Started this discussion. Last reply by Rose Jan 13, 2012. 7 Replies 0 Likes
Hi everyone,I need some advice on wigs. I am missing about 1 inch of hair around my face. Does anyone have any experience with frontal wigs?My biggest concern is that the wig will fall off when I am…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Carla Oct 11, 2011. 13 Replies 0 Likes
Hello,I am hoping someone out there can share their experience of cortisone shots with me. I am having a tough time accepting my AA because it is right around the frame of my face so I can't pull my…Continue
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Welcome to AR and thank you for requesting my friendship. :-)
God will never cause anything more
Than we can bare.
I will keep you in my prayers
Greater peace have they to those whose
Mind in on the Lord
And no I have not had injections on my
Or around my Forehead. I've had almost
3yrs of injections everywhere else on my
I'm glad you are here on this site. You will find lots of support!
I totally understand what you're going through with your family. As I was researching my book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!", I talked with a number of women who had similar problems. One woman's husband even left her because of her hair loss. Pretty crummy. I also discuss a lot of beauty tips and wigs--different kinds, where to find them, how to care for them, etc --in the book.
Thanks for the nice compliments! I am really fortunate with my skin -- I think that's inherited from my mom. Unfortunately, the alopecia is inherited from her side of the family too! Although she didn't have it, her uncle did.
I have been wearing full wigs for about 25 years. I have a "wardrobe" of both synthetic and human hair wigs. I like synthetic because it's wash and wear, great for travel and the gym, gardening, stuff like that. The human hair is European because I had such fine hair that the Asian and Indian hair don't look natural and they are heavily bleached. I wear the human hair, full lace custom wigs for special occasions.
Let me know if you need help, need to talk. That's what I'm here for.
How are you today?
Leslie Ann
They do work as it buys you sometime
Without having to change your appearance
so dramatically. Everyones experience is
unique as each of us are. I can recommend
That It is best to have the smaller areas done
rather than wait too long & have them larger
The only wavering I've had on this is that any
Type of steroid your putting in your body over
A period of time can't really be good right? And
For me my spots just kept overtaking by showing
Up somewhere else on my scalp & the bigger the area
The more injections you need. I have a very high
Threshold for pain tolerance & managed- this isn't for
The faint of heart. I have decided not to further my
Treatments ( u go every 6wks) as my last time I had
What you call a vasovegal attack in which your
Body just decides that the stress of the injections
Pain is too much & I had problems breathing & fainted
Now mind you this is why I stated to go when there
Smaller in size. I was dealing with some large areas
I now am just waiting this out & with a few good
Tricks from the hair stylist an thank God that things
Have held out this long. I'm about 6-12 months
Away I figure from having to shave my head. And
That's okay cause I've had the past few yrs to really
Just sell my own self on each phase an alopecian
must endure.
God Bless you in whatever decision you have
made or will make in the future.