. Im nervous cuz im going from Sweden alone. But life is to short! Im GOING for it!!!!

  • Roger


    Im off in 23 hrs =) Im excited about the trip.

  • Mandy

    Thanks for the kind blog comment, Tony. Writing blogs and hearing kind comments from my alopecia world friends always makes me feel better. I'm definitely feeling much better today. ;o)
  • Mandy

    I plan to follow your example and "pick up the green pen." ;o)
  • Elizabeth

    Haha! The meeting went pretty well. We met with one of his employees who at first was a bit distracted and dismissive, but came around as I shared my story and we explained to him just how many people are affected by this disease. There isn't much that can be done at this time (lots of committees to organize, I guess) but at least we got our word out!
    Hope all is well.
  • Dotty

    I am just now getting back to the wonderful messages of thoughts and prayers for my daughter, Kristin. I had the best sleep in 10 days last night because she is home from the hospital. Thank you for thinking of us and your prayers were heard loud and clear. Hope all is well with you and yours and you are getting used to your new look.
    Love and Hugs,
  • KnittyCat

    Hi Tony, caught your pic on Dottie's page. I was there checking on Kristin. Love the horse. I use to ride, but haven't in years (not saying I wouldn't if given a chance). At this time I really don't know anyone with horses and I don't have any, thus the dilemma. Also, cograts on the graduation, I know you are one proud papa. Hope life is treating you well (sounds as if it might be), post pics of the new shaved looked. Later, Marie aka "Knitty"
  • KnittyCat

    Thanks. I, personally, don't have any children but have many that belong to friends of mine (they may as well be mine, I helped raise most of them at one time or another). I used to think that I wanted children, and to get married, but as time went on and I became older I didn't feel the need to go that route. I joined the military and did other things instead. I do understand the cost of college though, since I paid for the majority of my own education. Good luck on that. When all is said and done though - we can't take it with us and it's being put a great cause. Take care - "knitty"
  • KnittyCat

    Yes, I was a LPN for 15 years and then went back to school to get my RN. I have done med-surg nursing, home health, hospice, ICU/CCU and now I have landed in the ER. I like the critical care and ER the best. I hope to begin travel nursing within the next 6 months to a year. I love traveling and I do miss that part of the military. I spent most of my military time in the Reserves. The nursing part was in Desert Storm (ICU wardmaster), and medical missions to Central and South America. I loved every minute of the traveling and the nursing in those situations. It showed me that I could adapt to most anything.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Tony. I just wanted to thank you for being an Alopecia World-class member. I've really enjoyed reading you and truly admire you as a father. Wishing you great joy and continued success, rj
  • Roger

    Hi Tony.

    I posted lots of Louisville photos.

  • Mandy

  • Linda

    Thanks Tony, I'm lovin' it!
  • Mandy

    LOL it was pretty quick but not as quick as it seems. I had made this decision a while ago, but was just waiting for the final OK from my friend that he would be renting my condo from me. Once he said ok, I couldn't wait! I've already got my moving truck reserved. LOL.
  • KnittyCat

    The pics are great. Glad to finally see the head w/o a hat, you look wonderful. Love the ferret and the bunnies.
  • Carol

    I'm ok Tony, thanx for asking. Just having a bad couple of weeks. But you can only get so low before everything starts looking up again, right?
  • Elizabeth

    Just wanted to share that I read your blogs...You have a way with words..>Thanks for sharing!
  • Casey

    HEY Tony!
    Thanks for the comment!!
    I really enjoy talking to everyone here in Alopecia World! its wonderful to know we are all here for one another!
    I see you have 2 daughters?? how old?
    As you saw the pics of my beautiful girl, its soo wonderful to be a parent! its such a blessing! right now im dealing with the COLIC but i HOPE she gets over this soon!! My mom says it only last 3 months! so i have 2 more to go! hehe!

    hope to talk to you soon
  • Casey

    You are absolutely right! They do grow up soo fast! My two nephews have! I swear just the other day Tristan, who is 2, was born! He is just sooo funny. He looks like a little man!! and Drew, who is 4, is soo SMART! Now Delaney she is 6weeks and it hasnt gone by fast. which is good. but she has grown. she was 8lbs 9oz when she was born. Took her yesterday for her 1 month appt she weighed 11lbs and healthy!! miss piggy I call her! hehe
    Have a great day Tony!
  • Roger

    Hi Tony.

    Hows life over there?
  • claire

    hi tony hope your well thanks for the nice comments speak soon x


  • Maureen

    Hi Tony, I saw you have a support meeting in Rochester NY. Will there be one in Oct.? cause my son goes to college there and I will be going there on Oct. 17th so if there were a meeting around that time I would love to attend.

    have a great day! Thanks
  • Maureen

    Hi Tony, Thanks for the add. i saw the contact info at the bottom of the post after I wrote you sorry. I did leave a message for Barbara. My son goes to Eastman School Of Music. That's why I may come to that meeting. I can stay with my son he has an apt this year at school. I am just wondering if this meeting has a big turn out? I will be coming there in Oct. For a concert of my sons.
  • Drew

    Hey Tony, hope the support group went well. I'll def. be in touch if I end up going to school at Brockport. It's either there or Cortland, but I'm leaning towards Brockport. I just love the western NY area, and I've been a life long sabres and bills fan so I'd be closer to Buffalo and could go to a few more games (I went to college right in buffalo for a year a couple years ago). But yeah sorry to ramble. Hope everything is going well with you and your kids...
  • Jenn

    thanks tony, i know that it is normal to feel like this in my head. i have never whined so much in my life and i am tired of hearing myself! i am really going to work on this and i like all of the stories ive read
  • Amber Lounder

    Hi Tony Your pics are really cute. What is a ferret doing in your living room lol
    You started a support group? Thats great I"d like to do the same here .You may have inspired me:)
  • Celeste Edwards

    Good Morning!

    Yeah, beer & Xanax :) quite the combo!! They were the only "medication" I had on hand for the shaving ceremony! Believe me, I was desperate for anything to numb the pain at that moment!! This hairloss thing has certainly caused me to "medicate" a little move often.
    But the FREEDOM of being Hairless is awesome!!

    Take Care!
  • Donna Evans

    Hi Tony. Do your girls have any signs of having Alopecia?
  • Donna Evans

    I don't know anyone in my family who has this. Isn't it weird? I'm glad your girls have good heads of hair.
  • Heather L

    Hi Tony,

    I joined this site in March- still working my way around it and just found your profile today. Great pics. Those bunnies are cute. About a month ago I discovered a nest of baby bunnies in my backyard- thankfully I spotted them before my dog did! But to keep back off of the bunnies (he wanted at them bad!) I used puppy gates to build a safe haven for them. FINALLY they all got big enough to hop off. shew....

    Great attitude about your AA. It's so tough- always seems to be good and bad days. Fortunately after all these years I still just have spots and so far I've been able to hide them well with my hair. I fear the day that could change- denial can be a good friend! :)

    I have a friend who moved to Rochester- I've been there a couple times to visit her- beautiful area you live in!

    Hope you are having a good day. & Nice to "meet" you.
  • Kristen Viveros

    Love your attitude about your alopecia. I also have AA and also shaved my head and am now letting it grow back in. I have only one, slightly large spot in the back that has a little regrowth on it, but not enough that you can see. I wear bandannas, like I have been doing for nearly a month now. I am closely monitoring my head for more spots. If I see another one I am shaving it again. Its just easier than trying to deal with the rest of my hair while tying a bandanna on my head to cover the missing spots. In the mean time I try to hold my head high and remember that what ever will be, will be and I can't focus on worrying about what I can't change. So, as long as it keeps falling out, I will keep on shaving. I am hoping that I can grow the rest out to hide my one spot in the back under a pony tail the way I did before the side fell out. Oh and I saw your one picture of you with a bald head and I think you look great bald! Some of us just have "that face" so we look good with no hair. lol.
  • Bonnie Ajan

    You have a great attitude. I am hoping to keep mine positive. You look great with no hair by the way. I unfortunately don't think I look as good as most of the women on here. Is the horse in the picture yours? I find that when I start thinking about my AA too much, it helps for me to head to the farm and jump on one of mine and just take off.
  • Bonnie Ajan

    I do a lot of riding through the woods and am looking forward to taking some of them out of state to ride. It definitely makes the bumps easier. The one in the picture is Amazing Grace. I got her from an auction last August and she was pretty emaciated. I couldn't believe I had to get in a bidding war for her, but I am stubborn and won her for a whole 160.00. She has proven to be a great horse. She is a bit head shy, but we are working on that.
  • Bonnie Ajan

    We went from one to five within two years. I refused to name her for the first week because I thought that it would be amazing if she survived. The vet put her at a low 2 six days after I got her. As I worked with her, with the exception of the head shyness, I found her pretty graceful. I had first thought of Saving Grace, but I don't really like that TV show, then one day I was singing to her and started humming the hymn. That was my light bulb. Now I'm working with a two year old colt that has a real good bloodline. I want him to compete, just not with me on him. What kind will you look for? We have 4 QH and one TW. At least you still have your saddle. I need to purchase me another good one. Preferably with a memory foam seat. :)
  • Bonnie Ajan

    So true about the names and although I don't eat much of them, I LOVE potato chips. The TW we have came from his brother who got scared after diving off while the horse was full speed across the pasture. Of course it was because the saddle he bought online was a piece of junk and he didn't know anything about horses. The other 4 are QH. I use a Clinton Anderson saddle that fits the TW and the others. I need a good seat with memory foam or gel because I had an SI joint fusion on my left hip back in 2007. I'm not good for more than a ten mile ride right now if the seat isn't padded enough. I hope you find another horse. There's nothing like having your own right? Those custody things can get pretty ugly, I know first hand.
  • Cheryl Ann Avens


    Is that your palomino. I am a fellow alopecian just new to this site. I love palomino's!!!!
  • soniamarry

    Your pets are soo cute. Good thing about them is that they love you all the same nomatter what you look like. I have 2 of my own! :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Tony, How are you?
  • soniamarry

    Thank you for adding me to your friends. How are you?
  • Heather L

    Happy Father's Day Tony!