Maya :)


Queensland, Gold coast


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Im 20. Im a Vet Nurse in training/ working. I love animals, they are my outlet. I do belly dancing, I do contemporary dancing as well. I was born with alopeica. Now my eyebrows are finally growing back, my hair is the same, fine and so..
I love kids, i love to help ppl, Im a romantic person very naughty i make ppl laugh, and im myself :) I accept myself.
I have suffered in my life, but now i stand my ground.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Josephine Bihl

    ThankĀ“s for the invite!
    How are you?
    I must say that you look very beautiful on your profile! :)
  • Paul O Keefe

    hey,, how are you,, yes it seems like an interesting site.. looking forward to chatting with ppl, hopefully we are online at the same time sometime
  • Paul DeMars

    I am good. Just got home from school. Thanks about my daughter she is everything to me. Glad to be your friend.

  • Diana Carter

    Welcome's nice to meet you :)
  • Alison

    hey maya,
    thanks for adding me as a friend!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Maya!
    How are you doing today?
    Leslie Ann
  • Paul O Keefe

    hey.. yes definitley would b great 2 chat with you aswell :),,, so where u from? Ireland is cold at the moment but no snow or nutin like that so its nice... i added u as a friend there tried 2 send u a message but i wasnt able 2 as we werent friends, any hope your trip goes well :)
  • Paul

    it was nice talking to you too, and things are well, thx
  • Josephine Bihl

    Hello ^^
    i'm just fine :)
    What kind of camp are you going to? :)
  • Vesna Devcic

    Hi Maya
    I have alopecia areata and have had it since I was 16! You like me are probably used to living with it but of course in the back of our minds wonder what it would be like to have hair again...I have forgotten :).

    This is the reason why I am trying to get so many people registered on our AAAF website, facebook page and group pages on here.....we are trying to raise awareness for All forms of Alopecia not only to educate the public but to also rally the government for support in things like getting rid of sales tax on wigs etc....

    Hope you join our page and help us raise awareness! There is a Qld support group which would be great if you touched base with if you are interested in conversing with other alopecians and joining in their activites.....

    Talk soon
    Ves :)
  • Paul O Keefe

    ya sounds good so u just traveling abouts oz nowadays? lots of my friends are movin there, are there many irish uc ome across? ya its summer time over so must b roasting isit! Martial arts camp sounds cool.... Haha Ireland is cool i like it here was livin in Holland the last few years in college i met many ppl form Isreal there but none from palestine,, is it hard wearing a wig in the summer heat? I know there are som many money robbers out there who claim they can help with alopica i hate them... chinesse herbs cud b interesting tho,,, Do u have any friends outside the internet with alopica? I would love 2 meet sum1 here but never seen any
  • beth piper

    Hi Maya! I have had alopecia for 5 years now and it is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. Don't know anyone here that has it and I feel alone quite often. No one has really understood what I am going through. How you feel is how I have felt before too. I hated it when someone would notice, a complete stranger and than say somthing rude. I still have trouble with it. I still feel not as confident sometimes because of it. I was very hurt when my boy friend who I was rencently dating asked me to put my wig on. That really hurt. I dumped him not just for that reason. We will get through it. I am here if you ever want to chat.
  • Gio

    Hey Maya thanks for adding me! Ive had alopecia for a long time as well... not my whole life. But i definately suffer from depression and alot of the things you mentioned. At times i feel my "partner" doesnt get it either. Hit me up if you ever need to chat or vent =) Stay strong !
  • Paul O Keefe

    Hey Maya :) im not 2 bad winter finally comin 2 an end in Ireland its bein a v cold my head has been freezin lol.. i was in London last weekend wit sum friends had a great time...hows are u hope u are keepin good.. ahhh what disaster about the hair,,
    At least it showed signs of growing back which is a good sign u must of bein gettin so excited an all, wat made it begin 2 grow back do u think? studyin 4 your exams used 2 make mine also fall back out... mine is always growing back in random patches is strange i think the sun is v good 4 me and helps me a lot with it,,, hows all goin in oz? are u able 2 swim in the sea with you wig? i know i used 2 spend lots on money on alopecia cures b4 especially wen i was in Turkey they got some strange ones there involving garlic there haha,, anyway talk soon good 2 hear from u Maya
  • Lorna

    Hi Maya, Feel for you and understand where you are coming from. I had alopecia since I was 8. So I can relate to having it as a child from that age and then through the rest of teenage years and beyond. I used to try things to in the early days hoping it would help. Nothing worked or did temporarily. I had a short time where it was okish and then it got really bad again. It is hard because it so unpredictable. When I was 8 I was told my alopecia was because of stress. So I worried and worried that I was causing my alopecia which I hated and then I knew I was worrying so "allegedly" I was making it worse. It was awful and I am only in the last months getting rid of my self blame. Even though my alopecia never followed a pattern of when I was most stressed there was nothing else so go on. Now I have found some genetic research has been done and turns out there is alopecia in my birth family and into my extended birth family. It feels like a weight off my mind. So do you think your alopecia is related to stress or was this was what you were told? If you were born with it I wonder how stressed could you be? I really really hope you aren't blaming yourself like I did. The alopecia is distressing enough without that added stress/pressure. Thank you for saying I am pretty. I could say the same about you but maybe you wouldn't believe it. I think it is hard to feel perhaps pretty in some ways but then it never seems to make up for the hair loss which I still feel makes me unattractive. It good you have support here. It is really hard for partners to understand. I guess it is hard to understand if you haven't experienced it. My ex was supportive in ways and then not in others as they could never understand how it affected my self esteem etc. It is hard in a relationship as so much more exposed. Hope you are feeling more positive just now and that you can feel maybe just a bit beautiful. Talk anytime, to you too.
  • David B327

    Thank you!
  • Josef

    Hello, Maya :)

    I am very good, working on a story and very happy with the progress.
    Thank you very much for your gift.

    Sending all my best to Australia,
  • Josef

    It is great that your hair is growing back. Congratulations :)
  • Josef

    I do not wear a hair piece and do not plan to ever get one. It's just not the thing for me. My own hair loss is the regular, male kind, but I have never considered a hair piece. I shave my head every day and always wear a pirate bandana outside. I very much enjoy its distinctive look :)
  • BTB (John)

    friend invite we like to speak to others directly on how we all cope with the hardships that develop your the goody close isnrelatively close and we are coming and if you and partner do coffee
  • ABsitively

    Hi maya. you left a comment for me a while back but I don't check my profile page that often. Both me and my little girl have had a form of alopecia since birth so like you I grew up with it. Now, it's just a part of my life like anything else not so much a big deal as it was when I was younger. Still, I am worried for my daughter because I know what kind of pain she will go thru.
    Anyways, keep in touch!
  • ahmad

    Hello my friend how are you and how are you Alopecia areata
  • Paul O Keefe

    How are things Maya :)
  • Lorna

    Hey, I'm only recently after a bit of a gap. How's things going with you? x
  • Brittany

    Red Ribbon
  • Brittany

    Hey Maya! : )
    I'm good! How are you?
    I have alopecia areata, so i have spots.
    i have no eyebrows, leg and arm hair.
    But i have eyelashes.
    When i'm stressed i realize that i lose more hair.
    I completely understand what you mean i'm studying graphic design and i can have 5 assignments due! : (

    Hope we talk soon! ; )
    Thanks! : ) you're very pretty too!: )

    Brittany : )
  • Aeron Howarth

    hey maya, thanks for the add! And thank you so much for the ribbon. (:
  • Aeron Howarth

    haha thanks! (: you are such a sweetheart. <3
  • Aeron Howarth

    xoxo <3
  • Devin

    Hi Maya,

    I'm doing good thanks for stopping by. You look very pretty in your pics! I have had Alopecia for like as long as you have been alive...haha I can relate to the eyebrow thing I'm still trying to get used to them falling out. I hope everything is great with you and I will talk to you later. Bye

  • hannah sophia holland

    sorry i havent replied, havent been on here for a while! im good thank you :) how r u? xx
  • Raube

    Hi Maya, thank you for accept my friend request. I'm fine and you? I'm just learning how to use the alopecia world web page (I don't know if my "sent messages" have been really sent or what), ja. Anyway, I had never met someone from Australia, but a friend of mine told me it is like paradise, is that true?
  • Raube

    Well, hope some day I'll have the opportunity to travel to Australia, but in case not... the good thing is that I really, really love my country (hahaha). Have you travel to an american country?
  • Aeron Howarth

    No you are not a monster! lol. And wow, you sound like you have been extremely busy in these more recent times. I really need to get on here more often. :p lol
  • BTB (John)

    Hi Maya been ages had a great time in Phuket see my Facebook site for pics Pats AA is still the same but she copes really well. I am going to Bangkok again on Nov and that should be it for at least six months unless something drastic occurs. Hope your well and sorry for my slack replies I should be a better online buddy. John xx
  • jazz

    thanks! will do :)
  • Willameena

    Thank you
  • Gra C

    Hi Maya, just checking in to see if you are OK. Have just lost the last of my upper eyelashes,still a few die hards hanging on to the lower.Frustrating..... anyway hope all is well. Take Care...Gra

  • OMID

    Hi Maya, Thanks for confirming me!
    Merry Christmas and have a nice holidays.
    Best wishes!