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  • Schertz, TX
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I'm 21 years old, I have had alopecia now for about a year. the first few months a wore a hat after finally deciding to shave my head.. Well now the little hair left is growing really thick so even when I shave my head you can still easily notice the dark spots.. its extremely depressing, ive sort of disconnected myself from society, i dont know what to do besides live with it which becomes very tiresome.. Everyone tells me I dont look bad, but sometimes its not just how you look or how you think you may look, it's the fact that I have lost a part of myself, iv'e lost something iv'e always had. It's strange how things can change so quick, dealing with this has been the hardest thing I have ever encountered. I have my good days and I have my bad, which i'm sure we all do, just would be nice if EVERYDAY was a burst of self confidence! :-))
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
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Jarod's Blog

Alopecia and gluten?

Posted on November 4, 2011 at 8:30pm 12 Comments

I've been doing a ton of reading on gluten and from what I hear, gluten can cause Celiac disease which can ultimately lead to alopecia. I'm trying to do as much research on this as possible and would like as much help in doing so. I'm also thinking about trying a gluten free diet for a few months just to see if I get any regrowth. Who knows, it' worth a shot right?

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At 1:00pm on February 25, 2013, Tallgirl said…

Well, let's see...what all can one "lose" by age 25? Innocence, baby face, baby weight, high school drama, living at mama's house, beat up hand-me-down dad's car, old toys, family rules (if you move out of their house), etc. Hair may or may not be a loss. My son is 25 and losing his hairline, as all men in my family tree have done even without alopecia. So...are we any less US with the above losses? No.

Now list the gains of being over 21. I'll bet the list is WAYYYY longer. Find the inner and professional you that you are meant to be in your family tree and for your future kids. Stick a hat on it and leave the mirror sob sessions to the teen girls. You are a good-looking guy, and have a whole world out there to meet. Take the A Train, get out of Dodge, follow your dream, get the right college degrees and beginning jobs. You can do this. I did it at 21, in the 1970s. And I am female.

At 11:45pm on December 18, 2011, Sarah said…

Hello there Jarod- We all know and can relate to how you're feeling. It's amazing how many different backgrounds there are here, isn't it? It's also amazing how many people won't ever have to deal with this condition in their lifetime, won't ever have to consider it, and won't ever give it a thought. Being a 28 year old divorced lady, I feel like I'll never have the opportunity for someone to be attracted to me (bald) ever again. You know what, there is someone for everyone... in friendships, in relationships, etc. So, if anything... from this experience, as awful as it truly is, accept it as a humbling experience to overlook others' disabilities or 'defects'; no matter what they are. You're going to discover that you're stronger than you ever knew dealing with this, and that the world is not going to end because of it :-) We're all here to support each other... that's especially why I'm here! -Sarah K.

At 9:08pm on November 13, 2011, Hope said…
Hi Jarod, 
After awhile the bad days are few and far between. I began losing my hair at 23 and remember how difficult it was, but you at least have us to help you cope, listen, and vent!! So keep your head up and know that we are here to help you get through some of the tough times!
At 12:21am on November 8, 2011, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Jarod, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Be sure to check out "10 tips for getting the most out of Alopecia World” which include a few tips to get you started!
Cheryl, co-founder
At 9:32am on November 7, 2011, Colleen said…
Hi Jarod.. thanks for the friend request =)
At 9:27pm on November 6, 2011, Pamela Rosse said…
Hi Jarod
Welcome to Alopecia World :)
AW is a great & wonderful place to meet fellow alopecians. It's so wonderful when you find out, wow, I'm not alone. This disease can really wreck havoc on a body. If I may pay you a compliment, you're very handsome young man. So hang in there, everyday holds the possibility of a miracle. Check the NAAF website, they are a great organization. Their conference is in Washington DC this year, July 19 - 22, 2012. Talk about a confidence booster, it's a big one. Take care of you & once again welcome to AW.
At 7:08pm on November 6, 2011, Lili said…
Thanks for the request, nice to meet you :)
At 11:17pm on November 5, 2011, JeffreySF said…
Hi Jarod,
Welcome to Alopecia World.
I know what you are going through. It was really tough for me for the first year or so.If you haven't done so, I suggest getting involved in a local support group through www.naaf.org
At 2:13pm on November 5, 2011, Nachiketa Sanyal said…
sure jarod.. lemme know wat you get
At 11:49am on November 5, 2011, Tallgirl said…
Whole Foods ia awesome! Take some ready-made dinners home, too!


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