My Name is Jazzmyn but called Jazz for short. I am 12yrs old and have been dealing with alopecia for some years now.
I love playing sports; soccer, softball, flag football and Basketball the most! i also love to COOK You will one day see me in the WNBA or owing my own resturant
How is everything? Just stopping by to say hello and to let you know that you are not alone. They say GOD puts no more on us then we can bear and I am a believer that you will make it.
I think it's a great that your spreading the word about Alopecia because knowledge is power. I know that the last couples of months have taken a toll but be encouraged their is sunshine after the rain. GOD didn't bring you this far to leave you. I know from experience that it's hard when your baby is hurting and you wish you could make it go away. I know kids can be cruel but keep your head up. GOD created us all different and we are all wonderful masterpiece. Outer beauty fades with time and inter beauty last forever. Jazz your are a beautiful girl and your hair doesn't define who you are. I know kids can be mean but you don't have a problem. They have the problem. Jazz hold your head up and keep smiling because you are and always will be Beautiful!Be encourage and GOD BLESS!!!
YOU start smiling because you have such a beautiful smile. Show folks who you are inside....your HEART Jazz.
You may have to help children smaller than you deal with this, so start believing in yourself and LOVE every part of YOU. Everyone else will follow suit.
Take care...tell your mom to give you my # and you call me anytime...k
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What a great name!
How are you doing with your alopecia? Are the kids treating you okay?
How is everything? Just stopping by to say hello and to let you know that you are not alone. They say GOD puts no more on us then we can bear and I am a believer that you will make it.
Remember that you are special
I think it's a great that your spreading the word about Alopecia because knowledge is power. I know that the last couples of months have taken a toll but be encouraged their is sunshine after the rain. GOD didn't bring you this far to leave you. I know from experience that it's hard when your baby is hurting and you wish you could make it go away. I know kids can be cruel but keep your head up. GOD created us all different and we are all wonderful masterpiece. Outer beauty fades with time and inter beauty last forever. Jazz your are a beautiful girl and your hair doesn't define who you are. I know kids can be mean but you don't have a problem. They have the problem. Jazz hold your head up and keep smiling because you are and always will be Beautiful!Be encourage and GOD BLESS!!!
You may have to help children smaller than you deal with this, so start believing in yourself and LOVE every part of YOU. Everyone else will follow suit.
Take care...tell your mom to give you my # and you call me anytime...k
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