

St Helens, near Liverpool

United Kingdom

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About Me:
Hi everyone, I'm Norm. I started losing my hair at 18, and it was gone by 24. At 22 I decided "what the L" and just shaved it all off. I've got MPB, or to be posh, Androgenetic Alopecia... AGA for short (which I suppose makes it the "cooking" type of baldness :) ). It's never bothered me - in fact I always really liked it - it's other people's reactions to it that fascinate me (which were pretty extreme back in the day). So if you'd like to chat about that - or anything, really! - say Hi and ramble on... :)
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Leah England

    Hey Norm!!!

    I haven't been online in awhile, I've been busy listening to you. :o)

    So, I have stopped my oral meds (which has lead to a MUCH needed weight gain of almost 15 lbs now- HOORAY (98lbs was NOT a healthy choice for me and NO amount of hair loss is worth THAT!), and although my hair (what's left of it) is falling out in droves, I feel SO.MUCH.BETTER. On a soulful level, I have embraced "whatever is today" and stopped fussing with the committee in my head about how long this will take, and trying to figure out statistical pros and cons and on and on and on...

    Now with all of THAT out of my mind, it has been free to wander.. and I found myself at these amazing new age gift shops that Ive never found or seen before (I moved to the city from the country nearly 3 yrs. ago and have been I'm beginning to explore) with my teenage daughter which has prompted many deep and quality conversations between us. Heart is filling back up, almost with every hair that drops, and although I'm continuing my injections (for now, it's really fun to see all of the baby hairs grow pack in different colored fuzzy patches), I have freed my mind, body and soul to drift along with this thing called Life, and I had to Thank YOU for igniting the flame of thought (or lack of thought!).

    So here it is: THANK YOU, Norm. From across the pond and around the world :o)
  • Leah England

    Norm... I will be in touch with you. You have fantastic energy, and humor, and remind me of who I was before AA and where I want to be. Whew! :o)

    Best and Warmest Regards!!
  • Hope

    Hi your sense of humor and your kind words you send to everyone!!
  • Angie P

    Noooorrrrmmmmm! What's up? Just cruising by to say hello. I haven't been on in a while. I've missed your chuckles. ;)

    Hope you are doing well.
  • Julie Koch

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes Norm! It's been a bad day as my scalp is in a lot of pain. I never thought I would see the age of 31... Turning 31 was just another day for me. Hopefully next years will be better! Your a sweetheart Norm!
  • Angie P

    Yeah, buddy! And getting twistier and haggier by the minute! Can't help it. ;) **insert evil grin**
  • Lisa-Lynn Marini

    your comments always make me laugh! I wish you the best day today :)
    p.s: I will never tell

  • Lisa-Lynn Marini

    Red Ribbon
  • Erika Vincent

    Haha you're the best! Too funny!
    Thanks :)
  • Rosie

    Hi Norm! Thanks!! Your comments are funny! I've been doing pretty well. Yesterday a stranger asked me if I had had chemo (after seeing a picture of me wearing just a hat) and I explained that I had alopecia and my hair was not actually "my hair." I hadn't done that in so long and there were a bunch of other people standing around listening. It felt so cool!!
  • Ktownnana

    HOT! Temp should be in the high 90's nearing 100 today. We're sweltering--how bout you?
  • Ktownnana

    No, I wish I could say I was standing in a pan of hot water, but unfortunately, that isn't the case. I just drove back from having a bone density scan and the asphalt is so hot it actually has a liquid state.
  • Ktownnana

    Norm, I just got thru typing you a message (spent about 30 minutes) and when I hit send, it wouldn't do anything.
  • Ktownnana

    Norm, do you type it in a Word document and paste? When I try to highlight it to copy and paste on this web site, my internet explorer shuts down and then I've lost the whole thing.
  • Ktownnana

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who has had this problem. I was beginning to think I was really losing it. Norm, will try to type it again when I have more time in a Word document. Thanks!
  • Avi

    hahaha, norm - if only it were that kind of bar exam, right? i'd actually enjoy studying for it.

    hope you're having a great week, and thank you for being part of the AW welcome wagon!
  • Jasmine

    Thanks Norm! hmmm.... I think I'll try that. I do have a pair of those ass kicking boot lying around somewhere, with the steel toes. Now if only I could find them.
  • R0BB

    NORM !!

    Ok , the fast cars , the tattoos (cmon flowers ? ) , the pubs and the women ....
    Can I have your 'spill over' ???
    You da MAN.

    Interesting factoid : I used to be all fu*ked up on my alopecia Im all fu*ked up on posting stuff on here !! I guess Ive improved ..?? !!!

    I will continue to be amazed by a far and take notes.

    - Peace

  • mabaker

    No London is fine - not everyone thinks so though - look forward to talking with you here - Jessica.
  • Tim Bowers

    Thanks, Norm... you are a very funny guy! I needed that today :)
  • Violet

    Hi Norm. :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Yaaaaaa! Norm is back ;). Missed you Norm!
  • Tallgirl

    Today is a good day for another free gift. thought I'd be spending money right now? Give me a few months! Hope your coworkers treated you to a nice dinner and pub crawl!
  • Susan Innes

    Thanks Norm. I'm grateful to be laughing again, and undoubtedly most would be lost without your wit and wisdom inserted in the blogs and discussions. Having lived with this disease for much of my long life, I can't imagine having hair again; life is very rewarding without it. So CHEERS...or whatever they say in the Isles! Hugs, Susan
  • Gail

    Yeah, I sneak on and off occasionally, and I'm not surprised YOU noticed! I saw our friend's post on 50+ and I felt compelled to respond. It's hard for her to see it now, but there IS light at the end of the tunnel...

  • Paty

    Hey norm. Glad to be your friend. Silly, Im upright just didn't know how to rotate photos and i needed some updating on here. Hard to believe I've been a member for 3 years already. How time flies when you're having fun! Well have a marvelous day!
  • Eliza alisa abgail

    No worries will be there to put you in the ground and maybe dance along your grave and throwing flowers. Lb loves ya I doubt she will kill you just yet. LOL I am good I got assignments and university work... HELP!!!! will pay you a pound to write 2000 words essay.Grins

  • Eliza alisa abgail

    Give me an alopecia essay.Will ace that. I will use alopecia world to motivate me!! its on finance.. It ain't fun. global Islamic does one head in,,, But I know I can do it,Just need a boast. :D

  • Karli R.

    You're very welcome for the add. I wish I could perform all of my hobbies at once! I have gotten pretty close though..... but not quite there. :D Haha

  • Cheryl Ann Avens

    Hello Norm:

    Yes that was my backyard lol!!! Not!!! It was a fair in my home town!!! I haven't been able to get my pic to this site. How are things in the UK? Do you have a nice accent?

  • Cheryl Ann Avens

    Hi Norm!!!

    So you're a Bah Humbugger huh? I am wigging it out in NY!!! Just can't take the au natural plunge. Nice flower tattoos on the head!!!! Is that your girlfriend in your pictures? Nice car and motorcycles. Yours or not? NY is gearing up also for the holidays. Still warm for November in the 40's!!!! Hope you have a lovely day!!!

  • abdelrahman elfeky

    thank u norm i think i'll play loud :D :D

  • ShoCorona

    Good speaking with ya last night Normski!!! hope you managed to get up nice n breezy this morning :) shO

  • Ms Roni

    Why thank you Norm! I sure did enjoy that drink ;) Thanks for taking me on as a friend. Pretty risky... you have been warned! lol

  • ShoCorona

    eeh by gum Norm.... yer comment made me laugh! Thank you :) Y'up all I need to do is grow a beard and then folks will think we're twins eh!! Hope everyting is supa-groovy with you. I started my nursing placement on the ward this week so have been pretty busy with that.. thank feck I have a few days off to recover... hiPpy hugs shO :) x

  • Tallgirl

    Happy Two Years on AW tonight, Norm!!!
  • LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe

    Promise I will not kiss and tell LOL Love your sense of humor : )
  • Angie

    Hi Norm, I was thinking about you and looked you okay. Okay. I see everything is Norm. LOL glad you doing good.

  • ShoCorona

    *chuckles* Norm! I do like me new hair indeedy. Hey it's not jus blond its got strawberry swirl in it too :) and maybe I will start to have fun out in the big bad world. Jus noticed Rose's comment below.. oo-er!!! :)

  • ShoCorona

    hey-ya Normski.... have a fab weekend by the way, hope yer visitor doesne trash yer pad *chuckles* shO :) x

  • Emma

    hey daddy norm
    long time no chat hope you been well xxxxxxx

  • ShoCorona

    Hey hey it's the Normski... think it would be a wee bit too cold up here to be wearing an ice-cream on my dome *chuckles* Good to hear you had a great weekend.. Hope all else is fabbo shO :)

  • ShoCorona

    *chuckles* love what Rose sent ya below Norm!! Hope all is well with you? As for me 'ole Granite gal'.. I'm busy busy busy on the ward and getting on well with it :) Going off to work in 3 different ward settings next week and the bonus part o that, nae uniform wahey! HiPpy hugs shO :)

  • ShoCorona

    Ahoy there m'hearty!!! twas luvverly talking with you last night.. tis been a wee while indeedy :) I checked up a few self catering apartments and f**k me they be expensive!! Methinks it'll be cheaper getting rooms in Premier Inn/Travel Lodge etc.. Let me know what you think young man.. HiPpy huGs shO :)

  • ShoCorona

    hey there Norm-ski.... hope you is having a fab weekend, thought you might appreciate this.... :)

  • Tallgirl

    Norm, was it just your grandfather who had alopecia, or your mom, too? Anyway, your background with that, your own waaaaaayyy-too-early MPB hair loss in your early 20s in the Liverpool long-haired era, your wife's chemo hair loss before she died and your dating mishap with the alopecia gal all made you have the understanding you have now about life vs baldness. Thanks for all your understanding and support over the last two years. Sure missed talking to you during those months when those AW gals were posting inappropriate videos on your profile page! Thank goodness someone took them off! -One alopecian

  • BTB (John)

    At my age I do know better hence no fat guts great physique and great health, mind you you do carry the jelly belly look well and the bald look makes you stunningly handsome you lucky thing. I can see why you are popular fella.
  • BTB (John)

    I am sorry about the homophobic fears I raised in you, fear of being thought of as gay is threatening to many men especially if they are not sure of their sexuality. I am comfortable with any gay feelings I have and find many men very attractive George clooney now he could make me change teams for sure. As for my hair transplant I very open about it and have had so many positive comments from my fiends on this site saying they would do the same thing if it was available and as for Pat she loves me having hair to stroke, I must being doing something's right to have her love me for 43 years, and it is more than my good looks, it is more that I am a man who knows how to respect her and be wonderful husband to her. Thanks for the compliment on body and the way I have kept it firm overnthe years, I still have an awesome 6 pack and I am held up as example at my gym on what can be accomplished by healthy eating and exercise, if enough people tell you have an absolutely hot firm body that's not narcissm it's believing in the honesty of people who admire and respect someone who has not let there stomach become a health issue. I admire how you are able to accept your physical appearance it says a lot for your being able to ignore health warnings and are not afraid of diabetes heart attacks etc, I don't have that in me and being with a smoking hot partner like Pat is a great incentive to stay around and be healthy so as to enjoy the beinifits of a healthy sex life. I am in Bangkok as we speak taking care of business having to travel here several times a year is a drag but it is my success in business that has allowed me to afford my hair transplant and buy hair in bulk for Pat. Pat and I have worked hard to be financially secure and it gives us the chance to help others in poorer circumstances than us I do believe false modesty is for those who realize they have a lot to feel modest about, I don't have anything to feel modest about so why should I. I really apologies for bringing up your fear of homosexual approaches, I am a councilor and have counseled many men on this's fear don't be afraid I have many gay friends and they are wonderful people. I have written comments on women pics on this site and never had one of their express fear that my comment was a come on. Overcome this homophobic fear and if you can you will fear much more comfortable with your decision on your sexual preference. I will be happy to discuss it with you anytime and impart my training knowledge in this area to you. I have been asked to post some shirt of pics if you would like to see them I would be happy to oblige, I have a speech presentation to give so better hone it up public speaking is another one of my skills and it helps raise money for the charity I represent and the hot bod does certainly give the women in the audience a reason to get out there cheque books. Bye Norm stay frosty man and keep it street real my main dog.
  • BTB (John)

    Norm Norm Norm you really do have self esteem issues and the childlike defense osture you have taken shows a self absorbed personality who is unable to to put in the effort to improve your overweight issues and your feeling of unattractiveness. You attack everything about my success as it is a threat to you and I am a constant reminder that if you had the moral fortitude to exercise your health not only improve your sickly appearance but also extend your life. You hate that at my age my body is a head turner and that I look so hot with a rippling set of muscles. I can wear the latest fashions as I have the body to make clothes hang on me like a male model. My extensive financial success also rancours you, I know from members of the group you are struggling financially and do not the business acumen to get yourself out of the debt your in. I have been in financial crisis and I got of my arse and studied the root cause and the solutions to them now I am finacialy placed to buy anything or travel anywhere anytime and I can be os a major charity supporter. I present speeches fund raising events to over a thousand people and I am so good at it with the expertise I have as a presenter and my physical appearance looking so hot both the men ans especially women write out great cheques and it is pleasing to see the awesome public I have doing so much good.
    Your still concerned about latent homosexuality and I can see why a single man who cannot use his social skills to meet women and still be single at your mature age would be thinking of changing teams. You are not alone here Vnajorm it is more common that you would think, and again I offer my professional help to help you through to the right decision. Now also Norm when quoting your limited educational skills to denigrate my superior skills juts remember I have written this information so as to make it simple for you to understand. Using spell check to expound your language structure makes you look desperate, and an hour of Dr Phill does not qualify in psych studies of human behaviour. Your a funny man Norm and I do feel empathy for your inability to relate on thus site your not an Alopecian your just a bald man and have no understanding alopecia and its affects. Until you do don't post comments that come across as self serving and self congratulatory, also leave the women alone who find your sleazy comments from an old mans like yourself as just plain sad, as well as your deep rooted need to be admired for something as you know in your heart just how far short fall in the desperation you exhibit so often on this site.

    It's time to grow up and no longer make yourself look like a silly old man who can't come to terms with his physical, emotionally, financial, and fear of his own. Latent homosexual feelings.

  • Tallgirl

    Well, it isn't EXACTLY mine today, too...but close enough. And I am STILL older than you! Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween to my main alopecia support person. So glad I stumbled upon you on this site!