
42, Female

edinburgh, scotland

United Kingdom

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About Me:
6 years ago since I first lost my hair and its now april 2014. I had a full head after 3yrs and then its been in and out like mad, its just now growing and falling out which is so frustrating and confusing. I have lost a lot this time and was also diagnosed with a disease called endometriosis which I believe is what could have made my hair loss happen or worse. I still don't know how to cope with alopecia and just now wearing a hair piece while waiting on a wig for safety in case I lose more hair. Took a step back from this group as I was feeling positive with my hair but feel like im back to square one. Needing some support around me to help me accept whats going on.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Helen Wallwork

    Hi Lynne.

    I'm very open about my hairloss, as it's female pattern baldness there's no hope of it ever growing back - it's just going to get worse. I've found that talking about it helps, it's surprizing just how many people have a form of alopecia that they just hide or don't discuss. I hope you have a good time tomorrow, have you looked at the alopcia uk website? they have local groups - I'm going to my first group meeting in a couple of weeks, I'll let you know how I get on. All the best. Helen
  • Helen Wallwork

    Starting a more local group sounds like a great idea, Edinburgh is a big city there must be loads of fellow alopecians there wanting to meet others with this condition. Have you contacted Alopecia UK to ask for their advice on how to go about it? I'm sure they'd be very supportive? How did your get together go today? Must sign off now as it's long past my bedtime, catch you again soon.

    Helen x
  • Sharan

    Hiya Lynne
    Would be greast to see you at the next meeting in Glasgow. The turn out was quite poor last time but thats a possibility you have to prepare for.
    You look great in your pics. I'm back wig wearing part time. i have a new job and bottled out turning up for my interview 'naked'. I have since informed everyone i work with it is a wig and i've turned up in a scarf for a few days too.
    Hope to catch up with you soon
    Take care
  • Ceecee

    Hi Lynne, great blogs, glad to hear about the arrival, hope it continues...x
  • Angela

    Hi Lynne...I'm happy you liked the poem:)
  • wendy mason

    Hello thank you for your welcome
  • Angela

    Thank you for your compliment... i'm so flattered!!!! I talk to my hair...well it's more like I scold it for misbehavin and then I beg it to comeback and when it doesn't I ignore it...This is how I cope..oh and then If that's not crazy enough I tell my wig she's more fun and prettier than my bio hair anyway. I try to have a sense of humor about it....I've cried so many nights already. AW has helped me immensely.
  • Angela

    Well it all started when I was18 y/o. I had some small bald patches in the back of my head that were noticed by my friend during a summer outing. I covered them up with my top hair but they stayed with me for a couple of months. That's when I went to see the Doctor-he told me I had AA and explained how unpredictable this condition was. I was so happy when the patches filled in again but then my hair started to thin out all over....So my patches filled in but the rest of my hair was very thin. You could see my scalp all around. I was devastated. I started taking vitamins etc... nothing seemed to work. Then when I became pregnant, my hair started to come back. Then of course it left again.
    So that has been the story of my hair. Can't depend on it. I'm now 42 and I have thought about my hair every day since I was 18. It seems the only time I dont think about it is when Im wearing my other hair-wig. What a love/hate triangle,huh?
  • Angela

    Lol...yes! the bevys always help!!!! Yes it has been a bloody hell!!!! Thank you so much for acknowledging this with me. Usually I just feel sorry for myself and wonder what is wrong with me...after I yell at my hair of not crazy..but i sure do sound crazy. Be sure to have alot of fun at the xmas party and have a drink to us the AW!!! Im putting up my xmas tree today-not too exciting-a nice glass of wine will fix that:)
  • micky p

    hello, and thankyou!!
  • Eve

    hi lyenne,
    how are you doing?
    its really nice to meet you too! and thanks for your nice comments :)
    here in germany its freezing cold too. coldest day in december since 75 years here!
    any plans for the holidays?

    hope you will have a nice xmas and many presents ;)
    talk to you soon :)
  • Robert

    Hi Lynne

    I'm a bit early, but just to wish you a Happy New Year. I hope you've got your hogmanay plans sorted and, like mine, involve getting pissed! haha.

    Here's to a better 2010.

  • Sarah McA

    Hey Lynne....thanks for the message...happy new year to you too, I hope it is filled with happiness :) how are you? x
  • rez namra

    Hello Lynne, i hope you are doing great and coping with your issues bravely, i hope you have aghreat day ahead.
  • Sarah McA

    Hey! I'm sorry to hear you got the cold again :( This time of year sucks for that. So how are things going with you? Well I hope? My hair is falling out in clumps which isn't good but I now have my wig so I feel a lot more confident. I think I am coming to terms with it and don't have as many bad days as I used to. I went to the docs for blood tests and got checked for so many things...all the tests came back normal so I am still clueless about the cause of this. The doc also told me he thinks its pointless for me to see a derm. I guess the doc knows best eh?

    Keep in touch
    Sarah x
  • vari

    Hi Lynne, Happy New Year - seems ages ago now though.

    Great to hear that your hair might be coming back - and turning to your natural colour.

    Can't believe it is snowing again this morning. We have been snowed or iced in for weeks now as they don't grit our road and the novelty has really worn off! Saved a fortune though as I couldn't hit the sales.

    Keep being positive, but as I said before - its really not the end of the world. You looked just fine to me and by the look of your photos you can still have fun with your good pals.

    I was staring at a woman the other day cos she was so pretty. I never told her that though so she is probably worrying about what was wrong with her. We always presume that people are looking at us for a negative reason.

    Anyway I am getting all heavy. Have to take hem on my son's trowsers up - he starts his first job on Monday so its time to get smart (ish).

    All the best for 2010! x
  • irene

    hi lynn thank you for adding me as a friend ,as you have seen my daughter is the one with alopecia and i joined this site for information on a freedom wig ,which we have now ordered its been great this web site all the help you recieve and knowing you are not alone my daughter caitlin copes well but has periods of feeling very down ,but she is looking forward to recieveing her new wig ,i hope you are well and look forward to chatting to you
    irene x
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Hiya Lynne! I'm fine ta, how's you? That's great about you still setting up a group. I'd defo be interested so good luck in finding a venue. You still getting some fine white hair coming in? Hope so. Take care and speak soon, Love K x
  • Annie

    Hi Lynne,

    Thank you so much for your support. By the way, I absolutely love your hair! Fantastic. If you have any suggestions re: where to get a decent wig, let me know, i"m from montreal. Take care. Annie
  • Annie

    Hi lynne

    What is the name of your wig? I wear tapes also,
  • yvonne

    Thank u lynne X
  • Laura

    Hi lynne, yeh we are not too bad thank you. How are u? I say I'm ok but really not, finding it really hard to deal with, especially the not knowing what will happen next, and constantly looking for hair falling out. I know I shouldn't but can't help it. I am just so scared for her childhood years without hair. I have a very young baby also and finding it hard to enjoy her as much as I should be, because of all that is going on. Sorry to off load to u. Hope your well.
  • jayne breakwell

    Hi Lynne, thanks for the welcome and also adding me as a friend. Was not sure when i joined what to expect about the site, but so far so good, time will tell i guess. Anyway have a good weekend, hopefuly speak soon. Hope you are ok.
  • jayne breakwell

    Hi Lynn, Yep im ok thanks, just plodding on as i do lol, i know what you mean about the hair, and i wish mine was not going, but it is and never to return lol, sorry i do have to laugh about my situation, its the only way to get by, if i didnt laugh then i would be in a right old state. Mine is not Alopecia, ive lost most of my hair due to my vary rare medical condition which is called Rothmunds Thompsons Syndrome, and it also includes brittle bones, also im 3 layers of skin short which means im prone to skin cancer, and also other cancers, so with one thing and another life has its ups and downs. Anyway ill not go on anymore and bore you to bits lol. Take care
  • Sarah McA

    Hey Lynne

    how's things?
  • Sarah McA

    Lucky you, off work for 6 days! It was snowing here last doesn't really bother me though..I lived in Canada for a year and the snow was past my knees so I got used to it.

    Yeah, been on a few dates...but they weren't for me...have another one next week so I will see how that yours coming up soon? xx
  • jayne breakwell

    Hi Lynn, sorry ive not got back to you sooner, but for some reason my emails have gone to my spam box lol, so didnt think id had any lol. Anyway i cope ok, it tends to be more difficault when i break a bone obviously, but i get by and get tho the pain as best as i can. Well i hope you looked up my condition, cos even tho i say so myself it is interesting reading lol. So what do you do for a living? I dont work anymore, i had to give up about 10 years ago (shame that) lol, i dont like getting up out of my bed anyway lol. So can i ask is it Alopecia that you have? Anyway i hope you have a good rest from work and have fun. Speak soon x
  • Sarah McA

    Hey Lynne,

    I'm really happy to hear your lashes came back and of course you have some regrowth on your head...thats brilliant! you must be really excited.

    Have you ever worn fake lashes and if so, how long have they lasted? Mine are starting to grow and I was hoping this would not have happened. But like you, I think this is going to affect me more than losing the hair on my head xx
  • Kayleigh George

    Hi Lynne, its been a while havnt been on here! I see your having more regrowth, Im so pleased for you! My hair started to regrow again and is now 1 inch! Its a lot thicker than last time and feels healthier so fingers crossed, how are you?
  • Kayleigh George

    Heya, that is a good sign that you have eyebrows and lashes... my eyelashes have just came through, they seem to be last thing that does oddly! I really do hope that your hair keeps growing and gets thicker, my hair came back gray the 1st time but i shaved it a couple of times and now its jet black! I hope your well x
  • Kayleigh George

    i hope that the change of seasons doesnt react with your hair. I know alot of people have the white hair and after awhile it has colour, its because your hair follicles have no pigment now, but gradually she get them! Im going to cornwall for a long weekend with my closest friends, sister and brother in-law so that should be good! Did want to go abroad but money is tight, may go poland as its cheap with a couple of friends! Its lovely when you can put mascara on! I forgot how painful it can be to pluck your eyebrows and hate doing it lol!!! Have you anything planned for the summer? x
  • Charity

    I am feeling better thanks! I bought a new wig which cheered me up, I guess I was just in a rut.
  • Erica

    Hi Lynne,
    Thanks for the comment about my wig - I love that one - my favourite so far (it's only the 4th one I've ever got). I do have problems with how long they stay in good condition like you but the place I went to last said that if they are looking tired you can give them back to them for a spruce up - not sure if it costs or whatever but it might be helpful.
    The long one you said you liked is 'Shiloh' by Rene de Paris. My two Rene ones have definitely lasted better than other makes I've had. I know you can get Rene from most of the NHS suppliers but last time I went to Turveys in Corstorphine. They were very friendly and helpful. The place I went to before said they were going to struggle for a colour match to my real hair but I think what they came up with at Turveys is pretty much there. Is that where you go already though (saw you were at the Capital for your Christmas do)?
  • Erica

    Hi Lynne,

    I'm back living in Glasgow just now but who knows where the future will take me. Had an ill-fated couple of months working at the Capital so that's how I recognised your do was there - figured there couldn't be that many other places having a Caribbean Christmas!

    I've not long been wearing wigs either so don't order mine online. I'm a student just now so can't afford to buy extras - making do with my four a year from the NHS. I think the next ones I get (in June - yay not long to go) will be other ones that I tried on last time I was in Turvey's but I think I'll go to their new(ish) Glasgow salon to get them this time around. First problem will be to get my prescription again from Stobhill. Seriously, getting one from the Royal in Edinburgh was really easy compared to Stobhill but hopefully it will be easier this time around when it's just a repeat.

    I used to tuck my hair behind my ears all the time but with a wig, it doesn't seem to matter how long it is because I always end up looking like Gary Linekar.

    Do you ever have dreams where you've got your full head of hair in them? I had one not that long ago and I couldn't stop running my hands over my head. I woke up so happy only to be disappointed...

    Got a friend who lives in Ratho - who's nearly as bald as us!
  • Robert

    Hi Lynne

    Thanks for your comment. I'm doing good thanks. All of my original spots have filled in. I've got a couple of small spots at one side but I'm trying not to think about them too much. I've stopped all of my treatments apart from putting some steroid cream on the spots that are still there. I'm still conscious that this can reoccur but I'm enjoying the lack of a need for a combover right now! ;0)

    How are things with you?
  • Robert

    So chuffed to hear that your hair is coming back. Don't worry about the white hairs - as long as there's something there. I can't believe that I'm posting this on a public forum but some of my hair came back white so I have to "help" it with it's colour ;0)
  • Sarah McA

    Hey Lynne, things are great with eyelashes and eyebrows finally decided to fall out, which really sucks, but it's just one of those things I ling did it take for yours to grow back? Also, I read your blog. It's great you have some regrowth, you must be over the moon! xo
  • Erica

    Hi Lynne,
    My friend in Ratho is a bloke so don't think his baldness worries him too much - he suits it.
    There is an alopecia group in Scotland that has meetings in Edinburgh sometimes. I'm on their mailing list - they do a nice newsletter and sometimes have some helpful advice. They've recently been looking into whether you can get human hair wigs on your NHS prescription. They have a website - The website is quite basic but if you get the newsletter sent to you, you can find out about when the next meeting will be.

    That's great about getting some dark hair regrowth. I've got quite a lot of white baby hair at the moment but it doesn't seem to be coming to much. Fingers crossed though.
  • lucey smith

    Hello lynne,
    yes im keeping well thank you (:
    how are you ? x
  • hannah sophia holland

    Hi Lynne, thanks for the add! :D i am very well thanx, how are you? yeah we should totally catch up! :D x
  • hannah sophia holland

    Hi Lynne :D how are you?
    I've had alopecia areata since i was 17, so for about 4 and a half years now. at first i lost a couple of patches but after about a year 1/3 of my hair was gone. at ifirst i really didn't deal with it well and was presvribedlots of steroid based medication, but they didn't work. eventally i bought extensions and began to take Nourkrin (which you can get from holland & barratt). i don't know whether it worked or whether it was my different attitude but it has been growing back for almost a year.
    to cope, i told my frineds etc. which i found really hard to do. the worst thing for me was not quite knowing what caused my aloecia etc. and thats why im writing my dissertation on it :D xxx
  • hannah sophia holland

    Hi sorry thia is late, iv been away!
    try not to feel too down hun, i know it's hard and it's your hair, but try and stay positive because it can't get better over night i remember when mine was comin back and it was really slow up until it reached an inch or two, but after that growth sped up a lot.
    i have it all coming back now. the thing was, i saw numerous dermatologists and i was given steroid creams etc. and nothing work. eventually i think i had some sort of change in my mind where i had kind of got used to living with aa, and had little faith in anything to help growth. but a woman who went to the same wig shop as me said she tried Nourkrin and all her hair came back. after i took them for a few months more of my hair came back, so i don't know, i think you have to keep a broad mind with things than that. i only had to take 2 a day aswell, so its not difficult to keep track of, however im terrible with taking things too and didnt always take them and it still seemed to have a positive effect :) hope this helps anyway hun xxx
  • Gabby

    :D it was ok to much course work lol wat about u ??
  • Gabby

    Hi don't worry I'm not on here a lot eva lol nd I hope u have a really good time I luv going 2 weddings nd I've got ict course work tec maths and English lol so alot :D ohh well it will be worth it at the end of it all I hope
  • Nancy and Owen O'Brien

    Thank you so much for watching Owen's video!
  • Jon Knight

    hello lynne. I just joined. what a pain in the bum aa is, turnede my life upside down and nearly ruined my career. my dermatologist said shaving would make look worse due to apteern as i have dark hair. Utter rubbish, it took a whole vodka bottle but last night i shaved it all off and altough it doesnt suit me i cant even remeber feeling so liberated and free.

    What about you
  • saskia derijckere

    Hello Lynne, everything's fine, thank you! You know, i hate alopecia too!!! :-(
    Thanks for the nice comments, your pictures are fab too!!!
    It's very nice to meet you!

    Love, Saskia
  • Rosie

    Hi Lynne! I'd love to chat sometime. Yeah I've been bald for basically my whole life but I had never seriously tried to deal with it emotionally until like the last year or so (I've spent most of my teen years so far trying to forget about alopecia or pretend it wasn't there and somewhat succeeding). It was very hard at first to deal with all the feelings I had stored up but these days I'm pretty happy and actually am starting to like the way I look with or without hair. It is still very hard for me to tell people about it or go without a wig and I really wish I could get past this. Anyway enough about me...Hope you are doing alright, anytime you want to talk just let me know!
  • Tom

    Hi Lynne, I'm good thanks and thanks for the invite too. I'd love to chat sometime :o)

  • Ali

    hey bellissima
    don't worry about it ,,, it happens 2 me n 2003 start growing then falls back don't let that mack u feel sad the beauty inside not outside
    lots of love