Katherine Green

, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Living & working in London .
Living with alopecia now for some years ,i do have my ups and downs but i am not going to make it rule my life.

I work in fashion market research so i often get to see all sides of the fashion and beauty industries.

I coped with depression when AA came into my life & had a very hard tiime at work; Ending up losing my job. Which in many ways was ok as it gave me time for myself.

My family were very much devided on my alopecia, My mother was initialy uncomfortable with it , my sister just resorted to teasing and jokes!

My brother, uncle & father (He is Superdaddy!) were great & have really supported me.

And first, i did not wear wigs, usually scarves & hats or nothing at all. But some parts of London people are not too nice (I`ll tell you about it sometime)

So i use wigs as they give me a smarter look when working and i DO enjoy trying on new styles. Lets have fun with our wigs!

I look forward to making new friends here & will happily chat and laugh with anyone about anything,good times & bad.

I will happily share my expiriences and be a shoulder to cry on or somebody to laugh with, we all have something here to give to each other.

And of course i love the really important things in life........ Music,Fashion,Partying, & Shoes !

Feel free to get in touch with me,ok


Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Katherine,

    I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    That is so great, I think the photo's are so positve. Allows us to relate to each other and see how other handle thier alopecia... and put a face to who we are talking to. Take care. Cheryl
  • kastababy

    Hello Katherine, and welcome!! I am so glad to see you here -- I hope you find all the love and comfort you need here in our community!!!

  • Nicole

    Thanks for the compliment!! I just got them tattooed a week ago.
  • Synnöve Pettersson

    Hello, Katherine thank you for your wisit at my place. Welcome again.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Cool, it looks like you change your wigs & color around!
  • Jill

    On here, her name is sweet mary hill. I stole this post she made from another page called facebook. I'm sure she'd still love to hear what you have to say.
  • Sally

    hey!!!!!!!!! :) so good to see you on here, now we can catch up like old times! how are you? not many of us from the UK on here yet it seems. xxxxxxxxxx
  • Sarah

    Hi Katherine

    How are you ? Hope you are having a gr8 week so far.

  • Jill

    Hi. Well she is on alopecia world too. I forgot that that didn't come from facebook, it came from myspace. The quickest way to search her is probably to find me then look at my friends. Hope all is well with you.
  • Donna

    Hi Katherine I'm good thanks, and thanks for the message :-)

    Donna x
  • Joshua

    Hola Kath!

    Found ya at last! This is another one great site isnt...it! Great to catch up with you.

    Take care.

  • nathalie

    thank you for your comment
  • Shannon

    thanks for the nice compliment on my wig, Katherine!
  • Ken

    Just wanted to let you know that I thought what you wrote in response to the 'Convincing a Disappointed Lover to Stay' article was quite compelling. Not only in clarity on the issue of strength and centeredness in re: to relationships, but also in having to confront some ignorance and prejudice of others. Here in America, of course, we have none of that! :)
  • nathalie

    thank you really
    I keep singing I love it
    I hope you're fine
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Good for you!
    I have lots of fun with wigs, too. I've had this for about 30 years. I used to be in fashion as well!
    By the way, I wanted to move to London -- too chicken to do it, though.
  • Mark

    hey K,

    Just looking for cool london alopecians out there... its a hard thing to deal with hey... where abouts you from in London...hope youre well

  • Roger


    How are you doing?
  • Silje H Teig

    Hi, thanks! Yes I should post some photos.... but I find it hard to use the wig and have only used it for a couple of days! So, I think, in the end I will continue going bald, and proud of it...hopefully:) Hope you are fine!
  • Roger

    Im fine too thanks!

    Roger. =)
  • LouiseOxford

    Hi Katherine
    I have seen you on AASC and WS...nice to see you are back in London.
    Do you go on AUK? A group of us meet up occasionally- next met 3rd Jan if you can make it
  • LouiseOxford

    Hi Katherine
    A group of us are meeting up at 11.30 on Sat 3rd in London- West Brompton- let me know if you are interested.
  • Salvador

    Hi Katherine! Today is my first day in this website...and I think it's fantastic!
    I'm Spanish,but I've been living in London for almost two years.
    I hope I hear from you
    Salvador x
  • Andrew


    I am a man 'who doesn't mind' and truly hopes that your depression has been vanquished.

    Take care

  • Kathryn Michael

    If you are around on the afternoon of Saturday 19th March Alopecia UK has a group meeting in London.
    If you want more details please contact me
