

Enumclaw, WA

United States

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About Me:
I have had AA for ten years now,and for the first 8 I had a lot of losing and regrowth, Last year it became so bad that I gave up and buzzed off what was left of my hair, got a really good wig and quit obsessing over my hair. I would love my bio hair to grow back, but have very little hope of that right now. Alopecia changes your life, but life goes on.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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    how are you doing now. i hope things are going fine out there with you. i was a bit busy last few days so coulnt remain in touch. anything new these days..........
  • Donna Schillaci

    Hi Sweetie, I know how you feel, and I agree with you, I want to look and feel normal. I could never walk around without my hair like some do, I don't like that kind of attention. Now, if I had big boobs, that I would like. You will heal from this, trust me. It just sucks because it takes so darn long. You take care now, Your friend, Donna~
  • Carolyn Ferrie

    Hi Christine,
    Yes I did have a few pimple like sores in my head from the Clobetsol but only a couple because as soon as my hair new hair growth started falling out, I stopped using it right away and I have not use anything and refuse to use anything else.I am just going to let it take its course and see what happens, its growing and getting thicker every day, but it black and white, but its hair anway, not getting my hopes up though, cause as you said, you never know what can happen, so I'm to the poinT now, whatever happens , HAPPENS. I'm trying to keep on the go and do as much as i can to keep busy, so I don't think about it, still wearing my wig , always will I think, but I still get down about it too sometimes, I think we all will from time to time anyway , no matter what.Hope your hair comes back and stays , will pray for you too, as I am praying for all of us.God Bless and take care.Talk to you again soon.Let me know how things are going with you now and then, as I will do the same. Bye for now.
  • Christine

    Hi Christine,

    Unfortunately I have not had any regrowth at all... it just continued to fall out. Now I probably only have 5-10% of the hair left on my head and my eyelashes are starting to fall out. I'm going to start the DCP treatment in a few months when I get home (currently overseas for an exchange til the end of August) and we'll see how that goes. The doctors here in Germany where I am said the results are quite good with that treatment. We'll see how it goes.
  • Ann Wright

    Hi Christine! Thanks so much for writing. I'm 48 and have lived in the Auburn area my whole life and have never met anyone with alopecia either. I have been wearing wigs my whole life - don't want to create attention - but I do wear scarfs around the house and at bedtime. I have been wearing natural hair wigs for about 10-15 years now - they are so much more natural - the last one I bought was almost two years ago - I went up to Vancouver, B.C. on the advice of a gal that sometimes styles my hair at Gene Juarez at Southcenter. I paid about $1500 and it is still going strong almost two years later. I do need to get another one soon, though.

    I would love to meet you sometime - please let me know. My daughter is getting married a week from today (yikes) but after that I would be available. Please let me know - I've been at this for so long and I know I can be of support to you and vice versa. Have a great weekend.
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi Christine,
    Its nice to hear from you. In answer to your question I grew up in Calif then moved to Washington after my frist son was born. We lived with family there and it home for a good number of years. We did move to Nevada for about a year and I moved to Elma near Aberdeen Wa for a couple of years. Then moved back to Spokane then to Calif to be near my grandson. A couple days ago I talked to youngest son in Spokane and found out that are going to have a grandson also. So now its hard and I really don't like Calif so my choice is to go back home and stay.

    Would love to chat more with you.

  • Melissa Harris

    Hi Christine! I saw that you mentioned that you have the Ophasis Pattern? So do I. I was wondering does it get worse every time you loose it and did you ever loose all of your hair? This is my second time around and it seems to be seasonal. I'm not sure what to expect from this pattern. They say it is hard to grow back but the first time I grew it back pretty quickly. This time it seems to be slower coming back. Very frustrating. Thanks for any information, it think I may start a group for this pattern of alopecia.
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine! Sorry for the delay in the reply! OMG! You sound exactly like me!! I too walk around, hair gone on the back of my head and no one knows about it!! I too loose in the winter and grow in the spring! I too have a big patch on the side of my head that almost merges into the back part! This is so crazy! I wish I could meet you! So have you ever lost all of your hair, or came close?? You have had this much longer than I. This is my second year into this. I'm scared to death that I will go AT. I have lost a little bit of eyelashes, but grew them back right away. I have hair all over the rest of my body and it seems to grow on a regular cycle because I do shave a lot in those areas. Strange, right?! How do you cope with this all? I have received treatments and the first time it seemed to have worked, but this second time around, it seems like it has been harder to grow back and the shedding is crazy!! I shed like 500-700 hairs a day and it drives my crazy! Do you wear hair pieces now at all? I have one that I can put underneath my hair and it clips into my existing hair which gives me some fullness, but I hate wearing it all the time. Well hope we can talk soon. I would like to hear any theories that you may have about why you think you have AA. I'm not sure what to think anymore. Do you have any other conditions? I have met a lot of people that have other issues like thyroid problems as well. I'm not sure if I have any other conditions, but I wonder sometimes if I do. Hope to talk to you soon, take care! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, Wow thanks for the comments! You really gave me some hope that I will not loose all of my hair. I think you are the first person that I have found with this pattern that has has it that long and didn't loose it all. I was curious how long is your shedding phases? I'm having one now and it's been since September, so I'm wondering when this is gonna end! So tired of it. I too have lost a little eyelashes but they came back right away. Did you have loss the whole seven years or did you have any time in the middle that you were in remission?? I don't think I can take this for seven years, ever year! How do you deal with it? So you just walk around with your own hair then? I do too for now but it looks like crap and I hate it. I do wear a hair piece on occasion when I dont want it to look bad on that day. If I'm at home though, I just leave it alone. I would say about 30%-40% of my hair is gone now. I did recently get a spot on the back that is closer to the top and that is making me very nervous because I would never get spots on the top at all. Have you ever got them there too? It is mostly the sides and back now though. It also itches and I can't stand that either. I never used that shampoo that you mentioned. I wonder if I should try it?? I was doing the shots and they seemed to work the first time, but now they are not working. I went again on Monday for treatment. My doctor wants to do oral steriods now and I'm so scared that I'm gonna loose it all. I don't know what to do. So did you just let it run it's course and then it would just get better overtime?? I'm just wondering when the heck is this stupid shedding gonna stop! I know what you mean about just being bald and forget it. MAybe it's easier in a way to deal with it in the long run, but I just can't shave it yet!! My doctor also told me that he has seen our pattern take it's course over two years but I don't think that is accurate. If you have had it that long, then it probably never ends. Which is discouraging for me. I don't really know what to do anymore but I guess get a wig and I hate that too. So you had shedding in June and now you are growing? I hope so!! Thanks again for all the feedback, I glad that I met someone on here that has survived this pattern and not totally lost it all. I hope we can talk again soon. Good luck with your job too! Take care! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, Thanks for all the detail! Wow, Im so happy for you! I think you have it way better than I do! I never had a long period in between, the most was maybe a couple months. Then it all started again and worse, like 40% now. I did do the shots and it did come back in the back fairly quickly and I did grow it back probably better than before like you mentioned. Then I did have a period where I got back on BC in the summer and it messed me up again I think because I stopped it again after like 2 months. I think that was stupid for me to do that. Did you ever take any meds, like BC pills? That may have triggered it again and it came back worse. Now my doctor told me that I need to do the oral pills now or else it will probably get really bad before it gets worse. I know it is not good for you and I am scared to go either way, so I'm only gonna try this once. I did call the nurse again and talked to her about it in depth. She told me that the benefit will outweigh the side effects. We will see, there is no promise that this will work or not work. So right now I'm taking my chances, I know. I can't stand the hair falling out anymore. It is just tearing my up inside. I even had a tiny tiny little hair loss in the front hair line now on the side and I thought I was gonna die! I can't take it anymore!!! So here I am, in a situation that I totally hate. I too have faith in God and pray for a miracle but I also believe that God lets things happen for a reason too. There are so many people that loose all their hair. Although, my husband believes that all the worst cases are on the internet and the ones that are not, don't post their stories. I thought statistic wise it was ever more rare to get AT, but on AW, seems like everyone that has the same pattern as us, always lost all their hair. My doctor said that AA is like the NY Stock Exchange, you can never predict it, really reassuring! This diseases sucks, sorry to be blunt, I think I'm also having a bad hair day too. Oh, I too have Rogaine this whole time and also topical steriods, not to mention all the other stuff like vitamins, shampoos, ect.. Yeah, I have been aggressive on treatments. It did work the first time, but now I wonder it this AA just decides when it wants to turn on and off all by itself!! Probably! Seems like you just leave it alone and it does ok. Do you exercise a lot or do any other stress management? I really think that stress or any imbalance in you body can re-trigger it now. I have talked to so many people, as least with adults, I think that's the case. I'm just not happy about my situation now and having a hard time. I'm gonna try this once and if it doesn't work, I'm not trying it again. If I lose my hair, then I'm just gonna try to get a good wig. I'm already looking into them now. I wish you well on the AA journey. Please keep me updated. I think I will also make a group for our pattern and maybe for people that are not totally bald. I would like to talk with others about there experiences as well. Thanks for the openness and honestly. i really do appreciate it! I hope that you NEVER get a flare-up again!! :) Well wishes! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Hi Christine, Thank you so much for the kind, kind, words! You made me cry! :) I know what you are saying, and you are so right. I'm just having a really hard time with it now for some reason. I think this is the worst my hair was ever looked. So I'm just really aware of it now. I went to Target today and thought everyone was looking at me. So tiring! My emotions are so out of whack! Not to mention yes, I did start the steroids. I don't think they are helping so far, but I think they said to give it a month and then we will take a look again. I read that it is pointless to do them because you just relapse after. So why the heck am I doing this?? i called the nurse and she told me, just take them, it will help you. She was AA too and she has taken them too and she told me it helped her. I just don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I think if this doesn't work, then I will give up on that route. I'm just committed to it now, so I'm just gonna see what happens I guess. I didn't say that on my blogs too much because I know a lot of people would disagree with the treatment. My doctor just kept reassuring me to do it and he said it would help. I told them about what I read on the internet and they told me to stay off the internet. So, I guess I will just stay here and wait to see if the medications will work or not and just pray. I just got some patches in the top back part on my head and I have never had them there, so it's driving me crazy. Not to mention the shedding. I just wish it would STOP!!!! Sorry! I think this week has been rough! Thanks for the reply, and please do keep in touch!! I'm just gonna take it day by day now and I will be in touch too! Take care! :) Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Sorry I did forget to mention, I do have allergies and now just recently have a little bout with ezema only on my ring fingers, weird right? Well, sorry I was going on and on. This is just a tough period for me. I think it does look worse now. Now I'm just hoping that I wouldn't loose it all and still scared about the treatment. My scalp still itches too and that doesn't help. I can always feel it. Well, thanks again for the thoughts and prayers. I know that there is more to life than this. i appreciate you listening! Keep in touch! Blessings! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, Thanks for the comment! Yeah, with this AA you just never know. You never lost all of yours either but others eventually did. I think others just got tired of it and just shaved it off never knowing or caring if it will grow back. It is really an individual decision all the way around. I am very appreciative of the prayers and thoughts. That means a lot to me and I thank you. Still on the treatment and I will keep you posted on what's going on. Please stay in touch too! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, Hi there! Thanks for the note! Yes, I'm doing ok with the treatment now. I haven't had any major side effects YET. Thanks to God! Although this is only like week 2 on being on them. I think I noticed yesterday finally that there was a little less shedding, do I dare say that?! I'm scared to! But we will see, I will keep you updated! What is your daily routine now for the hair growth? Just vitamins? You never did shots or orals did you? You are very blessed!! That is awesome!! How much percentage wise did you lose at the most?? I think I'm up to about 40-50% now. I have some patches in the top back part of my head that is the worst for me right now. I hate to go out anywhere and I'm waiting for a hairpiece that I bought to come in so I can feel normal. I know what you mean about the waking up wondering about your hair, I always wake up thinking that this is some cruel joke and then I feel my head and there that feeling is again!! The patches and scalp! I hate that!! How much regrowth do you have now?? Are you close to 100%? I'm so happy for you! It's nice to know that someone is beating this!! Is there anything else you do that you think helps? It this point, I'm willing to try anything to help the hair grow. Please stay in touch and keep me posted on your hair too. I'm so glad that I have you and others on here to talk to. Thanks for all your continued support! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, Thanks for the comment! I feel really stupid about the shedding because I'm not sure if the steroids are causing the slow down! If so, all I'm reading is that it will just fall out again so I think I'm just buying time now. I can't believe that it just stopped for you after 40% loss. So how long was that period, a few months of shedding? What else did you do since you did not do any treatments? Did you do vitamins at all or shampoos? That is awesome! I think praying must have helped! I'm about 50% loss now and it is driving me crazy. It looks so bad now. I can't go out without my hairpiece on. Did you ever get patches on the top back part of your hair? I now have some patches on the top in the back and those look the worst!! I hate them! I didn't mind the bottom as much as the ones on top. My head still itches and is tender in spots too. I'm glad that you mentioned you had bald patches for a while and then they filled in. I'm wondering when mine are gonna fill in! I have had this big one on the left side of my head since like Oct. 2009 and I thinking, will it ever fill in?? Also, it's all gonna be uneven, I'm so frustrated about it! I was looking at pics. of me when I was pregnant and my hair was amazing!! Augh!! It hurts sooo much!! I'm so glad that you are filling in! That is such a great feeling! I still can't believe that you didn't use anything, maybe I should have just done that! Too late now! Just got to go day by day! I will keep you posted! Let me know if the back ever fills out for you too! Have a great Thanksgiving!! :) Melissa
  • JET

    Hello; I just wanted to stop in and say Hello. Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, Merry Christmas! Thanks for the message and asking about how I'm doing! I'm ok, the shedding has slowed but not totally stopped. I still have a lot of patches but hair seems to be growing very slowly in some of the patches. i did get a little patch in the hairline area that is bothering me now but it's not too bad. I'm just so tired of it all. I did get a wig, but I haven't really wore it yet. My daughter hates it! She doesn't like me to wear it so I kinda feel weird putting it on. Anyways, I am still on the steroids too and I'm getting tired of that too. I has made me gain an little weight and more nervous at times. I'm wondering if it's all worth it. Well, don't want to sound too negative, we did go to church today and I am thankful for everything else that I have. I am blessed too. Thanks for the thoughts, I will be in touch! I'm going back to the doctor on Jan. 4th. I'll let you know how it goes! Take care! Melissa :)
  • Melissa Harris

    Hi there! Happy to hear from you! Yes, I did go to the doctor and he still has my on the steroids, but I'm on a every other day cycle now. I still hate it and I know it's bad for you. I have had some regrowth but it's still patchy in some areas and stubborn. I still have some hair to work with but I can't put my hair up in a ponytail at all. I can't stand that! I'm just praying that when I get off of the steroids, it won't all fall out again, ugh! I still shed more than I think I should be because I find hairs all over the place still. It's been a hard few months, but I'm praying their is an expiration date with this AA at some point!! I just want to move on already! Tired of the fight! Well, sorry that you have had stress on the job! hope things get better for you there too! How is your hair doing?! I'm still taking a ton of vitamins hoping that will help too. Take care and please stay in touch! Melissa :) PS i ordered a wig too and should be getting it soon, I'll post a picture on here soon when i get it. I might not wear it all the time yet, but I got it just in case if i really need to. Talk soon!!
  • Melissa Harris

    Oops I meant "there" not "their" on the bottom, I was rushing my words! Sorry! Melissa :)
  • Melissa Harris

    Nice picture! I'm doing ok. I got some regrowth now in the back, but still shedding more than I would care too! I know what's normal for me and this is not normal shedding yet!! I'm just praying for it to slow down! It's been shedding since Sept. 2009! Tired of it! i should be bald be now, but I guess I had a lot of hair! LOL! Still have in on the top and a little on the sides but it looks really funny unless I wear a hair piece under neath. Well, I pray that your shedding stops, just try to relax. I always thought the same thing about the stress being the trigger, but then I wonder why little kids get this too and others who have told me that they were happy when they started with AA too, so I don't know what the heck to think sometimes! But I do think that there are triggers for sure and we just have to know what they are I guess! This AA is just too unpredictable! I did get a wig and I really haven't worn it to tell you the truth. I'm hanging on to my own hair and wearing hair pieces that go underneath the hair so it looks like mine. I figure I'm gonna wait until I really need to wear it and then wear it more often. I look at it everyday wondering if and when will I ever need to wear it. Crazy, right?! Please let me know what happens with your shedding and do the same things that you did the last time to stop it. Hopefully, it will stop soon!! Be in touch and keep praying too! Take care! Melissa :)
  • Melissa Harris

    Hi there! Yes, I got mine from a hairdresser here where I live, but I did find them on the net too. I will send you the link, but I believe it's It's a hair site out of New Jersey and they have hair pieces that are like a strip of hair that goes around the whole head and it clips into your own hair. I wear these and it gets my by for now. They are not comfortable to wear for long periods of time, I only wear mine if I'm going out and need to wear it. Plus, they can ride up sometimes and you have to adjust them underneath your hair which can be a pain in the butt sometimes too. I just wish that I could keep my own hair!! Ugh, all the stuff that we have to go through! Anyways, if you need help or if you are interested in these pieces, let me know and I can help you out! Have you ever gone for shots on your scalp?? I think these help a lot of people that have AA, maybe you should look into that too. I would go to someone that really understands AA though, some people do not know how to give the shots correctly. That's why I travel to see my doctor in Dallas. The nurse there is very good. I'm going back in a few weeks. I'm growing hair now but very slowly. I just pray that is does not fall out again!! How many times has this happened to you again?? This is my second time around. My doctor says that you can just not predict this at all. That is hard to deal with all the time. I'm so tired of it. Well, I'll be praying for you and pray that this stops for you too. Where are your new spots at? In the back area? That is where I got mine at first. Ok, I'm off to bed, God Bless!! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Thanks for the feedback! Well, I guess it is good to hear that you got it with less involvement every time that you got an episode. That think that is not as common. Most people get worse, so that's a good sign. I also heard that the shots don't work as well for our pattern but they can also give you a shot in the butt that is the same medicine and it did work for me the first time around. The second time, it wasn't as effective and I'm not sure why. I guess I'm just willing to try anything if it works even a little because I'm so scared to loose it all. When you lost it all around the sides and back, how long did it take for you to grow it all back to a decent length? Also, did it come in with spots and then did the spots fill in or did it all just come in all together with no holes?? Mine is coming back, but it's weird, like a pattern of growth and areas of baldness still. It's so frustrating, but I'm hoping that it will all fill in!! I'm still on the oral steroids and I will go back to the doctor probably in the beginning of March. I'll keep you posted. Keep using the Rogaine and take your vitamins and et your exercise. I think everything that you can do works together to help it stop. Please keep me posted. I love your new pics!! Thanks for posting them! Take care!! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, Here is the link for that website for the hair pieces: They are called Hair-B-Tweenz. They go temple to temple underneath your own hair on the top. They have been a lifesaver for me when I needed them. Hope this helps you too! Talk soon!! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine! Hi there! I'm sorry that you are not feeling well, I hope that you are better
    now! I am just getting over Strep, never had it until now. I'm wondering if all the steroids may have lowered my ability to fight it?! I wish I could stop yours and mine shedding!! I know how you feel, please believe me! That happened to me in Sept. 2009 and it just still seems to be shedding!! I can't take it anymore!! It's tiring! I pray that it will resolve for you soon!!! Just try to be patient and do all the things that you did the last time to help it. I'm praying for you! Let me know if there is anything else that I can do to help you though this hard part! Hope you have a great Valentines day too! Melissa
    PS About the Rogaine! My husband uses it too! LOL! you are so right, it's funny what growing a little hair will do for people! I never thought I would be using this like him! Crazy stuff! Take care! :)
  • Melissa Harris

    Hi Christine! Thanks for the reply! Yes, great advise! I must remember that people on here are reaching out because of what is happening, but there have to be others on her that got over their AA too. We just don't hear about that. My husband always reminds me of that too. Good point! some times I have to stop reading all the stuff on the net because it is just too depressing. And if you want to have a healing spirit, then you must not read all that stuff all the time! I too believe in healing, but sometimes I get down and wonder if God will heal me or if I'm just supposed to have this and be bald. I'm just not sure yet. I guess in time, I will know and I will have to accept whatever happens. Augh! Enough about that! Yes, I dod loose the hair near my temples both times and it grew back both times. Very weird. Also, the color was different but it was lighter in those areas and not darker. That is good that you are seeing some growth too. how is the shedding going? Do you ever count your hairs more or less? I thought you told me that you didn't. That's probably a good thing. I can eyeball a ball of hair and I can tell you about how many hairs are in a ball! That is terrible I know. i still shed, but it is less and less. I'm very scared about what will happen when I get off of the steroids. I met another lady that did the same treatment and she told me that she still has her hair with some spots and another lady told me that she lost it all right after she stopped so I don't know what to think!!! Be in touch! Prayers and hugs! Melissa :)
  • Joshua

    Hey Christine,

    Thank you for your comment on my profile. It is very much appreciated. The religious row in Malaysia has not deteriorated but the tension remains here. A little trial and tribulation are good for christian faith, so that we are reminded that being Christ's follower is just not that simple. Thank you for your thought and prayer. I thank God for people like you. Take care...God bless.

    p/s: preparing for my final of all final exams...
  • Melissa Harris

    Hope all is well with you! Thanks for the message! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!! I have been super busy with my girls, spring break and all! No, I did not shave! I still have about 40% or so of my own hair. I'm not gonna until it really looks bad and we all know that we can't predict when that with AA!! I'm still hanging on! I went to the doctor, and he just gave me the same marching orders again. Tapering off the steroids still. The shedding has slowed, but the growth is very slow. I still have patches. Now I have folliculitus wich I can't stand!!! Have you ever had that?! I can't seem to catch a break!! I'm just trying to be patient, but it's hard sometimes. How is your hair doing? Are you still shedding a lot? I pray that you are not and it stopped!! Let me know what's your status too!! I'm so glad to hear from you! Take care and be in touch!! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, How are things going with you?! I'm doing ok. Just tired of the ups and downs. Going to the doctor this tuesday, probably more treatment again, :( I have a few new spots and a little growth, with some old patches mixed in with it, attractive right, lol!! Hope your loss has stopped. I'm just hanging in there! Trying to be positive but it's a long hard road for me sometimes! Hope to hear fro you soon!! Melissa
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, I am going through the exact same thing!!!! Wow, I wish I could just meet you and give you a big hug!!! It is so hard for people to relate to what we are going through! i totally understand you!! I too have areas in the back that have not grown and I'm wondering if they ever will!! I asked the doctor that and they said that it could mostly come back but it might have a patch right at the nape that might never grow back, :(. I too am having spots all over now, some on the top and some on the back, top part of the head. It is so frustrating!! I'm still getting shots, but I'm wondering if I should even bother sometimes!! Wow, well if you ever want to talk to me live, lol, I will send you my number via e-mail and maybe we could talk soon!! I just don't know what to think anymore, one day I'm laughing the next, I'm crying!! So tired of this fight!! I pray that you are ok too. Please e-mail me or call me if you ever want to talk!! Take care!!
    PS Did they ever check your thyroid?? I can't remember if we ever had that conversation. My husband still wants me to look into that possibility too.
  • Nicole

    Hi Christine,
    That is really interesting to know about the stalk bite, it's not very attractive is it? I'm sorry to hear about your hair falling out too.
    After about 12 months some of my hair started to re grow at the back. At present I still have a lot of bald spots at the back, on the sides and now I am going bald at the front. But you know what? I don't care because I have my wig. I think when you feel ready you should get a wig :) I went to a wig shop and the lady told me that synthetic are better than real haired wigs because you don't get as hot and they last longer. I tried a few on and found one I like. It's a bit hard to explain but I feel that my wig just stays. It appears to have an elastic type band that helps hold it on. Only when it gets super windy I worry that it may come off. Its easy to eash (once every 3 weeks) and I am glad I bought it. I think I will need to buy a new wig every 8 months or so. It tends to get a little messy on the ends otherwise. I think you should do what feels right for you and I hope that one day your hair regrows. I act like my hair will never grow back so I am not disappointed. There are worse things in life. We can still walk, talk and eat lol. Contact me if you ever have any more questions, I don't mind.
    P.S I saw a picture of your dogs and the one on the left looks like our sausage dog, Snoopy lol.
  • Diana Wood

    Hi Christine,

    Nice to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear that your hair falling out again. When I lost mine at 14 it went fast and never came back. As much as I would love for it come back sometimes maybe it not doing that is for the best. It talked to somone who's hair would come and go. She described it like a bad bad boyfriend. It would come back and make her happy temporarily and then leave again and break her heart. I thought that was a cute analogy. :) I never took any medications.

    When mine fell out at 14 they didn't have all the options as they do now. Hormones and Rogaine was about it. I actually used Rogaine, without success of course, but as far as other treatments my parents didn't want to subject me to anythig with nasty side effects. (like hormones for a 14 year old) My eyebrows and eyelashes used to come and go, but they've been gone for along time now as well and I'm sure they won't come back. I actually finally had my brows tattooed a couple of years ago and I'm so glad I did.

    My hair is a Peggy Knight piece. She has several options. I've got vacuums, but now she's come out with a few net base pieces that are kind of a cross between a vacuum and a net base. The one I'm wearing in the pix is a cross between a vacuum and net base. Let me know if you're in need and I can give you more info. I'm assuming your hair in your pictue is your own hair? I'll keep my fingers crossed you keep it and won't be in need of a hairpiece!

    Also, I know the leader of the Seattle Support group if your ever interested in going to a meeting. Let me know and I'll give her your name. Or I can just let you know when the next meeting will be. THe group meets at Virginia Mason in Seattle a couple times a year.

    Boy, sorry to ramble! Take care,
  • Melissa Harris

    Christine, How are you doing? Been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing?! Hope you are better, you are in my prayers... Melissa
  • Diana Wood

    Hi Christine,

    How are you doing?

    Take care,
  • Petra

    Hi Christine, How are you doing? I've been trying to take advantage of the sunshine before the rain starts. The picture of you by the water is that on Ruston Way?
  • Petra

    The last time I went to Sequim was about 20 years ago....I'm sure it changed a lot. Do you guys take the dogs with you when you go? We have 2 dogs too and it's always hard planning a vacation with them. They are our kids so I really hate the idea of putting them in a kennel. Have you been to Leavenworth? It's a small bavarian town in Eastern WA, there are a couple of camp sites within walking distance of all the shops and restaurants.
  • Melissa Harris

    Hey Christine, Just wanted to say hi because we haven't talked for a while. I'm currently wearing a stupid wig now, I hate it, terrible pimples all over my head now and I feel like I was cursed! Hope things are better for you, I'm just hanging on by a thread..take care! Melissa
  • Diana Wood

    Hi Christine,

    Wanted to let you know there will be a Alopecia Support Group meeting on January 21st at 7pm. Guess what? Good news, it's going to be in Kent this time. No drive to Seattle! :) Let me know if you would like more info. Hope all is well. :) Take care, Diana
  • prince

    Red Ribbon
  • Andrea

    Hi Christine...just stopping by to tell you I am lifting you up in prayer. I was tested for sjogren's in Dec 2009. It was negative but I did test positively for Lupus (severely so) which was the root cause of my hair loss. Since autoimmunes go hand in hand, it would not be unheard of. Fortunately, with fish oil and restasis many people have had significant relief. Blessings!
  • Andrea

    Oh yes, my ANA was high, but what was really off the charts was my sed rate. It was 100! I do have dry eyes, but have always had them as long as I can remember, so I guess I don't know any different, LOL! I've also been limited in my perspiration. Chances are that I have a mild form of sjogren's. Some of these can manifest on a spectrum. With my Lupus, I thought I was going to die. Now, I'm much more functional than not functional. My hair grew back...curly! I lost about 95% of it when it was all said and done. I did develop psoriasis this year so that's fun. Basically, once you have one autoimmune, you're at risk for any number of them.

    I'm sure you will enjoy your son's wedding, regardless of hair :-)

    And yes, the hair sacrifices in India is so deeply wrong. From a human rights standpoint to a Christian standpoint. Only one of my wigs had human hair and I don't know where it came from. If I lose my hair again and have to wear wigs again, you can bet I will be very aware of where it comes from. No Indian hair for me!
  • Andrea

    That is a major praise to the Almighty God! A good friend of mine suffers from extreme dry eyes and what helps her is an agressive regiment of fish oil. There are so many benefits to fish oil and it certainly can't hurt. I take one a day, but she takes 3 or more. I don't get it from GNC because that is vastly overpriced, in my opinion. Walmart has one that doesn't even cause fishy burps if you make sure it says "Enteric coated."

    Be blessed and know that you have been lifted up to our Father today :-)
  • Heather

    Thanks Christine about the comments...I have been getting some of my hair pieces in FL at one of their Flea Markets(they have everything there)in New Smyrna Beach,FL..its by Daytona Beach....The only reason I have been getting them there is because my Mother and Father in Law live in FL during the winter months and then they have a cottage in NY during the summer months..Plus, my husband and I got married on the the beach in FL...Thank you on the comment of my wedding pictures...They turned out wonderful....I am sure if you would like the address I could find it and I am sure she can mail you out information.....

    I am very great full for my life and that I have a husband who loves me and 2 adorable children...I can't ask for anything more in that department....I just want to be happy with myself some day soon...I know I will get there...I just need some support along the way...Thank you so much for finding me...=)

  • Heather

    I had to end that message...I had to give my son a bottle and put him in his crib for a nap....I was diagnosed with AA in the beginning of 2001...(Senior year of High school)..I went through it all...My senior year of high school was the worst year of my life...Or so I thought..then 6 months later Everything started falling out....I haven't shaved my legs in over 10 years...I guess that's the only good thing about this condition I guess you could say....Everything I tried didn't work...I tried it all...Now I went back to my dermatologist and she says that there isn't anything to do any more because it's so exstensive....I never had the support when I first was diagnosed I think that's why I am still in Denial about it...Even my own parents...My mom kept on saying that she was hurting and no one gave HER support...(it's a really long story about my mother)...I am so glad that I have actually found people that have this...Wish they were closer but thank God for the internet...=)

  • Heather

    Let's see...Here is what my hair piece is...But, it's not human hair it's synthetic...I can't afford Human Hair right now...Estetica Designs Classic Collection "ELLEN" R32F....I hope this helps you...I am sure you can get it online anywhere...I found it on some of the websites but I never bought a hair piece from a website before....So that is all new to me...I hope you are doing well...Talk to you soon....=)

  • Tallgirl

    Support Group

    Seattle, WA
    June Secreto

  • Makayla M

    My experience with the Gripper has been WONDERFUL! I am just bummed that I didn't find it sooner, haha. I am getting some regrowth in the back and on top, and I haven't noticed any problems. My favorite part is that I can go to crowded places without worrying if it's going to get caught on someone and keep going with them! haha :) Good luck! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me!

  • wise1

    Christine I bet you are very excited and nervous with the big day coming tomorrow- wig arrival day :-) looking forward to hearing about it.
  • Elaine

    It was great meeting you in person today! Hope to see you again soon :)
  • BTB (John)

    Read your response to Pats post on inappropriate messages thought it would get a bigger response as ti cant be just a few who these non supportive messages.

  • OKblessed

    Thank you so much for the Glue idea! I never would have thought a spiking gel would work to hold the wig on.