

Minneapolis, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I was 25 when my hair started falling out. It was an up and down rollercoster ride. Sometimes I had hair, and sometimes I didn't. I went to the dermatologist for 6 years every 5 weeks for cortisone injections. I also tried prednisone. The prednisone helped, but only while I was taking it. I have finally come to terms with my condition and people would never know unless I tell them. I'm not going to lie. At first, I was completely devastated. I was always the girl with the beautiful, long, blonde hair. I would often wonder "Why me?" It took me years to come to terms with my condition. Alopecia has been a blessing in disguise. It has made me realize what is important in life, and it has truly made me a better person. I am now a more beautiful person inside and out. I have learned not to sweat the small stuff in life. Life is too short to not enjoy it to the fullest. I am thankful everyday for all of my wonderful friends and family who have supported me through my journey with alopecia. I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. I believe alopecia has made me the strong, caring, compasionate person who I am today. I am glad I found this website so I can share my story and help someone else who may be in a similar situation. The good thing about having alopecia, is that you never have to shave again. That is a definate plus.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Jocelyn

    Welcome Shannon!
  • Ellen Burns

    Hello & Welcome to AW!! :)
  • Roger


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Shannon!
    You have a wonderful attitude about alopecia and about life in general. I absolutely agree with you! And I love your quote at the top of the page. BTW, I have universalis, too.
  • Robbi

    Hi, Shannon
    Thanks for the invite. You sound like such a nice person with a great perspective about the things that are important in life. It's nice to meet you!
  • Shannon

    Hi Shannon,
    I read your profile it's great to hear that people really can't tell and you're that close to them in your profession. I'm curious about the Amy's Presence wig and the eyebrow tatooing. How long have you had your wig? How do you handle the eyelash issue? I'm sure you'll get lots of inspiration on this site!
  • Shannon

    Thanks for the info, Shannon. I've been curious about the cyber hair. It's great to have another option to think about!
  • Heather L

    Hello Shannon!

    Thanks for the friend invite & welcome to AW! Cute cute little dog! :)

  • Ellen Burns

    Shannon--- Hello!! How was your weekend? :)
  • porcelinh

    Hi, Shannon. How are you? Its good to see another dental profession on AW! How do you like being a dental hygienist? Right now I'm a dental asst. and will be starting D.H. school soon. I love the dental field and have been doing this for about 10 years now. Take care, Holly
  • valerie newman

    I think that everything devastating to us that we go thru can be something that changes us for the better - makes us look beyond and outside of ourselves to see what is out there and what really matters -
  • Pat Latina

    I love you're quote!!
  • Michelle L

    Thanks for adding me as a friend :-) Looking forward to getting to know you.
  • Natalie

    Hi Shannon and thanks for the friend add!
  • Heidi

    Hi Shannon, I'm from Minneapolis too! Are you interested in being on the email list for the local support group? Let me know so I can get your email address and let you know what's going on in the area. Heidi ...
  • Alex

    Hi Shannon! Sorry it took so long for me to accept your friend request. I haven't been on here in a while. How are you doing?
  • Chentil Changing

    Hi Shannon Welcome and congrats on your freedom wig! btw what is a freedom wig?!
  • Jessica

    Hey Shannon, Thanks for the friend add... hope all is well in you neck of the woods. glad you loving you freedom piece, just got mine a few months ago. well have a happy thanksgiving and hope to chat soon
  • Chentil Changing

    Thanks for the info Shannon. I emailed them to ask about more info hopefully they'll be something affordable!
  • Krissie

    Thanks for the add!!  Love the lookin for new hair too actually.  how did u get urs?


  • Diana Carter

    Thanks for adding me :) Hope you have a great Christmas! I love Minneapolis, but I have only been there in August ;)  It is a beautiful city, but I have been told I would freeze in the winter. Hugs!
  • lanaya lopez

    hi i am new to all this but stop to say hi iam from st.paul and saw you are from mn. to. wear do you get your wigs from? i see your from mpls . i have 3 but i cant wear theam more than like a few hours . well you have a great day .
  • Devin

    Happy Valentines Day Shannon!
  • lanaya lopez

    hey shannon how are you? i am great . i heard thear isa alopecia meeting over in mplson the 6th are you going i got a emile about it i never been to one . just see if you are going or heard about it. well you have a great day
  • lanaya lopez

    i was relly thinking about it . it seems like it would help i know thay do a lot of fun stuff . i will cheek my emails and find out more about i will keep in touch this week and let you know. you have a great day.
  • Lisa-Lynn Marini

    Hello Shannon,
    Thank-you for the friend invite, how are you? hope your having a nice day
  • lanaya lopez

    hi shannon
    how are you stop to say hi . how is ever thing going? well i hope great . have a great day
  • Rachel Taylor

    Heyy, how are you?(:
  • lanaya lopez

    happy easter have a great day and it going to be nice today iam so sick of the snow cam mn just let spring be hear ????????? lol